Author Topic: How about a Rolling Plane Set?  (Read 1172 times)

Offline Stickman

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #60 on: August 18, 2002, 01:16:23 PM »
"I believe the real "historics" go to where the sims lay, such as IL-2, or WW2 Online, where you have more aircraft management happening in those sims.(shrugs)"

That may be largely correct, though I think it would be quite simple for AH or WB to set up arenas with more carefully managed planesets. Something I'm looking forward to trying out is the mission based arena that is rumored to be put inth AH in the next release. That's just what I've been looking for in Warbirds, and forward to with Target:Rabaul. The scenarios do this to an extent, but it's generally messy because it's run by humans. Mistakes get made and it causes problems with gameplay. Also, a lack of a complete set of ground vehicles and other important aspects of war sort of ruins the experience for me in the S3's. It's getting there, but very slowly, and Warbirds is suffering now for their lack of development for so long. I said in a thread on AGW about a year ago that their slack time was about to jump up and bite them right in the ass, I'm just sorry to have been proven right.

Offline Ripsnort

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #61 on: August 18, 2002, 01:20:57 PM »
Stickman, pencil two of us anxious for Targetware.

Good posts by the way.

Offline beet1e

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #62 on: August 18, 2002, 01:22:54 PM »
Oh, well diddly the RPS then. It was just a suggestion. I thought more people were tired of being gangbanged by uberplanes but it seems I was wrong. I would have thought that more people would have liked AH to be a little more like WW2, but as has been pointed out to me in other threads, AH has got bugger-all to do with the real WW2, and vice-versa. :confused:

Ripsnort!  Thanks for that link!! Saves me from hunting down my thread on the AGW board, which does NOT send an email when a new post is added. :D Don't misunderstand me though: I didn't like having to wait 8 days for my favourite plane at ToD rollover. But what I like even less is the constant late war vulch/gangbangs and LA7 opportunists to be seen in the AH MA. I freely admit that I was/am crap in T&B early war planes. But I like having happy neighbours. Seems like there's an even split amongst the combined AH/WB communities for the RPS. I personally hated the first week and disliked the pony hordes in the last days. But it made the community at large happy, and therefore I was happy.  I know that's a difficult concept to convey to a bunch of guys who don't understand why they should give 6-calls, and might even say "so what if you get killed? it's just a game" :rolleyes:

Stickman - thanks for backing me up about that 109G2/LA7 engagement. I do not have film of it. I have described it as accurately as I can, and was absolutely gobsmacked when that LA7 caught up with me!

Funked - I'm tired of kissing your arse. It's your turn to kiss mine. :D

Offline Ripsnort

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #63 on: August 18, 2002, 01:38:01 PM »
Beetle, good things will come in time, I don't think the answer is another RPS, HTC has a knack for creating ideas or expanding on existing ideas and expanding on them, thats what I expect in the future.  Separate arenas aside, I think AH will have something we all like, if it lives up to its historical reputation.

Offline AKDejaVu

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #64 on: August 18, 2002, 02:00:01 PM »
Why is it that when 1 person presents the RPS suggestion is doing it on behalf of "everyone" and anyone that doesn't like the RPS is being selfish?

Offline Otto

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #65 on: August 18, 2002, 02:31:14 PM »
"Selfish is the word others use when they can't get you to do what they want"

Offline beet1e

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #66 on: August 18, 2002, 02:41:37 PM »
Thrawn -
beet1e, the title of this thread is "How about a Rolling Plane set?" Then you get answers you don't like you go whining at AGW? I mean was it an honest question or did you just want validation.
Forgive me for not having answered your query in my earlier post. I believe you posted just as I was preparing my earlier post.

The real issue is not whether we have an RPS or not. I was a little taken aback by some of the responses, some of which were made in the name of a player's self interest. For many, the name of the game seems to be "Every man for himself". I have pontificated about this at length in other threads, but I believe this one expresses my point of view the best. Read it if you have 10 minutes to spare!  

My reasons for the "cross-whine" as Funked put it are that I found the WB community to be very different from that of AH. It's something with which I have struggled for a long time. In WB, I had people going out of their way to help me right from my first day. In AH, I would get the RTFM or Try Alt+F4 smartarse suggestions. That is very sad. So when I got guys eschewing the RPS concept for their own selfish interests, I was eager for an interpretation of this from my former WB playmates. It was not done for the reasons given in Ripsnort's somewhat tongue-in-cheek response, and I think even he would concede that :)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2002, 06:40:03 AM by beet1e »

Offline Stickman

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #67 on: August 18, 2002, 02:49:44 PM »
""Selfish is the word others use when they can't get you to do what they want""

It's also the word you use to describe someone who's placed his short term self interest above that of long term good for the whole. It can be applied both ways in this discussion I've been reading here, though as everyone reading this post should realize, selfishness isn't necessarily a bad thing and I'm not attempting to insult either side of the argument. . . . .

Against my better judgement, and at the risk of becoming the same sort of persona non grata I have on AGW (not that it bothers me, the opinion of my opinion, mind you;)), I'll say that, while some seem to think an RPS in AH would result in mass departure from AH, I don't think that would happen. However, I don't think it's a good idea anyway because, just from reading this forum, it seems to be very unpopular. Aside from that, using an RPS in an arena where each side can fly any nationality of aircraft is rather pointless. Would an RPS give the fans of early war aircraft their moment in the sun? Sure, but it would also force people who don't care for them (I don't, personally, and usually don't bother to fly most of the first week of the TOD in Warbirds because, as someone above mentioned, there's no P38) to fly them as well, and as the majority seem to be of the latter type, it's just not a good idea to enforce a RPS in AH.

