Author Topic: Enlighten me  (Read 1282 times)


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Enlighten me
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2000, 11:25:00 PM »
Heyas Popeye....

I know the La5 you were drivin....could'nt get my guns on you either...thanks for the compliment...bakatcha<S>

Oh btw....hope ya never get your guns on me

Take Care!

Offline hblair

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« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2000, 11:35:00 PM »
I'm one of these bastiges who rarely looks at the score page. Heck, I usually ditch or auger just to keep from having to take that long uneventful flight back home. I used to watch my score in WB's, don't know why I don't care about it now, maybe I will next tour. If somebody wants to run, etc. that don't bother me much, maybe the guy has damage, low on fuel, needs to take a crap, who knows? I've run away plenty of times from overwhelming #'s, to get free so I could grab alt, and return.

I've only really gotten mad once at a runner, that was after I chased him across the map, (was like 4am, 8,10 people in the arena) for him to bail at altitude before I was close enough to engage him, just so the kill wouldnt hit the buffer. Now that could make the mildest guys mad.  

Offline Trell

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« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2000, 12:12:00 AM »
anyone lower than me  is a target

any one above me is a alt monkey

no matter what alt i am at

i find very very few people that i have a problem with there flying. wether they were hiding in the ack, HOing, or running away      they are all part of the game.   this is not my job so i play for fun.  when i have a problem with the way everyone else flys i will know the problem is with me and take a break or leave compleatly.

i thik the name calling on ch 1 is uncalled for most of the time.  back in beta there was allways name calling but it was not hatefull as it is now. i am not sure when it changed.  it used to be alot more relaxed here.


Offline miko2d

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« Reply #33 on: September 06, 2000, 09:11:00 AM »
 Ice, some people are just sore losers. That explains most of the whining on ch1.

 Some are just intolerant to other's point of view and mostly ignorant.
 They have hard time realizing that another person may have different goals, interests and values then themselves.

 Some are just stupid kids that throw around words like "cowardice" and "honor" talking about a computer game. They probably never encountered anything scarier in their life then the prospect of losing in a computer game and think that what the fear is.
 I wonder how RAM plays chess. He would probably declare an opponent a coward for not moving all his pieces forward...  

 They should get a life. A guy in AH surrounded by a bunch of enemies may be a Quake-style player who does not mind getting virtually shot down. Why should I lose my alt to help him if he got into the virtual trouble himself? In any case his life and health are not in danger. Maybe some ego, at most. Nobody dies when shot down in his chute or vulched.
 Also, whan I am lonewolfing in the arena, why would I care about preserving/improving anybody's score whether he has a green icon or a red one? You may as well ask me to not shoot an opponent in my sights as to sacrifice my advantage to help somebody. I may do or not do both if I feel like it.
 In a scenario or a special event a person is obligated by his voluntary agreement to take care of his wingie and his squad and his side and his mission, but in MA?

 It is obvious that a good plot can defeat a newbie with just a few weeks of flying time in any plane under any circumstances before the newbie even realizes what is going on. The only way a new player has to enjoy the game and land some kills is to be very carefull, deny the enemy any opportunity to attack, let alone shoot, take only safest chances himself and observe the others from his high perch until he has enough experience accumulated to get down and mix it up with some chance of success.
 It's pure hipocricy on the part of experienced players to say "you are doing wrong only attacking from above and escaping where you have 90% chance to survive, you should mix it up with me where I have 99% chance to kill you".

Here is my point of view:
 Flying for survival may be a very interesting game by itself. It was only necessary to get 5 kills in dozens of missions to be considered an ace in WWII. LW aces took years to accumulate hundreds of kills. Hartman scored much less then one kill per sortie.
 I would say that people that fly conservatively are much more true to the spirit of the sim.
 In real life the inexperienced pilots (the live ones) were not known to be killed often. They were known to have much fewer kills per sortie, if any, then experienced ones.
 Some experienced players bored with the usual gameplay and kill scoring may prefer to play as if they only have one life for variety sake.
 Other people cannot spent enough time with a game to get very proficient even after a year or two and they also may prefer staying alive to trying to get a few kills at the expence of many deaths.

 I do not get irritated by other players if they are not flying my style. It's their choice. Many prefer to talk rather then play, but that's what ".squelch" is for.
 There are no bugs in this game related to this discussion, so anything anyone does with his $30 is perfectly legal.

 RAM, if you do not like that a guy did not clear yours or somebody else's six, try to talk to him. Offer him to fly as your wingman for a few sorties. Demonstrate how much more fun it is working as a team. May be then he will share your values.


[This message has been edited by miko2d (edited 09-06-2000).]

Offline RAM

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« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2000, 11:06:00 AM »
Originally posted by miko2d:
I wonder how RAM plays chess. He would probably declare an opponent a coward for not moving all his pieces forward...    

LOL!...chess is one of my favorite games  

RAM, if you do not like that a guy did not clear yours or somebody else's six, try to talk to him. Offer him to fly as your wingman for a few sorties. Demonstrate how much more fun it is working as a team. May be then he will share your values.

Oh, not me, I mean, not my 6. Every time I see someone REFUSING to help a mate in trouble (and I'm not speaking about the so helpless "troubleseekers" someone said above  ), I have the need to puke. People that simply refuse to risk a life ON A GAME to raise his score. Damnit If I was soldier in a REAL WAR I'd wish those guys were in civil duties!!!!.

Miko, most people that doesnt clear 6s are EXPERIENCED guys here. Believe me I've seen it...

On the other side of the coin there are the wonderful guys that help a mate even with a con in his six (thanks vila, for that one yesterday)...of course it turns out that if he does it, the just cleared guy can then clear your own butt (heheh   was nice to kill that niki  ).

