Author Topic: slow motion record to avi?  (Read 572 times)

Offline Sancho

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slow motion record to avi?
« on: March 28, 2002, 09:57:53 PM »
when you output to avi, if you adjust the speed slider, this has no affect on the speed of the avi file.  It would be useful to be able to adjust this, or when choosing framerate for the avi, have an option for slow motion video.  Some snapshot guncam snippets are over way too quickly.  I could adjust the speed in my video editor program, but the movement gets very slide show like as you slow down the speed.

Offline hazed-

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slow motion record to avi?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2002, 12:08:14 PM »
sancho ive been using bink to slow films down but im a novice with it at the moment.

It allows you to save files like avis and change the frame rates.

If you take a 25fps film and then convert it to 12 fps it plays at half speed quite smoothly.It can go to around 8fps before it appears to jerk slightly.

It apparently can save fims to a specified size, automatically compreesiing to the ratio needed and allows you to preveiw it as you do it which is superb but again im a novice so ive only scraped the surface.

theres many tools including interlacing to reduce size of files etc so it may welll help you in other areas.I got mine from this site which is a cool place for free stuff.

Offline weazel

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If your using virtual dub
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2002, 12:15:29 PM »
You can use decimation to slow down the avi frame rate.

Offline mason22

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slow motion record to avi?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2002, 01:25:54 PM »
but what i think Sancho is saying is that the slider bar for the speed of the film doens't get translated into the AVI output.

It would be great if it would. Instead of using the aftermarket stuff to "simulate" slow motion, the AHfilm would creat a realtime slowmotion. This way we could have a true slow motion with smooth framerates as opposed to just slowing down the FPS and not increasing the amount of frames which is what the after market stuff does.

Offline hitech

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slow motion record to avi?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2002, 01:40:56 PM »
Good sudgestion:

Other things we are planing.

A camer capture system.

This would alow you to set all view points/directions/and types i.e. internal/external  then when you make the avi it would replay from these views.

A voice capture system that alows additional voice overs to be added to the films, mainly for training purposes.

A system that will capture you orignal view & look directions for playback use.

Offline AKIron

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slow motion record to avi?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2002, 02:27:59 PM »
Excellent hitech.

Don't know if these are possible but 2 things I'd like to see are the ability to zoom in further from the chase view and the ability to create an offset from padlock and chase view.

Not sure what I mean is clear so I'll elaborate. From an external padlock view the enemy plane is blocked by my plane. I'd like to slew this view while still maintaining the padlock so that I can see he padlocked plane. Same for chase view.
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