Author Topic: How about a Rolling Plane Set?  (Read 1173 times)

Offline CBFASI

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2002, 05:18:40 AM »
Well I came from Wbarbirds, but the Freehost variant.

We had the RPS and it was actually a great challenge.

Ok with Freehost you didn't pay and you could come and go as you pleased without worrying about the fact that you where paying.

This did not stop people coming in even when its was early war and some of the engagements where very interesting with early war or midwar.

As a balance it was said that the 262 was too good in August 44 so they moved its entrance to August 45 (saw too little of it)

Ok there was rarely much more than 100, but that was the server not the game...

It was quite interesting to see attacks made by allies in the early war period against cv's, particulary before the Avenger came out, the only plane that could do it was the SBD.

I suppose one reason the Freehost RPS worked was they are trying and almost succeeding by addings many planes to fill in the gaps..

As said an RS is a challenge, all those who think 'Oh I cant fly my xxx, and log off, well you are can't be a great pilot then as you can't fly the other planes.......

An RPS means that pilots get forced to fly all types and in the end become even better pilots.

I keep trying to fly with the Hurri Mk 1 here in the MA and know very well that 90% of the other planes are at least 4 years newer by design and I tend to die, buts its a challange and occasionally I get a kill.

RPS's is a good idea, but don't restrict by nation.  It seems many are against it from WB experience, but don't forget AH is NOT WB, and I dont seem to see many who have tried the WB-FH, which although is wb 277 is consirably better in the way it works (only reason I left was pilot attitude, and lack of teamwork)

An idea would be possible to have rps and perks linked, so that for example a plane is due and if you want it say a month or two early it will cost you.  as a perked plane gets older it gets cheaper (until it becomes free)

In fact that makes me think you could have a RPS perk system, so that say late war planes are available but cost mega perks...early war, later in war they become free...

Offline beet1e

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #46 on: August 18, 2002, 05:52:37 AM »
I find myself agreeing with Lazs – have an early war area in the MA. But, given the gangbang mentality that we have all seen, I predict that Doofus-Dweebius would fly all the way there from the late war area of the map in an LA7 to stir it with the Spit1a/Hurri-1 etc.

I was prompted to write this post after a jabo mission I was flying with one or two others was porked by an enemy LA7 which I eventually killed, but not before having to dump ord. It just doesn’t seem right that when flying any difficult mission, and jabo off the CV is not easy, the ubiquitous LA7 should show up on an opportunist sortie.

I dislike N1Ks, but the LA7 is a nonsense aircraft if ever there was one. A few weeks ago I was in a 109G2 and had levelled out and was cruising at about 300mph. I ran into an LA7 slightly higher than me on a reciprocal heading. In light of what happened he clearly had more E than I did. We merged horizontally, and after the oh-so-predictable HO attempt :rolleyes: I thought it best to press on at 300mph and attempt to extend away. Well the damned LA7 rolled over and did a split S, but then zoomed right back up to my altitude, gave chase, caught up and nailed me! What BS. at a combined merge speed of at least 600mph, and possibly closer to 700, we would have been moving apart by 880 feet per second, and that’s a statute mile every six seconds. For him to roll over, dive down by about 1000 feet, zoom back up, and catch up to me, well... that would require a velocity (as opposed to speed – I take it you know the difference) change of at least 800mph. Remember that not only did he have to catch up the distance created after the missed HO, but there’s the extra distance added on for the size of that split S. To have reversed as quickly as he did would have bled away a huge amount of E, but oh! Not in an LA7 it would seem.

People are pouring cold water on consideration of having an RPS, and yet there’s often contentious debate about which aircraft needs to be perked or unperked. Doesn’t this amount to the same thing? We simply want to avoid an arena full of the latest über plane du jour. I say keep the N1K, as we need a plane for newbies and the unskilled to fly. Keep the LA7 for the same reason, but something needs to be done about them being flown by experienced players to pork reasonable attempts by the enemy! In AKPizzaland™­, it was less of a problem because fields were more spread out, but now with fields five minutes apart, well it just gets tedious.

