"The 109s having their way to easy.." ... LOL.. there's something you don't hear everyday.
I remember fighting a Hurri2C in my 109F-4. He was a great talented pilot, and took near everything I had to shoot him down in a 'superior' 109.
Man, who cares if the 109s zoom higher and faster? The Hurris and Spits may zoom worse, but it regains its versatile turning ability in two seconds.... while the 109 grunts around trying to turn the nose down at the same time trying not to fall into a flat spin, a Hurri or a Spit noses up, stalls first, then recovers, then noses up again to meet a HO.
Seeing a Hurri do that was hard enough... now, some people just HAD to have Spitfires, huh? Geez..
but in any account, I graciously accept the staff decision, whether I like it or not.
Ah well.. better get the Gustav prepped up again...