The Ta152 in AH is a very nice aircraft for those that know how to use it, it has a nice combination of 190 like performance, bomber like range, and the punch that is unlike any other LW aircraft, except the Me262. Besides of it having all this, it has 3 major weaknesses, weak wings, slow SL Top speed, and fuel allocation ,the latter at least, could be remedied by the way the fuel is arranged in AH.
As I researched about the Ta152 series I found out that not only did the Ta152H-1 like we have in AH has a higher top speed at alttitude than we see portrayed ,but the wing tanks' intended use was for long range flight and the only 2 primary tanks were the FWD and AFT tanks,both of which were self ceiling fuel tanks, while the wing tanks held fuel in a type of bladder, which was not self ceiling and were only intended for long range flights,sort of like the way the P51's Aft was filled when it went in long range patrol duties, with the external tanks aswell.
My request is instead of filling the wing tanks with fuel right off from 25% that the wing tanks are filled similarly in the fashion the P51's aft tank is filled at 25, 50 ,75 ,and 100%,which would reflect the fuel load the ta152 most likely used in the Winter of '45.
For example at 25% ---- FWD 30%
Aft 30%
Lft & Rgt 15%
50%---- FWD & AFT 60%
LFT& RGT 30%
75%----- FWD & AFT 100%
LFT & RGT 60%
100%------FWD,AFT,LFT,RGHT 100%
Some of my suggestions feel free to modify as you like. Hopefully this will help the Ta152 somewhat in AH ,if Pyro indeed implements it and I hope he does.
El Glassoid