If not an RPS, then at least perk some of the nonsense planes. I think 10pp for an LA7 would be a reasonable price to pay. Let the dweebs accumulate points in their N1Ks, and spend them on LA7s. :D:D:D

Offline Revvin

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2002, 05:53:03 AM »
I stand by my original post. Anyone who wishes can look at any time period they wish and conclude what they wish. Facts can be so inconvenient.

In truth Revvin, I was very dissapointed in what I concluded. You need to put this particular soapbox away. It does not suit you.

Roughly translated as "ah toejam he's right I checked back a few months and see he's flown a variety of planes"

In the last 3 or 4 TOD's off the top of my head I've flown the TBM, Lancaster, B17, B26, Ar234, F4U-1D, Mosquito, Spitfire Mk5, Spitfire Mk9,190A5, 190A8, P38, F6F, Boston, A20, P40 and a few other's.

Offline beet1e

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #48 on: August 18, 2002, 06:35:31 AM »
Revvin - what he really means is "Don't blind me with the facts -  I know what I'm talking about!" :rolleyes:

Offline lazs2

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #49 on: August 18, 2002, 09:17:14 AM »
bettle... if some attention starved dufus wants to fly a late war plane 3 or 4 sectors and maybe over a 40k mountain range just to fight early war planes that are at low alt or in huge canyons... no big deal.   He will quickly tire of doing nothing or... of being humiliated.  I don't feel too threatened by one low on fuel D9 or pee 51 who is attempting to B&Z my wildcat or spit one in a crowd down in some canyon.   He isn't going to make it home and anything less would be called a "capture" maybe.   he would just look silly to no purpose.

I would also say that in the other section, the mid late... have one or two days at the end of the tour where the "perk" planes are free.   get rid of the perk system entirely.

Offline Ripsnort

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #50 on: August 18, 2002, 09:37:30 AM »
Waaa! I didn't get my way so I'll whine to someone who will listen!


Offline SKurj

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #51 on: August 18, 2002, 11:00:10 AM »
The MA will always be the arcade furball sim some of u like to call it, its the bread and butter that pays for the game.  Some of you turds will never get it...

Player comes home, tough day at work perhaps wants to have a quick 30 minute flight in a plane he is familiar with (therefore requiring the least amount of brain waves+) so he clicks his usual pee51(an example) enjoys his 30 mins

Player comes home to find RPS in place...  Its been several weeks since he last had to fly early war... not so familiar with the planes available or how to best use them.. gets frustrated before he takes off...

Guys Petition for an RPS arena if you must, I will gladly support a second arena for an RPS.  But leave the MA alone, it works! it has proven that over the past few years.  (errm well it sometimes works at the moment....)

Motives for flyin any of the planes in AH differ from player to player.   It maybe squad based (TAS for example) or it maybe kbman based(whatever illicits the most whines(nik exempted))  or whatever.  

We play the game for our own reasons, for some people 'fun' is playing the same old same old against friends.  
For others its learning something new.  
Others it maybe the constant quest to find the uber ride.  And for others its historical matchups.

AH caters to most players.  The MA caters to the majority and earns the most income.  The CT caters to the RPS and historical matchup guys to a limited degree which will improve over time.

Its obvious the RPS is supported by the minority, so why subject the majority to this method of play?  You can't force someone to enjoy it...


Offline poopster

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #52 on: August 18, 2002, 11:01:31 AM »
The plain and simple fact is the first week of the RPS at WB the attendence was way down. People just took the week off.

Late war the LW tended to fly less because of the Pony hordes.

It didn't work.

The other point that amazes me is that if more people wanted to fly in the CT or HA, they would.

They don't.

A couple of answers that some people can't come to grips with.

Offline SKurj

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #53 on: August 18, 2002, 11:09:47 AM »
Noticed Cabby metioned all uber all the time = air quake....

In RPS you ALWAYS have an UBER not matter what....

Just like the La7 whines now...  In 1941 one plane will be the obvious choice for the week...  In 1943 one plane will be the obvious choice...  

If AH was an early war only sim do you not think we would still have a plane we could compare to the 'La7' or 'nik' now?
If you don't ... you aren't thinking...

I played the RPS AvA setup over in aw3 for awhile and what a crock that was...  A majority of guys would change countries to fly that day's uber ride, basically turnin into an Uber gangbang all the time from whichever side had the uber ride at the time.   Thats a worst case scenario obviously.  I'll fly a non-AvA RPS arena IF there are numbers playing it...


