Author Topic: The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:  (Read 602 times)

Offline Dowding (Work)

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The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:
« Reply #45 on: July 11, 2002, 03:08:45 AM »

Posted by TheWobble in the Free Multiplayer forum:

OK I know everyone once in a while has problems with bad hosting, but this takes the cake.

I go into this H2h game that has no name and has 3/8 players, as i enter i see all kinds of wierd language (jap i think) I say "FFA?"

and this is what i get: "NO AMERICANS, GO!" *HOST CONNECTION LOST*
its real nice when an american gets kicked out of an american made game on an american service by squeaky gooks.

It's funny in a 'whatatard' kind of way.

Offline Animal

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The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:
« Reply #46 on: July 11, 2002, 04:30:20 AM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu
TheWobble in action:

The crash...
then the settlement

But what truly made TheWobble funny was Animal's unusual fascination with him:

Animal loves TheWobble

How can you not be fascinated by a strong shirtless sweaty man who owns a P-51, and is so rugged that he has to eat bears and trees?!
Admit it Vu, you also had a thing for him.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2002, 04:32:53 AM by Animal »

Offline eskimo2

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The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:
« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2002, 08:35:59 PM »
Perked Eggs and H.A.M.

by Mister Fork


Offline eskimo2

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The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:
« Reply #48 on: December 02, 2002, 09:07:26 PM »
Honorable mention:

Contest is Unfair!!!

by SOB


Offline eskimo2

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The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2002, 09:15:30 PM »
Retarded mention:

WHAAA!!!! HTC, I’m Fed-Up with the Kill-Crasher Code!!!


Offline Jospe2

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The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2002, 11:29:24 PM »
I saved these back from my start w/ AW.     Classics



It was one of those lazy summer days in /MO 4. In fact I felt pretty safe as the only dots I could see had little green icons just like mine. I was just lifting off the runway when unusual things started to happen. This time the messenger of death arrived with a friendly greeting.

*6666 Hey! Is that you Scav?

*4444 Scav's Up!

*3999 Hey,Scav

Reluctantly my eyes left the horizon and moved downward to the little black place where the messages come from. It was a place I have ignored as being new meant NO RADIO MESSAGES! Raising the gear was forgotten as I tried to recall the radio procedure. Lets see I am already on Ch#1 so if I just type / and then the reply, yes that's it just / reply.


I type the shortest message I can think of, then my hand races back to the view keys and my eyes back to the horizon as the aircraft begins to buffet. I push the nose back down and then I stab at the views but they no longer work. I am now blind in every direction but forward.

*6666 We sure like reading your posts Scav!

*4444 Yea,They are pretty funny.

*3999 Switch to CH2 Scav!

A cold sweat begins to form on my brow. The airspeed indicator is now going down not up. The buffeting is now being complemented by the stall indicator light as it joyfully blinks on and off. I don't want to be rude, yet I want to live. To fly, to roll and go diving down on some unsuspecting prey. Instead I am less than 200 ft. off the ground rapidly approaching a mountain, staggering on the verge of a stall, landing gear down, views out trying to write a letter with my left hand and fly with my right just because some guy said Hi Scav! Is that you?

I am thinking fast. Why are the views out. My eyes travel to the message line.


sits there waiting to be............... Entered, that's it I have to hit enter to send. I quickly hit the enter and then my hand races back to the views. They work again. Why is my airspeed so low? Oh my God! The flaps are down. I must have hit the flaps when I was pounding on the views trying to get them to work. Flaps Up. Air Speed starts to crawl back up toward 100IAS. The buffeting subsides and the stall light quits blinking. Something is still not right the airspeed is going up but too slowly. Oh, the gear is still down. I think its damaged. I am getting awfully close to that mountain...

I have absolutely no idea who shot me down. I never saw him. Just just as I was trying to type the commands to switch to Channel #2 there were those red flashs going off all over the cockpit as someone put and end to my misery.

I am sure that sending messages back and forth can really be fun. One hand whipping the stick to and fro a roll here and immelman there while with the left hand one sends messages of encouragement, friendship or even invitations to a duel of death. I will learn this. Someday I too will wait high above some DWEEB I will radio Hi Dweeb, Having Fun!!! When he reaches out with that left hand I will see his aircraft begin to wobble. Then, I WILL COME DIVING DOWN!! hehehehehehe

But,For me,today, it was sort of like having the mailman show up just as I am trying to put out a fire in my house. I am naked and running around trying to figure out what room holds the dog and the cat. I hear the fire engines in the distance. They are NOT going to get here in time.

The mailman arrives, holding out a packet of mail and says just sign here. I say excuse me but my house is on fire here! He doesn't go away. He smiles sweetly and says they really enjoy reading your letters.

Reluctantly I reach into my pocket for my pen but I have no cloths on. The dog is howling, the neighbors are watching and I am wishing the fire would come and just take me quickly away.

*Numbers have been changed to accurately represent the confusion


Offline Jospe2

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The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:
« Reply #51 on: December 02, 2002, 11:31:26 PM »
Another classic

Scav Meets God

Message 179 Tue Dec 14, 1993


======= To: BLUEBARON [BB at Kesmai] =======

- To raise a hue and cry over something that, at worst, is an odd quirk,
- and which has no useful application to combat, is in neither of our
- best interests.

I wouldnt be so sure it has no useful application to combat. I followed MD and Dustys instructions to the letter. As I came through the cumulus and 52,000 there on top of the cloud layer were DD and Wolfman trying to unravel a snarl in the telephone cables connecting their aircraft.

At 70,000 I found a woman at a giant spinning wheel weaving the great net. It spun invisibly down over the airwarrior terrain. Each time she carded the fabric I could see warps arcing out from the wheel toward the nodes.

Finally at 150,000 ft a great golden light shown on the perspex of my canopy. I saw orange sunbeams dancing across the land below from the great southern sun. A fine castle appeared to sit on clouds of cotton. At the gates sat an Arc Angel and behind him all the books of Air Warrior knowledge guarded by a Roman Centurion. Rows of writings and diagrams by the aces of history. Boxes of sound files, views, hand-crafted joysticks. Stacks and stacks of 486DX66s.

I glided slowly to a stop in front of the Angel. My heart pounded as I realized I had found the source of all knowledge and rewards in Air Warrior. I climbed onto the wing and was about approach the treasure. The great angel stood and walked over to my plane. He reached out to me. In awe I extended my hand in greeting. The angel reached past my extended hand gathering my plane into the folds of his magnificent robes. With a small smile he crushed the wings and flung us over the edge of the cloud and down into the void.

As I fell from the heavens, my plane and I wrapped in our dive of death. I uttered one last question: ...................Dok, ...........Why?.....

Because, my son.......................

You...people down there..... piss... me... off.

Offline Angus

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The Funniest Original Aces High Bulletin Board Posts Ever:
« Reply #52 on: December 03, 2002, 08:01:33 AM »
Here you go, HiTechs Wedding :D
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)