Wow...I see the same stuff here than what I do in other forums when it concerns the "competition", and frankly I like it. It's amusing to watch these kinds of things.
My brother constantly visits a message board where they discuss the three major game consoles. (XBox, Gamecube, and PS2). In these forums, there's a section called "the War Room" where posters can defend their system.
I tell you what, there are threads there that can put even the hottest AH flamefest to shame. It seems that if someone has an opinion no one agrees with, then they consider everyone else a moron. While this kind of thing is rather immature and stupid, I find it amusing the lengths people go to tell the world why there product is the best. Since the boards themselves are not owned by any one company, it is an un-biased fourum.
I think that perhaps HTC should also incorporate something like a "War Room", where die hard fans can fight over who's game is better. This would cut down on the advertising threads elsewhere, and also provide some of us with some highly amusing slugfests.
Bring your popcorn, I got the front row...