Author Topic: AH feature requests...  (Read 104 times)

Offline Esme

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AH feature requests...
« on: March 21, 2002, 01:45:58 PM »
1. Can we please have cockpit dials that we can customise ourselves, plus the ability to scale the altimeter readings? That way, we can create metric measurment dials for planes that had metric dials in RL. It's annoying having to fly German, Italian and Japanese planes with Imperial dials - can you imagine the screams if people had to fly US planes with metric dials?

The reason for needing a scalng command is because the altimeter goes more than once "around the clock".  If we can tell our front end to scale the pointer positions by .3 or whatever, then so long as we create our dials correctly, the altimeter will then show the correct altitude in kilometres and metres.

Such a capability would still not give completely historical cockpit dials, as typically the zero points on metric altimeters were at the bottom, rather than the top, of the dial, but heck, we can live with that.

In essence, this feature would allow users to display the cockpit information however they prefered. If they wanted their altitude in furlongs and speed in moogles per wombat, they could design their dials in a paint program accordingly, all without bothering anyone else at all.

2.Darker nights, or nights whose darkness can be tuned (are moonless nights possible? If not, could they be, please, for usein scenario games, even if not in the MA?)

3. incendiaries or parachute flares as a possible partial bomb load
 I personally wouldnt care if the incendiaries didnt do any damage at all, so long as they were nice and visible on the ground at night. They neednt act as a light source for illumination purposes, either, just so long as they can be used to help mark targets i conditions of poor visibility.

4. A simple form of AI (airborne intercept) display capability in appropriate plane types only.  Just indications of dead ahead, or left a bit, left lots, up a bit, up lots, very close, not very close, etc. - would be fine.

5. Less easy to define, this.. in the few days I've been playing AH, it's struck me how often one goes from having a fully intact plane to WALLOP! - dead and back in the tower, pretty much no matter what one is flying.The damage modelling, on the odd occasion one sees it, is nice - I LOVE having seperate fuel tanks to play with, so that a hole in one doesnt lose you all your fuel! - but I've only seen it a couple of times in quite a few deaths.  It gives planes in AH a feeling I can only desribe as "brittle" compared to those in the other sims Ive flown (WB and IL2).  one way or another, it'd be nice to have time to think "Oh, heck, this is it, we're all going to DIIIEEEE!!!" more often before actually doing so, and experience "BLAM! sigh... must repaint the tower, this weekend..." a tad less often.

Not a complaint about the damage modelling or target hardness so much as a plea to not be startled quite so badly when I screw up and get myself killed! :-}  

6. Back to night flying again... just a thought: sparse runway lights to mark a field at night. One possbility could be that they'd show for just a few seconds on player request, so that planes on rtb could more safely attempt to land, but risk giving themselves away to night-fighters when doing so. (and also risk making their field an easier target for hostile bombers, too, of course). As with the parachute flares/incendiaries, they dont have to function as an actual light source, just so log as theyre visible from the air.

Esme (esmers in AH)

Offline oboe

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AH feature requests...
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2002, 04:24:33 PM »
Nice ideas all, Esme.

Welcome to AH!    Hope to see you in the Combat Theater.   You'll find it more survivable than the MA.