Author Topic: GeForce DDR?  (Read 761 times)


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GeForce DDR?
« on: January 28, 2000, 09:12:00 AM »
Is there anyone here using the GeForce DDR (not the SDR)?

What kind of frame rate do you get and at what resolution?  Are you running it on a coppermine MB with the 133mhz FSB?

I'm about to do some upgrades on my pc and just wanted to verify that AH works with it.


Offline JimBear

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GeForce DDR?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2000, 01:05:00 PM »
Catman, I have the CL APro and am getting forward fps from 46-56, up view fps in 80s
Running the 3.72 drivers on a P2-450@527
tried O/C the card to 330mhz with core at 130 and the fps jumped about 10% but after 30minutes or so artifacts started appearing. Btw  this is at 1024x768 32bit. Good luck with your upgrades =)

=VMF111= Devil Dogs


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GeForce DDR?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2000, 03:13:00 PM »
Running my ddr on athlon 600 with 256 meg ram. Getting round 55 fps in 1280x1024 res. at 1024x768 fps rise to about 70 in normal cocpit view. The extra resolution does help a great deal reading gauges and much sharper,cleaner images. Tried 1200x1600 few times, but fps dumps down in the 30s while over bases, or when too close to smoke..otherwise its 45 fps or so even at that res..the card is unparalleled for performance. I have a tnt2, voodoo3 3000, and the ddr eats all of em for lunch.
