Author Topic: The Japanese LW?  (Read 1444 times)

Offline Dowding

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The Japanese LW?
« Reply #45 on: September 19, 2001, 04:37:00 PM »
Hey Sling, my sentiments exactly, pal.  ;)
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Offline Tac

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« Reply #46 on: September 19, 2001, 05:04:00 PM »
I dont WHINE. I give...ummm.. constructive criticism with a tad of sarcasm.. yeah, thats it.  ;)

Offline Toad

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« Reply #47 on: September 19, 2001, 05:23:00 PM »
Well, one things for sure... Drex and Hooligan have never learned the "fly straight and level" escape maneuver.

Work with them on that, Laz... I'd really appreciate it.

At least Drex's "point to Toad" radar seems to be in the shop lately.   ;)

The one's I really respect? They're the ones that are so good they realize they don't need to remind everyone they meet every chance they get in every post they make.

To me, "good" has a lot of ingredients.   :D
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Offline Wotan

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« Reply #48 on: September 19, 2001, 06:46:00 PM »
we have a couple of half decent sticks in the bk's but they are virtually unheard of... that drex guy and hooli are showing some small bit of promise but of course their stats aren't near so good as you guys.... No disipline I suppose. I keep telling them "quit having fun! this isn't a game damnit!" but do you think they will listen and pay attention to their stats? Nooooo. Still... I tell em.... "your not any good till your stats show it".

Who is this directed at?
when did i mention stats? or skill or any of that? am I the one telling you how to have fun or is that coming from you?

sturmie never left. and I dont care what urchin flies any more then i care what you fly or how you fly it.

you're the one finding it necessary to point out what people fly as if you had some impact on it.

As much as they may be whiners its you and sling types that spend as much time whining about them "i'm sick of lwhiner whines" as if theres a difference. all we need now is a seeker post calling us nazis..........

you see a post by a percieved "lwhiner" why read it and work yourself into a whine reply?

much like my sig u if dont like it dont read it cause aint a fediddlein thing you whine about that will change it.

You keep sayin its a game but your the one taking things far more serious then me.

Offline -ammo-

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« Reply #49 on: September 19, 2001, 06:59:00 PM »
Wotan, lighten up. I could care less what people fly, its there money. If someone comes to this BBS and whines about a certain AC then is shown to fly it, then they have become a target of someones humor. I am having too much fun to get all heated over something as silly as you getting your feelings hurt :) I flew with urchin 1 on 1 in the DA one evening and enjoyed myself thoroughly. Hes pretty good too. I have no issues with any of your folks. Can I laugh at you LWeeners too? would you mind?

lazs, nope, I could care less if they fix the bombers. I dont fly them enough to. My signature relates to my way of handling the WTC attack
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« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2001, 09:14:00 PM »
I dont fly niki much anymore, tho I did use it more in tours 9, 12, 15 and 16. You can check the numbers on that if you wish. Every other tour it has had few/insignificant or no kills at all.

The funny thing is nearly every time I flew it was during a vulch or desperate defense situation and almost never on offensive missions and i could still get a fairly high KD and a higher kills per sortie and per time than in "real" planes.

And YES I flew it because of its freakshow abilities AND have always asked for it to be changed!

I think im one of the worst and most vocal NIKI haters/complainers asking for it to be looked into and changed, my use of it has shown me that its very bizzare in the vertical and at stall, it can nicley outclimb P51s at 27k (but hitech says B17s can too???), it can do many strange E-retain and E-replenishing moves thus can very easily regain climbing speed with very high climb angle after a stall.

Its really bizzare, and I hope we get positive changes in the FM in v108.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2001, 09:18:00 PM »
Grun, I did do the research on your kills and it coincides with what you stated here. That's why I replied to my ownself with the "well the half of kills was an exageration"..

You did notice what I said about the N1K2 and how I think it's vertical is suspect (read up, I think it was my first post in this thread), so in that point I agree with you.

I honestly have to say though, recently I haven't seen you complaining about the N1K2 as feverishly. That's a good thing, I guess it's because you know 1.08 may hold some fixes you've been asking for.

Since you have recently laid off the BBS in terms of "whining" about the N1K2, I must give you a big S!