Offline Stickman

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2002, 12:24:57 PM »
"For him to roll over, dive down by about 1000 feet, zoom back up, and catch up to me, well. . . "

If he was moving at 300 mph or greater, you can bet your bellybutton his Split S would've cost him alot more than 1000' in altitude, at least in real world physics. Probably closer to 5000', unless he backed his throttle to zero and really reefed it in hard and tight, spilling off loads of E, but if he'd done that then there's no way he'd have been able to catch you before you got completely out of sight. Most late war fighters could barely make a 1000' flat turn (most could not, actually), much less a Split S that tight. I think one could concievably pull a Split S only losing 2000' in a real fighter, provided it was done with throttle reduced to idle. Even so, it's incredibly unlikely he'd be set up to catch you afterward. Had he pulled a gentle immelman, though, that'd be different. Long chase maybe, but he could probably catch you.

This is just another good testimony to the fact that no flight sim seems to know how to incorporate physics into flight models. Dive accelerations, especially, are much lower (several times, I think) than they should be on all aircraft, energy doesn't bleed off like it should in a hard turn at high speeds (how many times have you pulled a gentle 2G zoom in Warbirds with more smash than the guy you just merged with head to head, only to have him pull a 5G immelman and end up closing on your 6?), mass seems to have little to do with zoom climbs, and the list goes on and on and on.

Oh, BTW, I couldn't care less about an RPS in AH because, at this time, I don't fly it. I do, however, think that every sim should have an arena that is extremely historically accurate, with proper terrain, planeset, etc. There are more historical junkies than you may think, and many people who fly something like that just don't give a crap for the "Fragger" arenas (read as Main Arenas) in Warbirds and AH. In addition, many people who don't think they would care for it end up actually preferring it over the Fragger Arena they used to defend.

Something else I don't think I'd like about AH, the Perk system. I think it'd be much better to limit rare aircraft by numbers, rather than making people earn points to fly them. I prefer a "first come, first serve" system personally, then just limit all aircraft to their historical strengths. Of course this would only allow about 1 Me 262 in the air at a time in an arena with a population of 400. This would only work in an arena where all fighters are available for both sides, though, because Axis fighters were becoming an endangered species later in the war. It would take some careful thinking to get a system that would work well for everybody, but I think it would be better.

Offline Ripsnort

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #55 on: August 18, 2002, 12:32:58 PM »
Stickman, fyi, Combat Theatre is our "historical arena", as well as the scenarios.  If there were as many as historical followers out there as you claim, we'd have more than 10 online in the Combat theatre, rather than the 400+ online in the Main arena, think about that for awhile ;)

Offline Stickman

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #56 on: August 18, 2002, 12:43:04 PM »
AH is probably just like Warbirds, with a "herd" that goes wherever the other people are. I've seen it with the HA in Warbirds. Put 15 guys in there and before long it'll fill up, you just have to get the first 15 in, which is usually impossible. The HA in Warbirds has a wonderful setup with only slightly different icon ranges, etc. as in the MA, and it's almost identical to the WWII Arena (which is where everybody flys now). I think arena setup has less to do with it's population than the arena name. If you could come up with a name for a historically accurate arena with an RPS that would catch the eye of subscribers it'd probably be more popular than the MA. The HA in Warbirds, by the way, has no RPS (most of the time, at least). If no RPS were what people wanted, don't you think the HA would be full all the time instead of the WWII Arena? It's just that not enough people are willing to camp in a near empty arena for awhile to get more people into it.

Offline funkedup

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #57 on: August 18, 2002, 12:49:04 PM »
The cross-whine to AGW was a classic.  Rude where are you?

Offline Ripsnort

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #58 on: August 18, 2002, 12:50:05 PM »
I believe the real "historics" go to where the sims lay, such as IL-2, or WW2 Online, where you have more aircraft management happening in those sims.(shrugs)

Offline Thrawn

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #59 on: August 18, 2002, 01:07:15 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Waaa! I didn't get my way so I'll whine to someone who will listen!


beet1e, the title of this thread is "How about a Rolling Plane set?"  Then you get answers you don't like you go whining at AGW?  I mean was it an honest question or did you just want validation.