Author Topic: Please - Your input greatly appreciated  (Read 2140 times)

Offline RAS

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Please - Your input greatly appreciated
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 1999, 04:52:00 AM »
1) Any plane that gets the particular job done

2) Historical


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« Reply #31 on: November 12, 1999, 06:06:00 AM »
I don't have a specific preference for any aircraft, or EVEN aircraft of WW2.  I just like high power machinery.

Tanks, U-boats, battleships, machineguns, pistols, airplanes, aircraft carriers, artilley guns.

I like Panzer Commander as much as I like Aces High, but I can't play Panzer Commander on the net.    

I want to play in the arena with the most players, but want that arena to be the historical one.


[This message has been edited by Hans (edited 11-12-1999).]


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« Reply #32 on: November 12, 1999, 06:44:00 AM »
A most Eccchseelent thread!
1. In WWI my ride is the Spad XIII and SE5A.  In WWII it's the P-51D and sometimes the FW190's. I am a Boom N Zoomer all the way.  Give me speed and climb ability.  One of my top rules is "altitude = life."

2. I love historical match-ups, scenarios and arenas.  I can't say that I am to fond of fighting other allied planes as to me it ruins the immersion factor.  I see another P-51, or a B-17 or a Spit and I wanna wing with it, not shoot it down. I actually feel bad when I nail a B-17 as I should be his "little friend."  In DoA right now with most everyone in Dr1's and me in my Spad XIII I have no problem getting into a more realistic furball. In AH I find myself fighting mainly Spitfires (ugh). I am also not fond of the 3 or 4 sided arenas.  Two sides is good enough for me (plz lets not get into a flame war over that last statement).

See you in the skies.

Col. mburns
XO and Ops Officer
94th Aero Pursuit Sqdrn
1st Pursuit Group

Offline Pongo

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Please - Your input greatly appreciated
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 1999, 08:49:00 AM »
I would play this game with any plane but I prefer to fly the 109 and the 190.

I would like to have historical areas and play sets. Particularly Chanel coast 1941-43 and Malta.


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« Reply #34 on: November 12, 1999, 09:36:00 AM »
Definately historical, and for this reason: With a historical setting, the important(but weak) planes like the SBD or the Kate can actually contribute to a country's efforts. A flight of Kate's escorted by Zekes, running into a flight of Wildcats. Now, that's a battle!

There are so many planes that are basically rendered useless by the way things are run in the MA of "Brand W". Once day four is over, any chances of a successful Stuka run are next to nil. That may be historically correct, but it would sure be nice to be able to fly a plane for greater than four days in a month!

Also, I too dislike the "Spit vs. Spit, or the F4U vs. Mustang" battles of the MA. If we're going to simulate WW2 air combat, let's make sure we have the correct aircraft fighting each other per the historical truth.  Bf-109's fighting Hurricanes, P-40's fighting Oscars & Zekes, FW's fighting B-17's, etc...

Let's do it right!

Bax (-baxl-)

[This message has been edited by Bax (edited 11-12-1999).]

Offline Minotaur

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« Reply #35 on: November 12, 1999, 09:38:00 AM »

1) I love to fly all the planes, but tend to lean towards US or UK as my favorites.

2) Historical.  

My biggest shock when I started AW was the like vs like fights, disappointing for me.  You have to learn too many xxx vs xxx tactics.

MA is very good for practice or when you have a limited time to play, and is often just relaxing.  

To model the historical aspects IMO you must consider several important factors to get that added kick of realism.

As an Example for ETO:

The Germans generally had superior planes  (and better pilots IMO).  But, they had poor strategic bombers as their focus was support of the ground troops.  

The Allies had a 2-5 to 1 (10+ to 1 late war) fighter numerical advantage.  The strategic bombing campaigns were without compare.

Just a guess, there seems to be more people who lean toward LW planes in general.  At least those who post here.


[This message has been edited by Minotaur (edited 11-12-1999).]

Offline Downtown

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« Reply #36 on: November 12, 1999, 09:40:00 AM »
I grew up with a father who is greatly interested in History.  In particular the Spanish Civil War, and the Effect it has had on the world since.

And there are a lot of things that can be traced back to the SCW.

Practice for the Luftwaffe.
Fears of COmmunism in the U.S.
Papa Bear and his books, news reports.

Anyhow, my father was always making Model Aircraft.  I-15, I-153, I-16, BF-109A,B,C,D,E, Etc.  He occasionally made Spitfires with Egyptian Markings, who Flew against the 109s in Isreali Markings.

I finally hasseld him enough to make an American Aircraft (Were American BTW) and he made the "Kibosh" one of the P-40Bs that survived and did considerable service in the Phillipines.

I got to love the P-40 learning about it.

Apparently the most affective Unit to use this Aircraft was the Mercanaries hired by the Chinese Government, the AVG, or Flying tigers.

SO I have gravitated to that plane.

I want in some sembalance, to know what the men faced.

And not at the time period where America and the Allies had the advantage, I wanna know the bleak dismal period, where everyone knew the fear.

Dunkirk, Pearl Harbor, the Phillipines, the Phony War, the times that built the Character of the nations that fought.

I try to fly the challenging aircraft of Every nation, I want the planes that are routinely left out of other sims, (I.E. Russian, French, Itallian.)

I want us to fly as squadrons.

I want us to use the tactics they developed.

I want realism that makes me appreciate what the men, women, children, nations of that bleak period felt, lived through, or died for.


I would hook up a Mild Electric shock to my chair, so I would get a shock everytime I got killed (Virtually.)

I want realism.
I want varied planes.

When I log off from this sim.  I want it to make me think.

1. Almost None of my enjoyment revolves around a specific aircraft or Airforce.  Give me a good AVG/Flying Tigers Arena, and it might though.

2. Different Theaters, respective aircraft enviroment should be available.

If I just wanna game, the Furball, no boundries arean should be available, but not the premier arena.

Anyone who flies only Spits, Mustangs, and 190s should be ashamed if I get them with my P-40B.

"I could feel the 20MM Cannon impacting behind me so I made myself small behind the pilot armor" Charlie Bond AVG
Very Opinionated Person.


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« Reply #37 on: November 12, 1999, 10:20:00 AM »
No disrespect intended Downtown, but anyone can get caught low and slow. I can kill you in a Fairey Battle under the right circumstances.  

I won't be ashamed if you get me in a P-40, it isn't that bad of a plane!  

Offline Heater

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« Reply #38 on: November 12, 1999, 10:27:00 AM »
Historical! with the time lines etc (ie.. rolling plane sets)

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