Originally posted by 10Bears
Had you spent a little more time planning, you would've realized that drawing a stright line across Germany crossing 5 major cities would be foolish.]
I spent time planning, more than most probably do. I flew the entire route two different ways. The straight line to target was the only way the B17s could go if they expected to make it to target and back before frame end. I took 1:45 minutes at maximum power to make the trip, and that was with no waiting for other B17s to form up. Realisticly, the B17s would have to fly at reduced throttle to allow everyone to stay in formation.
Originally posted by 10Bears
Had you not been AWOL and sent the orders in a timely mannor, we might've found out how many jets they planned to sortie we couldn've pitched a squeak.
What would we squeak about? I saw the projected numbers and that's how it goes. I supposed you would have wanted to whine about it?
Originally posted by 10Bears
Also, Had you not been AWOL, more allied pilots wouldn've shown up. Many didn't because maybe they thought the event was cancled.
Cancelled? Come off it, 10bears that is the lamest thing you could have said. If it were cancelled, there would have been plenty of posts about it in here and everyone would have known.
Originally posted by 10Bears
Now what's your excuse? Real life matters?... I can understand that but what I don't understand is how you can't find time in an entire week to send at least a little note to someone.. anyone describing your situation.
No my friend, this MASSIVE LOSS is your responsability and yours alone.
1) I don't like you making public privite messages when my email address is available
2) I don't like you trying to deflect responsability when you know damn well it's your fault.
I'm not your friend and your not mine.
I have no need to make an excuse. Had my orders been issued on Monday, I highly doubt that it would have changed the outcome very much.
Too bad about making this public. Had you stuck around after dropping your comment, I would have been talking to you in private about it, but when I tried to tune you on private channel, you had already left.
Originally posted by 10Bears
Please don't come back here and start some kind of flame war with me.. that would be unfortunate Just take your lumps and go on with life. There are reasons why I can't get involved in a flame war at this time, but I suggest two good books.. Aircraft Combat Manouvers and the Art of War... read em and re-read em. Find out how you can use stealth and surprise to defeat your enmey.
I don't need to read those books to know how to plan missions. I have made several battle plans for TODs now, and have had plenty of success with then.
I know all about stealth and suprise, and would love to have gone the long way in to throw off the LW. However, time contraints prohibited the long flight, and with our forces on radar the entire flight, there was really no chance of any sort of stealth mission anyway.
To other squads that may have been stuck in B17s each frame, I appologize. I wanted to review the results for the first 2 frames, but the events page was down. I know it would have been good to allow others to be in fighters, however skernsk requested "a lot" of B17s, and I knew at least MAG-33 and Nightmares would be able to put up 12.
Midnight - CO
412th FS "Braunco Mustangs"