Some high-placed people finally came out and publicly and proudly announced that it's their heroes who blew up the World Trade Center and Pentagon in the name of all good and decent.
And who were they? US missileers? Mossad? Shin Bet? Enron executives? No. As crazy as it may sound, its's fundamental muslims! Who would have thought...
On unrelated but interesting note, I saw a couple of pieces of info that may shed some light on things.
1. Apparently over the last 30 years the dietary habits of americans changed drastically when it comes to consumption of Omega-3 types of essential fatty acids (oils).
The amount of omega-3 acids we adopted to genetically or at least used to consume before the latest health/junk food craze are much closer to 1-to-1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids while now americans consume those in 1-to-10 ratio!
Foods rich in omega-3 oils are some kind of fish like herring, trout and sardines, flaxseed (lineseed) oil and few others that dropped in consumprion in favor of junk food or fat-free "healthy" stuff rich many nutriends but deficient in omega-3.
Multiple studies indicate that omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for proper brain development and functioning and their deficit results in all kinds of mental problems, more frequent or much more severe depressions, imbalances, ADD and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in childern, etc.
2. Another not necessarily related issue is that about 12% of boys in US are treated with Ritalin for symptoms that are nothing more than normal boyish behavior - being active, loud and having hard time concentrating on their studies. Especially the dumb ones who do not understand and smart ones who get bored in class.
Side effects of Ritalin are often depression, phsychosis, increase in agression and other mental imbalances.
So next time you wonder why american women are acting like crazy and asking for divorce at a drop of a hat despite having one-third the number of children, all the cool labor-saving appliances and much higher standard of living, why the once-minor PMS becames a major issue and once-mild post-partum depression a trigger to killing her kids (sometimes through drowning in a tub or a lake) or abusing them in the most cruel ways, why american males are much more likely to be in prison and why american kids who less than two generations ago commonly owned 22 caliber rifles, often fought bloody but never resorted to firearms now shoot room-fuls of classmates, why number of practicing shrinks is threatening to exceed the number of lawyers and revenues generated by sales of phsychoactive drugs trend to exceed defence, education and welfare budgets combined, why spelling and syntax on bulletin boards deteriorates and tempers flare - you may reflect on those two items - after all we are what we eat!
P.S. The search on those items will bring you a wealth of corroborating evidence - unless of course you want to see the health records of the kids involved in Columbine or other shootings or even get confirmation/reassurance that they took/did not take Ritalin - or any study specificly linking Ritalin to children violence. Too much money is at stake here for drug companies. Also teachers incompetent in their primary areas or education in general but apparently quite versed in pharmaceutical area are making Ritalin intake a condition for admitting some "disruptive" kids to school despite parents' or even doctors' protests.
P.P.S. Come to think of it, violence and anti-social behavior in some countries with poor diets...