See you in the skies, and sorry I called you out in this thread- but Wotan asked for names and I can't look like a stammering fool ALL of the time.   :)


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« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2001, 09:28:00 PM »
Yep SW my complaing about niki wasnt just meant to anger people or cause a fuss, it was to put light on the Niki FM issue. Once I saw that HTC was looking into it and they saw a possible FM problem I stopped because thats all I ever really wanthed to accomplish regarding the Niki.

Another reson I dont complain about them anymore is how easy they are to kill IF (ONLY IF) you gain more experience to work around their bizzare abilities and not go vertical against them from anything but very superior speed dive. They can also be outurned by 109G6s and 190A5s unded the right circumstances and with frendlies above you or in a 2v1.

Thanks for the kind words and the <S>, Im aware that my style on the BBS is not very good and not polite many times but im struggling to improve and be more constructive. Its all too easy and yell and make noise sittoing behind a keyboard and not seeing the people you make uncomfortable.

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #53 on: September 19, 2001, 09:58:00 PM »
grunherz is a recovering whiner....give him some room people! remember your higher power grun.


Offline lazs1

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« Reply #54 on: September 20, 2001, 08:26:00 AM »
toad... I don't believe we have ever fought in the arena?  I have no idea of how you fly.

I think we have been through at least 2 sims together and for the life of me can't remember ever having fought you.   No big deal... just weemed odd to me.   What times do you fly?

hooli and drex do fly straight and level for short periods...  they do it to kill the 6 planes i have just drug out of the ack.   I am the designated dragger for the BK's... for some reason people seem to be attracted to me in the arena.."DD" is as close to "rank" as we get in the bk's.  

[ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: lazs1 ]

Offline Glasses

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« Reply #55 on: September 20, 2001, 08:47:00 AM »
Ahh Urchin it's nice to see you bloom from a naive Luftwaffle into a full fledged Luftwhiner. You have made me so proud,so proud indeed. You're even almost  Gruenherz   ;)

Offline Toad

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« Reply #56 on: September 20, 2001, 08:54:00 AM »
Laz, yeah, don't know if I ever have run into you in all this time.

As to how I fly, the answer is "poorly".

My work sked varies week to week but if I am home I usually fly between 2000-0000 Central.

I'm not kidding you, there was a period a few months back that everybody I ran into was named Drex. I know, because the buffer was filled with "you have been killed by Drex".  :)
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Offline Nifty

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« Reply #57 on: September 20, 2001, 09:24:00 AM »
I can't believe I read this whole thread...
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #58 on: September 20, 2001, 10:22:00 AM »
Wotan, lighten up. I could care less what people fly, its there money. If someone comes to this BBS and whines about a certain AC then is shown to fly it, then they have become a target of someones humor. I am having too much fun to get all heated over something as silly as you getting your feelings hurt  

ummmmmmm wtf are you talking about?

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #59 on: September 20, 2001, 12:12:00 PM »
jesus what a pile of horse manure.

some questioned the NIK performance whilst others called them whiners.......
how strange that HTC found some problems.
some question the flying of the P47d11 whilst others called them whiners........
how strange that HTC discover its modeled incorrectly in weight.
some questioned the armour of the vehicles and others called them whiners.......
 HTC changes it.(it still has problems.)
Some questioned the damage model for engines and tails of CERTAIN  :D aircraft while others called them whiners........
Now HTC is looking into it.
Some questioned the need for more strategy whilst others called them whiners.......
HTC intoduce trains,roads,bridges etc and integrate them into game structure for 1.08.
some question the B17s performance at high alt whilst others called them whiners.......
wonder what HTC will tell us.

anyone see a pattern?

If we cut out those that called them whiners over and over and HTC just let the community know about what they are checking or changing (like the 300lb too light p47d11) the questions on the games performance inconsistancies are greatly reduced.
Its the same people who accuse people of alterior motives for their posted questions.The same people who constantly use the crap like 'luftwhiner' etc.Its just a shame they cant think of new tactics.Name calling,accusing others of taking things too seriously whilst in the same sentance offending them knowing they have to answer, generally being antagonistic in their replies.
kind of reminds me of the playground in infants school.I'll no longer converse with the idiots but unfortunately every now and then they get me annoyed and i cant resist.
wotan forget what they are saying mate, its clearly just written to anger you.

let em say what they like im beginning to realise im not alone in thinking most are idiots and i dont feel the need to answer their insults anymore.