As has already been suggested, a seperate arena with an RPS of 30 days would probably be the best way to go (21 days is just too short if you ask me).

Even better would be a total war arena, with assigned missions, infantry and  most other equipment that was used in WWII set up on a 60 day rotation. WWII Online has a good concept as far as they went, but they have no real goal to achieve. It's just an endless (and pointless) frag-fest. Had they set up a timeline, with equipment becoming available at certain points it would've been much more appealing to me. Don't get me wrong, I still would probably only fly the P38 (if it ever shows up in that sim, and I have my doubts), but having an actual timeline can go a great deal towards immersion, and the last 6 weeks of the tour of duty, I'd be having a frigging blast. If they'd had more aircraft available (that weren't just absurdly modeled as in the case of the 109E) and a timeline, I'd still have my account. Hell, I kept it for almost a year barely flying at all before I finally gave up on it. My patience knows almost no bounds :D.

Offline Stickman

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #68 on: August 18, 2002, 02:58:43 PM »
"My reasons for the "cross-whine" as Funked put it are that I found the WB community to be very different from that of AH. It's something with which I have struggled for a long time. In WB, I had people going out of their way to help me right from my first day. In AH, I would get the RTFM or Try Alt+F4 smartarse suggestions."

Don't toejam yourself. There are some great guys at warbirds, and there are some very helpful guys there also. They aren't always the same guys either, if you take my meaning:).

There are just as many childish antics going on at AGW as there are here, I'd say. Nobody would ever talk to someone the way some of those allegedly "nice" guys do on that forum. If they did, they'd go home missing some teeth, which I pointed out to someone and this, as I recall, got me accused of threatening physical violence on someone's person. I deleted the thread because it became absurd, not because a few dimwits wanted to gang up and have a "Stick-fry".

Offline Thrawn

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #69 on: August 18, 2002, 02:59:16 PM »
Thanks for your reply.  The only other MMOL sim I've played was WWIIOL, and I found the people online there much more help then here.  For what that's worth.  I hope the "helping for credit" fixes that.

Offline poopster

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #70 on: August 18, 2002, 03:34:13 PM »
usually don't bother to fly most of the first week of the TOD in Warbirds because, as someone above mentioned, there's no P38

Thats it in a nutshell. Your not alone. I would venture to say your in the majority. The AGW boards are not in anyway representitive of the majority. If that were so, the HA arena would have hundreds of people in it and there wouldn't be any icons ;)  There aren't and never will be.

Beet1e you continually chant for the "greater good"  and advocate sacrifice to further that "good"

The "greater good" is in all reality what you want, when you want it and nothing more....

So how does your arguement carry any weight ??

REAL good liberal smoke and mirrors attempt though  :D

You missed your calling ;)

Offline eskimo2

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #71 on: August 18, 2002, 04:45:38 PM »
I don't think that a RPS belongs in the MA simply because so many folks hate it.  I liked it however.  I like being forced to fly different birds.

I don't think that the RPS is as much to blame for WBs failure as some folks say.  I left WB because of: the high cost, worse FM and lack of improvements.


Offline Puke

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #72 on: August 18, 2002, 05:23:57 PM »
Skurj:  Player comes home, tough day at work perhaps wants to have a quick 30 minute flight in a plane he is familiar with (therefore requiring the least amount of brain waves+) so he clicks his usual pee51(an example) enjoys his 30 mins

Wrong!  Try this:

Player comes home, tough day at work perhaps wants to have a quick 30 minute flight in a plane he is familiar with (therefore requiring the least amount of brain waves+) so he clicks his usual F4F-4 or P40B (an example) and cannot enjoy his 30 minutes dodging hords of LA7s, N1ks, P51Ds, 109G10s, 190D9s, Typhoons and the occasional ME262.

This turd thinks your arguments smells.

Offline AKDejaVu

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #73 on: August 18, 2002, 06:53:45 PM »
Originally posted by Puke
Player comes home, tough day at work perhaps wants to have a quick 30 minute flight in a plane he is familiar with (therefore requiring the least amount of brain waves+) so he clicks his usual F4F-4 or P40B (an example) and cannot enjoy his 30 minutes dodging hords of LA7s, N1ks, P51Ds, 109G10s, 190D9s, Typhoons and the occasional ME262.
Player comes home, goes to play and the plane he wants to fly simply is not availabe.

Its easy to avoid hordes of anything.  Its not quite as easy to wait a week so you can fly your favorite ride.


Offline Wotan

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #74 on: August 18, 2002, 07:12:42 PM »
we dont have the planes in ah to make any sort of good rps.

wbs dont either they just fake it.

Thats why you hear the whines my plane xx needs to be moved up on the rps.

Its a pandoras box not worth messing with.

The mission arena is coming and even then we dont have all the planes we need to do much more then "the mighty eighth"

Even then no b24s and a hosty of other planes.

Look at our spit 9 hybrid or the typhoon we have.

we would go from a 109e4 to f4 missing some great planes in the middle. same with the 109g6 to g10 we have.

No vvs at all. or japaneese planes.

no early 190s.

So you see any rps we run will be just as make believe as the open arena.

Also where planes do most fly in wbs rps early?

109s then at the end they are in p51s.

We dont have the planes for BoB. The 1st week of rps would be 109e4 spit 1 hurri 1 f4f p40 and a6m2.

Guess what setups being run in the ct right now? good ahead guess?
