hmmm.. Elfenwolf yer obviously a tard. And obviously have no kids either, which I think to be a good thing.
MT what good is a cell phone in this situation? Perp sees you using it and, if yer lucky, tells ya to shut it off/drop it. If you're not lucky he puts a bullet through it and your head at the same time.
Was Dad hunting the perps? I don't think so. He was prepared if they showed up while he was there to pick up his son though.
I don't know about you nay sayers, but given the same situation I'd have done the same thing. I've got 3 kids and I'll be damned if anyone other that God himself is going to take'em out of this world. If you threaten one of my kids with a weapon of any kind you'd better be ready to get a pair of slugs center mass and go on to meet your maker.
I have license to carry and my preferred weapon is a Colt 1911-A1 chambered in .45ACP carried in Condition 1. I've participated in USPSA/IPSC events. I never really went for all the speed rigs you see guys using, always used my every day carry rig. The idea was to practice getting the weapon online quickly and accurately if it were ever needed.
Creamo he probably wasn't loading Black Talons because Winchester made the available only to law enforcement etc back in the early-mid 90's. Ya might could still pick'em up at gun shows, but I haven't been to a show in long time so I haven't kept up with'em. I always preferred the Reminton Golden Sabers as my carry load. The "flying trashcans" they were called