Author Topic: Important!!! Tod Participants Please Read Here!!!  (Read 553 times)

Offline sling322

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Important!!! Tod Participants Please Read Here!!!
« on: May 06, 2002, 03:25:55 PM »
The new BOB terrain is up in the SEA.    :)

We are planning on using this new terrain in the upcoming TOD which starts on Friday.  We will do our best effort to make sure that it stays up there....except during Wild Wednesday of course.  

Please go into the SEA and get the terrain download before the event on Friday.

Getting in late on Friday because you had to sit thru a terrain download is not a very good excuse.  Please take advantage of the opportunity to get the terrain early.  This will also help us out with connect issues Friday nite cause we wont have a million people trying to get the terrain at the same time.  

This will also give you a chance to check this terrain out before the event to keep you from getting blindsided by some BnZing Luftwobble while you are gazing in awe at the beautiful countryside.:D