Author Topic: AW Versus AH  (Read 117 times)

Offline sirch

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AW Versus AH
« on: June 05, 2002, 10:40:04 AM »
Thanks ALL, for all those great replies. My 2 weeks are over, and I just went for the 6 mo. deal paid in advance for 1 free week. I guess I'll be around for a while. I just today tried to hook up my old CH pro throttle and CH force feedback stick LOL. Now I find it wont or dont work well with my new puter set-up. I called CH and they explained I should get the newer USB type rigs. They also tell me my wireless WISE TECH keyboard may mess up thing also. I've been reading most of your threads about joysticks, and it seems the COUGAR is a favorite here. Guess I'll be looking for one of those now. Only thing LOL I'm having a hell of a time catching on to flying in here. I have never been killed so much LOL. I see a big difference in my flying abilities since I turned 62 this year. ( I flew in AW in my mid 50's) . But what the hell if I can still fly the real thing, I guess i'll catch on again.;)

Offline Ripsnort

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AW Versus AH
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2002, 10:42:15 AM »
Welcome Sirch! Steep learning curve here, the best of the best flight simmers fly here, thus "Aces High" name ;)  It'll take longer than two weeks to get your confidence back up again, but hang in there!  Wing up and be happy!

Offline hawk220

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AW Versus AH
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2002, 10:46:00 AM » took me a long time to keep from crashing.. but I'll tell you..when you get that sweet kill the first time, you will feel like getting up and doing a little dance...

Offline midnight Target

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AW Versus AH
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2002, 11:05:10 AM »
Hang in there Sirch,

I was once a top 20 pilot in AW FR, been here 8 months and I still pretty much suck. But the sim is great and the community is too. Look me up and I'll wing with ya.

Offline K West

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AW Versus AH
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2002, 11:17:11 AM »
Welcome Sirch!

"I called CH and they explained I should get the newer USB type rigs."

 Bah! Baloney. Unless you have XP they should work fine and even if you have XP there is a work around if you're comfortable partitioning your hard drive.  What's your curent operating system and what are you plugging your gear into (gameport or gamecard)?



Offline gofaster

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Re: AW Versus AH
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2002, 12:47:44 PM »
Originally posted by sirch
I just today tried to hook up my old CH pro throttle and CH force feedback stick LOL. Now I find it wont or dont work well with my new puter set-up. I called CH and they explained I should get the newer USB type rigs. They also tell me my wireless WISE TECH keyboard may mess up thing also.

I'm still using my old CH Combatstick and regular CH pedals from my AW days.  No problems here.  I'm using Windows ME on a Dell Dimension Intel machine, with the stick and pedals plugged into a Soundblaster Live! gameport.