Author Topic: ANy success boming above 14k  (Read 257 times)

Offline Gixer

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ANy success boming above 14k
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2002, 08:20:32 AM »
Last night I saw two formations of Bish B17's level one of our towns in one pass from about 25k Alt I sent a message of congrats out on open ch because...

1. It was a great sight to see Buffs higher then 10k and I think the first time I've seen this since 1.10 rather then the usual ground level suicide runs and CV dive bombing Lanc's.

2. Their aim was spot on, I'd just like to know who it was.

The Horse Soldiers

Offline Easyscor

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Bombing FHs from 24K BGBMAW
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2002, 12:40:31 PM »
Nice tables you posted Shiva, thanks.

Guys, there are TWO different problems with wind.

Bomb wind drift is taken care of by the bombsight calibration, no problem


Cross wind must be taken care of by lining up your TRUE FLIGHT PATH with the target manually.  Take a B-26 up just above the wind layer and point it due North, then look down from outside view, you may be in for a supprise bj229r.  You can't just point your nose at the target unless you're pointed directly into or away from the wind.  It does no good to calibrate your bombsight if you're blown too far down wind to hit anything.  See Shiva's excellent explanation but also note our compass seems to be in 6 degree ticks.

BGBMAW, I'll always be disappointed that my initial impact point is only on the cross hairs 1 in 5 times with complete misses about 1 in 5 times.:mad:

That said, pick a couple of altitudes you prefer to drop from.  Do all your drops from exactly these altitudes from now on.  Experiment until you  find the maximum performance speed at that altitude for you buff of choice.  Then drop from one of those exact altitudes and speeds to eliminate the biggest problem with bombing, the speed changes during the run-in. At 10K, 10 mph speed change = almost 400 ft. missed target, 5 mph, 200 ft etc.

Try dropping just before the hangers front edge with salvo 12, delay .35 and 500 lb bombs until you get better.  One FH is better than a wasted trip and two hangers is the best you can expect after lots of practice.

Hope you rain on someones parade:D
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Offline bj229r

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ANy success boming above 14k
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2002, 12:44:43 AM »
I THOUGHT thats what I said due east or due the wind in AH is ALWAYS east at 30 knots..the sideways drift isnt an issue..and ya have heap less stuff to deal with as ya prepare to drop...dont have to use an fluff'n slide rule to bomb. Ya take this too damn seriously
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Offline bj229r

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ANy success boming above 14k
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2002, 12:45:46 AM »
Dang---sorry BG..meant to address Shiva's post
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Offline BGBMAW

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ANy success boming above 14k
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2002, 12:51:45 PM »
lol bj..i was wondern what u were saying to me..I laffed alos when you guys were pulling out the e-6b's,..

im in fligth training rigth about to do my first solo-cross country..and i was strugglen a little bit with my e-6b...not doin crossiwnd stuff..thats was the --time and fuel usage crap..

good hunten guys:)
Love BiGB

Offline Sparks

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ANy success boming above 14k
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2002, 06:05:29 PM »
I can hit reliably from any alt above 14k now - my usual alt is 21-25k.

The trick is to make sure you are on the run in to target on the track you will bomb on (give or take 5 degrees) with speed constant and then hold down the 'y' key to calibrate for AT LEAST 15 SECS - I COUNT TO 30.

I have only missed if I turn well off track - i.e. I've not set up the bomb run properly - or if I finish a correctional turn too late for the speed to resettle.

*Note* any change to heading or speed on the bomb run before release but after calibration will render the calibration FUBARed. I usually leave about 2/3 sector for setup.  I will have a point on the map which I set as my IP (initial point) - after that is bomb run.
