Author Topic: Iraq  (Read 466 times)

Offline ~Caligula~

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« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2002, 11:42:11 AM »
im shure you are a decent guy in real life but your religion has clouded your mind and you post here hopin to cloud other peoples. im not sayin change each man knows his own best path. but realize you are the very model of a modern zelot.

I`m not religious.Although I`m planning on continuing the 4000 years old tradition of my ancestors,and be part of saving an ancient lifestyle,wich is a large part of human civilization.
But where I live now (Hungary) it`s not easy,because after the war most surviving jews left this place or totally gave up living a jewish life,out of fear of what happened to them.So it`s really hard to find kosher food,or a nice jewish community.
That is why I belive jews must have their own country where all these things are as natural as hamburgers to americans.

you have however called for the end of the arabs in palestine. I can dig the quotes up if you like. Dont even try to now say what you meant was "extremists" either.

Diaspora jews like yourself are content to let the others fight and die. Only if the US goes into Iraq it will be the youth of the goy whos blood gets spilt.

Anyway weren't you on the way to israel to join te army?

I only see throwing the pals out of Israel as a last resort.
I really hope the upcoming reforms of the PA and the change of their leadership will help a lot.
I think jews should get the hell out of gaza,there`s nothing there for them.The west bank should be given to the pals to have their state as well,but jews should have access to the religious sites that are in Hebron and in other west bank locations.The security of these people who wish to travel there should be guaranteed by the palestinian police.The settlements most likely have to go.
Jerusalem must remain part of Israel,with free access to muslims to visit whatever they wanna visit there.
But untill there`s no real effort on the palestinian side to stop terror attacks,it`ll never happen.Israel can`t afford to have a hostile state right next door,where they could plot not only scuicide bombings,but shelling the international airport..etc.

On the jews sending the goyim to die for them.
There have been many examples of jews fighting for whatever country they lived in.Just look at some of those US military cemeteries,and see how many stars are there instead of crosses.
But there`s examples of the gentiles of these same countries (not the USA) just turning their back on the jewish population,and let them be slaughtered when some maniac blamed the jews for whatever hardship that country was going through.
BTW do You really think Iraq is only danger to Israel and the US is going in to save the bloodthirsty zionists that unlawfully occupy Palestine?

Offline Eaglecz

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« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2002, 12:53:37 PM »
Originally posted by ~Caligula~

I`v never killed anyone,never told anyone to kill either.

If you ever vote for goverment, whitch supported some army, whitch killed somebody, you are as responsible as soldiers, country protaghonists

Originally posted by ~Caligula~

If I love my homeland and oppose the people who want to destroy her that`s extremism

hehe thats ok love it ....  thats why is so challenging to hurt you at your owen land... it have to be pleasure for your oponents if they will hurt you in your homeland, while you think nobody can touch you, because GOD is above you and you love all you need

btw.: Do you still feel need to be chief of the world ?
If yes .. why you?

And who is delveloper of those ideas ?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2002, 12:55:53 PM by Eaglecz »

Offline lord dolf vader

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« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2002, 03:55:30 PM »
beware untowdlike behaviour

caligula i think from my point of view you are a religious zelot. but you dont consider yourself religious at all. sittin here i had to wonder how we sit lookin at the same oppinions/topics  and have such totaly different views of the same behavior.

i consider isreal to be a state like any other . and jewdaism to be a religion.  this state was founded on religion in a area where they were run out 1000 years ago but still think thay have a claim . isreal was put in place by a country on the way out of power (england) knowing that it would destablize the whole area as it has done for 50 or so years on the u.s. dime. for some reason my country spends what is probably more than the total budget of your country to keep this unwanted by anyone but religious people country afloat. dont you think it would be better spent feeding or educating people ?

now we are about to get into a major shooting war over what? religious ideas of where a jewish state should be? it boggles my mind that we as a democratic country can even be involved. and i must admit i believe jewish intrests in the u.s. play our government to the point of controling our forign policy. while not haveing a care in the world as to what happens to us goy. beyond getting their 6 billion a year out of us that is. also  haveing us come half way across the world to fight their battles for them from time to time. on occasions when they get in deeper than they can handle. then electing a guy to pesident that calls himself a jewish nazi openly just tears it for me. i have no intrest in helping these people any longer. alot of americans fell the same way.  

so i see it as a religious situation from start to finish and anyone who supports isreal to the extreme extent ( and even you must admit some of the stuff you have posted is pretty much just  propaganda)  is operanting on religious ferver or hatred of arabs.  how do you see it?

Offline ~Caligula~

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« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2002, 05:30:48 PM »
If you ever vote for goverment, whitch supported some army, whitch killed somebody, you are as responsible as soldiers, country protaghonists

No, I have never voted for any government that sent any army in war.

hehe thats ok love it .... thats why is so challenging to hurt you at your owen land... it have to be pleasure for your oponents if they will hurt you in your homeland, while you think nobody can touch you, because GOD is above you and you love all you need

This makes no sense at all..
While a small country as Israel beating combined armies of many arab states does make me think if there`s really a divine intervention.
Before anyone talks about US weapons  and money winning those wars,when I watch films of the 6 day war,the only US hardware I`d see is some WWII era APCs.
And we all know it`s not the weapon but those who operate them win wars.


Please explain what Israel had to do with Kuwait?
The gulf war was about liberating Kuwait,and Israel`s whole role was restraining herself when Saddam bombarded it with scuds.

While Israel`s location does have to do a lot with religion,don`t forget jewish isn`t just a religion but a nation as well.There`s plenty of jews in israel who aren`t religious,and there were many who died in the holocaust even though they never kept sabbath or ate kosher food.
You`re mistaken when You think this present war is about the state of Israel.It`s about the clash between the west and muslim states who`s people are toght to belive their misery is caused by the west suppressing them,and the rotten way of life of the west.
Israel happens to be in their midst,and Israel is the only representative of the western way of life in that region.
Thus their anger focuses on Israel.
That land was given the jews by the UN or England wichever You prefer....but lawfully.If the arabs don`t like it and their pride is hurt that this tiny nation beat them over and over again...well that`s just too bad.I don`t care.