There were 3 Fighter Groups of P-51B's flying in February '44 as far as I know.
No P-51D's at that point.
The 109G10 wasn't available then either, but there were quite a few G6's with the DB605 AM or ASM engines, (methanol injection) which has somewhat similar performance, (around 428mph at best alt, instead of 452mph with this G10) so it would probably be a good idea to allow the German side a few of those. The majority of the 109's would be G6's. The G2 was long gone from the inventory of the German Staffel.
There were also quite a few P-38J's flying. The AH P-38L is quite a bit better aircraft so including it would be optional. Perhaps a few for flavour.
The 190A5's and A6's had mostly been replaced by heavy A7's and A8's by February, although some of the earlier aircraft might still be operational with the Luftwaffe Tactical Fighter units based in France and in southern Belgium. These units were still contesting the Spitfires and Typhoons sweeps over France and the medium bomber groups attacking the V1 sites in the Pas de Calais.
The majority of the B17's would be B17F's, but some G models were in use and more were coming on stream.