Originally posted by SirLoin
Yes Elf,they should keep tabs...But pissing should not equal freedom.
Look, are we going to tell this kid what IS or what SHOULD BE? Sorry but in the real world you generally have to piss before you can get a job. Boo-hoo-hoo about it all you want, scream out to Heaven above that it's not fair and I'll agree with ya. But the bottom line is that most companies won't waste their time hiring druggies and so far the Courts have upheld the rights of perspective employers to require drug testing for perspective employees. That is reality. If texace is offered privelages above and beyond the normal standards customary in his school provided he is willing to take a drug test and he refuses than that is his choice. Like I said I admire a young man with principles.
However, what's his attitude going to be after he's spent four years in college and the only thing that stands between himself and a cush lifetime job with IBM, HP, Microsoft or whatever is taking a pre employment physical, which may include drug testing? What are his principles worth then? What if he majors in criminal justice and has to be drug tested as a condition of employment? Is that a violation of his rights or is the police agency that might hire him protecting itself from liability should he flip out and kill a few innocent bystanders?
Principles are great but we only discover how really important our principles are when it starts costing us something. Texace is sacrificing his off-campus lunch privelege because of his principles and I think that's great. I just wonder what he'll decide in a few years when the stakes are higher than the ability to leave campus and scarf out on Grilled Stuffed Burritos at Taco Bell.