Author Topic: Restrict Patrol Torpedo Boat Spawning?  (Read 208 times)

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Restrict Patrol Torpedo Boat Spawning?
« on: March 25, 2002, 11:08:23 PM »
Shouldn't patrol torpedo boat spawning be restricted to shoreline bases?   The at-sea swarms of PTs that sometimes emerge after their host carrier and cruiser are sunk seem rather pointless.

Did PT boats in real battles ever get near enemy fleets without long hazardous approaches from shore bases?  It seems awfully unfair for PT boats to sometimes keep suddenly popping up right next to enemy ships when they were not there from the start of the battle.  

Would it make sense to constitute one or two PT boat tenders in the fleets so the PT boats would not have to be launched from shore?  Then sinking the tenders would cut off the PT boat supply just as sinking the carrier cuts off new aircraft.
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Offline Mark Luper

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Restrict Patrol Torpedo Boat Spawning?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2002, 06:25:06 AM »
This idea makes sense to me.

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Offline tofri at work

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Restrict Patrol Torpedo Boat Spawning?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2002, 06:42:58 AM »
Yes, absolutely!!

And stop that silly upping of spits and nikis,
if a field is down to one fighter hangar.
In "real life" that wouldn't happen either :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline hazed-

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Restrict Patrol Torpedo Boat Spawning?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2002, 08:13:41 AM »
tofri come on you cant think the sawning is not a 'gamey' aspect(im assuming what you said is sarcasm?). fun sure for a bit but there no skill involved being a ships gunner killing the swarms and it bolsters scores until they become an unrealistic representation of peoples skill levels, which is the whole point of the rank system.
Ive been on the guns when hundreds(!!) of pts have spawned.None of them got further than 20 yards, all of them were firing their torpedoes off completely blind and exploding.when this happened i think skurj(?) got some 150 kills i got 30 others got in the 50's. the server actually crashed at that time and im not sure but i think this may have been the cause.

some 30 players upping for half a second firing off 4 torpedoes each, 10 or so people manning the guns firing rapidly probably overloaded the game engine??.

Did it take skill ? of course not but all of us gunning now have an artifitially high score which is unbeatable unless others do the exact same thing.
'Gaming the game' i think is the term. I wont do it anymore, its silly and ruins any immersion the game has to offer.It was a laugh though so maybe it should stay.
What i think would solve it is if, once the CV and cruiser is dead, the fleet should not be able to be steered by players. This way the commander cant chase the enemy fleet  spawning like idiots :D.Your country has lost its fleet by then.firing off 300 torpedoes is a silly way to try to exact some revenge.

PT should be allowed to spawn from fleets though, Who wants to drive a PT for 2 hours before you see an enemy? not me thanks. My maximum for my boredom threshhold is around 20mins or so of driving/sailing/whatever, before i decide makeing my way to a target is too too dull :)

Offline SKurj

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Restrict Patrol Torpedo Boat Spawning?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2002, 08:50:17 AM »
Think the host crashes when ya get 120 kills per sortie +)
