Author Topic: Offline dogfighting?  (Read 366 times)

Offline Bölter

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Offline dogfighting?
« on: July 16, 2002, 08:55:52 PM »
Hi, I just downloaded this excellent game, and I'm very impressed! I'm a CAS pilot in WWIIOL with the stuka, so dive bombing is no great mistery. However, I'd like to try my hand at dogfighting offline before I go to the live servers. I could say that I'd like to get to know the flight model a bit better, but I've flown enough of AH to know that the FM is quite nice. The real reason I'd like to dogfight offline is to avoid embarassment, as I'm a very mediocre fighter pilot ;(
I've been able to figure out pretty much everything about the offline game, but for the life of me I can't get any enemy aircraft to show up. Every time I go on a bombing run, I see the same 4 friendly aircraft circling. Above enemy AFs, factories and Carrier groups. They haunt me!! what do I have to do to make some enemy aircraft spawn. And most importantly...How do I get those darn four guys to stop showing up at every target I hit?! Thanx for any help. Cheers!

Offline SKurj

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2002, 09:32:22 PM »

there is no offline AI, just those drones.  They follow ya no matter what too.

Sorry man, can't help ya much there.

And btw the only embarassment you will feel is from within.  There are always new players in AH and you will no doubt get to fight some of them +)
You are already MILES ahead of most new players in that you have taken the time to practice offline +)


Offline Bölter

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2002, 10:15:02 PM »
I was afraid that was the case..oh well, can't have it all ;)

Anyway, are there any carrier-ops squads out there that need pilots? I can can get off and back on the deck with the F4U, SBD and TBM. I can dive bomb with the SBD fairly well. I can drop torps with the TBM, but without a torpedo wake is hard to get better. As far as the F4U goes, I can bomb, strafe and rocket to my heart's content. Dogfight it...well, I could be better. I don't think I'm that bad, but I get beaten like a red-headed step-child in WWIIOL. There are some very deadly people out there, and my self confidence drops with every Bf109E that's shot from under me! :p


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Offline steely07

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2002, 03:45:56 AM »
Welcome Bolter,come join us in the MA as soon as you can :)
Someone will correct me if i'm wrong on this but,torp's do have a wake,i beleive they must be dropped at less than 150ft and less than 150mph :) might be dropping them too fast,thus no wake visible as the torp did not run :)
 PS,To be clear,lol,torp's DO have wake,just not sure on the exact speeds/alts :)
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Offline Roscoroo

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2002, 05:50:37 AM »
enjoy your trial in the main .. then come play in H2H rooms until you think your ready for the main again. Alot of us have done this . just ignore the dweeby kids and the vulchfest rooms . theres alot of players that will help ya if your nice and ask questions . for we all started out learning to fly at one time.
Roscoroo ,
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Offline Bölter

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2002, 05:58:04 AM »
S! I stand corrected. I did some more trials with the TBM and I did hit the cruiser, but could't get through to the CV (own fleet that is). the destroyer escort took the hit both times I tried. I was looking for the wake with my tail gunner, not with the belly gunner as I should have been doing. I went looking for the enemy fleet..and found an early grave, so I decided to try my own fleet for the time being ;)
Also could a kind soul tell me which color is the rocket conversion? I get three choices blue, green and red. I'm not rure which une it is, and I don't want to fly with my guns set to 600+ range. Thanx for the wellcome and all the help!

Offline SKurj

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2002, 01:15:19 PM »
I don't believe you can set convergence for rockets, just your guns


Offline gofaster

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2002, 04:10:12 PM »
Each color is a different pair of guns. There is no convergence setting for the rockets - you just have to get a vague idea of where they will land by using the gunsight and the angle of your aircraft.

For free online, you should try the H2H option with up to 7 other people.  It can be a lot of fun, sometimes more fun than the MA.

Offline Yamaz

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2002, 06:17:32 PM »
Yea don't worry, I'm new also and a terrible pilot. I'm sure you'll shoot me down many times ;) Sure is fun though.:D

Offline CraigThomas

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Offline dogfighting?
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2002, 11:46:02 PM »
Dude for real the offline will only teach you how to take off and drop bombs and the basics, you need to get online and if you dont want to pay then stick with H2H it will teach you to dogfight all you want...but as soon as you can get in the MA for some real action and you will realize its all worth the $15 bucks a month and far as getting shot down well I get shot down all the time, nobody cares, you just get back in another plane and get back in will learn that gettin shot down is more of an inconvienence than an embarrasment...there are tunz of people that want to help new pilots....come on in I will be glad to spend some time flying with  me if you are interested

Offline pex1010

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what do you mean?!
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2002, 01:57:23 AM »
enjoy your trial in the main .. then come play in H2H       rooms          until you think your ready for the main again. Alot of us have done this . just ignore the dweeby kids and the vulchfest rooms . theres alot of players that will help ya if your nice and ask questions . for we all started out learning to fly at one time.

those poor kids kicks ur back parts :p