Author Topic: Airsoft  (Read 576 times)

Offline NHFoxtro

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« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2002, 12:57:14 PM »
Mauser he said BB, not plastic BB, thats a different story. I would do that. I jumped to that conclusion because when I was Nachos age I had no problem runing around the neiborhood with my friends hunting one another with the real BB guns, I got enough scars from that hehehe. :)

Archery is cool also, I've been doing that along with Black powder Rifles for a while now,Alot of fine tunning and sighting in, but accurate as hell. I enjoy the both of them alot more than the High Power stuff, but I do love my AR15.

LaPaul, that was a funny story. Had LMAO.They way you describe, it sounds like that guy invented the first muzzle loading paintball rifle. hehehe:D

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2002, 02:00:48 PM »
Yup, that thing hurt like hell.  I remeber he had blue paintballs in the thing, so I wasnt really sure when the bruise was gone, or if it was paint  :)

The other neat gun I got pasted with was an Uzi of sorts.  More like those Mac 10's you used to see on Miami Vice all the time.  It was a neat gun, it had a plastic cartidge casing, then held a small paintball pellet (like those airsoft ones, I think)...BUT...for power, it didnt use air or used a .357 PRIMER!  So it made a heck of a racket when fired. fired at a rate of 700+ rounds a minute.  But, the gun only held like 33 rounds in the clip.  So it was "braaaaaaaap" and you are outta ammo

Well, let me tell you, that mutha hurt!  I jumped the guy, he turned, fired and I thought he had a real gun, I saw expended cartridges flying everywhere and of course that sounds of those primers popping was amazing.

Oh yea, we've had some real good times with paintball guns.  There was that car-to-car battle we had on Interstate 95.  I think the statue of limitations are up, so we can talk about that one  ;)

Offline keyapaha

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« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2002, 02:03:29 PM »
hehe bottle rocket wars now there's some fun

  go find a big empty parking lot everone in there cars drive around windows rolled down u out if a rocket gets in your car.:D

Offline NHFoxtro

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« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2002, 03:15:09 PM »
Now Bottle Rockets. That's something I was really good at. We had your type that put them in a sawed off Wiffle ball bat on our block to. I had more accuracy and could fire three times as many by just throwing them. When I had time I use to put two sets of 3 tegether, light it, lob it up about 20ft, by then the tip was getting ready to point down. I use to clear the corners on my block around 4th of July. hehehehe

Did you guys every do a time bomb with an M80 or blockbuster with filter torn of a lit cigarette? GREAT FUN!!!!!! :) hehehehe

Or what about those big Water Ballon Launchers. They were great help at Halloween. hehehehe.

I've mellowed out some when I hit my  30's hehehe

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2002, 03:55:56 PM »
I may be dating myself here, but the old "prealuminum" soda cans used to make a perfectly sized tennis ball cannon.

We would cut the bottom and top out of about 6 cans for the barrel, and leave one can intact for the breech end. When taped together this became a 4' cannon. The bottom of the breech can was poked with a tiny hole, and this became the bottom of the cannon. A tennis ball was jammed into the top of the cannon like a muzzle loader. We then squirted a tiny bit of lighter fluid into the breech can, shook it up to vaporize it, and lit a match to the tiny hole.

The tennis ball would easily travel a full block in the air, but the real fun came when shooting it at someone hiding behind a mattress or other such object. It's a wonder some of us are alive.:D

Offline XNachoX

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« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2002, 07:01:32 PM »
Hehe you guys are comparing a .2 gram bb to a 65 cal paintball in terms of pain....i wanted to test my new gun (mac-11...which holds 50 rounds in the cilp and fires at a rate of 1200 RPM) so i gave my brother 5 shots (if i had given him more he'd have gone full auto haha :) ) and I tested it out....shoots around 300 feet per second and it left a red dot that went away in 5 minutes....You should give it a try..get a cheap springer or a mini electric (crappy little guns that are about 1/3 of the real thing and made almost entirely of ABS plastic and they fire about 175 feet per automatic springers.)  I myself bit the bullet and bought my KSC mac-11 which cost 130 not including extra mags, bb's, gas etc. and i've not regretted it yet...gonig to my first airsoft game this weekend and i'll let you know how it turns out :)

Offline NHFoxtro

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« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2002, 08:25:59 PM »
Sorry Nacho things got off subject when these guys started talking about blowing things up. hehehe

Oh by the way Midnight, I love the 4" Cannon! I never heard that one before. Well I'll just call it a night guys.

( Tells wife need cigs, gets in car, runs to Costco for 6 pac of coke a sleave of balls and can of Zippo) (maybe a box of 10pennys from home depot)


Offline XNachoX

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« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2002, 09:02:52 PM »
lol as long as the post has to do w/ anything remotely related I'm happy :D.  "nite fox
« Last Edit: March 19, 2002, 10:05:22 PM by XNachoX »

Offline easymo

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« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2002, 09:33:27 PM »
Join the Army.  The thrill of being shot at by a real AK47 is unforgettable.

Offline XNachoX

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« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2002, 10:03:07 PM »
Now was that comment really necissary Easymo?  We were all just having some fun and recounting memories.....

Offline Pei

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« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2002, 09:42:04 AM »
I used to play when I was back in the UK. It has the advantage of being cheaper than Paintball but it does require everyonoe to be honest. I have an HK SG1 with some nice mods back home but I haven't used the thing in 2 years.
The big sites over there tach your guns before going on the field: 400fps is usually max allowedd IIRC. We once had a guy show up with a modded gun that tach'ed at over 650 fps!

One of the issues in this day and age will be that the guns look real: they make the law very nervous indeed especially in the last 6 months.