But some people here will run.  

No talking will ever change that. Their eyes are on the score page, not in their mate's lifes.

And that sux.

Offline Fury

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« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2000, 11:31:00 AM »
Originally posted by RAM:
 If that way of flying means that you wont dive to clear a mate's six if there are other cons nearby, and that you will run from perfectly winnable fights instead of staying and fighting,then, sorry but I call that:



A very delicate situation.

I *will not* risk my own "life" just to clear someone's six if in doing so I will be put into a bad situation (i.e. die).  I am under no obligation to do so, and while it may be valiant of me to clear someone's six, if it ends up with me being killed then what's the point?  Give my life to protect someone who got themselves into a bad spot, while they may very well live?

Now if I hang around 3k above the fight and do nothing, and there is only one (maybe even two) people approaching my countryman's six........that's a different story.  I do feel obligated to help if possible.

However, the only person I can consistantlyy rely on to help me (or call my six), and the only person I may take a big risk to help, is a squadmate.


Offline Swager

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« Reply #36 on: September 06, 2000, 12:07:00 PM »
Ice, ya fly any way ya want to!

I only wish I could have the patience to land my kills.  I might of landed 10 so far this tour.   If I have fuel and ammo I will engage, unless it is total sucide.

If a countryman is in trouble and I can do something about it, I will give it my best shot.

I suck 1V1!  So my best flying is during high traffic furballin.  Where I can catch someone unawares!  Sooner of later someone catches me !   But that is the way I like to have my engagements.

Up in my 109 one evening, I had a plan!  OTW to the place I wanted to go, I ran into a enemy.  Fighting this joker was not part of my plan, so I disengaged at the first opprotunity.  Ya know, to carry on with my plan. Well this muttonhead starts critizing me over Channel 1!  I smiled and kept on extending!  Ya see, engaging him was not in my plan!!  

Oh BTW, carrying out my plan, I was quickly shot down over an enemy VH.  Oh well, so much for my plan!

There is no moral to this story!  So don't look for one!

Just fly the way ya want to!!  
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline MrLars

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« Reply #37 on: September 06, 2000, 12:32:00 PM »

I watch every film in which I die in, I watch allot of film   That way I can see what I did wrong...That's what I ment about having fun getting killed. It's part of the learning curve in AH that drew he here. Would be real boring if I rarely got killed.


[This message has been edited by MrLars (edited 09-06-2000).]

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2000, 02:17:00 PM »
Ice fly how you want and don't worry how other people want you to fly.

Ram what you are saying is basically who ever does not fly like you is a coward or a dweeb ...well I think anyone who whines about how others fly have small/no dicks and have their brains shoved into a bag of toejam that they hang out their car doors so they can wash them when they go thru a piss storm.

We all pay our money just like you and  I personally couldn't care less what you think of my or any other's flying style.

I get so fed up of coming to this BBS and seing the same people squeaking because people won't fly like they want them to..they won't cover their 6 or they won't engage when they want them to... Hell get over it and fly.

The New Baby Harp Seals
"Come try to club THIS Seal"
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.


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« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2000, 04:20:00 PM »
This is my little routine....

1. On the runway I remind myself that I will make it home

2. I have a 25k rule that is in effect at least 80% of the time I fly.

3. Have a smoke and enjoy the grab...evaluate the map and current enemy activity.

4. Once I tally the enemy, enter the fight at no less than 300ias (need that cornering velocity).

5. Do not pull the trigger outside of 300 yrds.

I do not stay above never engaging the enemy...I simply engage on my favorite challenge is to dive thru a large enemy formation and make the kill inspite of their numbers, then saddle up above them again and watch them scatter like the vermin that they are

I enjoy the large fuel loadout of the 51 and the ammo loadout as they both lend themselves to a long and satisfying sortie.

Last but not least, I rtb with no kills or many objective is to not allow my handle in your text buffer!

And finally, the less skill you percieve that I possess, the more that works to my advantage...I can turn my 51 and turn it well...If I can lull you to sleep, you're dead that much easier.

Turn-ons: The sound of a Merlin Engine...the pissy remarks my dead opponents make after they get bounced....speed....landin kills

Turn-offs: Warps just before I pull the trigger....Discos (the bars of old as well) and whining of any sort!

Now I know that there are those that will criticize my flying style....sorry, but I dont care in the least what you might think...doesn't mean I don't like ya or even respect you, I just don't care what you think about how I enjoy flying this sim, nor will I ever care If ya want to throw stones at me thats cool...just remember that when I kill ya, I'll be laughin my best MuHahahahahaha!

Thanks to everyone that posted...I respect most all of you...I was hoping thru this topic, that you might share your MO as I just did...kinda neat to know what goes thru the mind of your enemy

I'm Out!

Offline RAM

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« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2000, 04:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by Mighty1:

Ram what you are saying is basically who ever does not fly like you is a coward or a dweeb ...well I think anyone who whines about how others fly have small/no dicks and have their brains shoved into a bag of toejam that they hang out their car doors so they can wash them when they go thru a piss storm.

We all pay our money just like you and  I personally couldn't care less what you think of my or any other's flying style.

I get so fed up of coming to this BBS and seing the same people squeaking because people won't fly like they want them to..they won't cover their 6 or they won't engage when they want them to... Hell get over it and fly.

Oh well...'nother one that doesnt like me...

I love making friends  

BTW you are missing my point entirely, but well thats your problem.

 I am sure that when you are low against two enemies (stuck there after trying to help someone that died), and 4 friendlies are nearby and they dont dive to help because there is ONE con 5K higher than them...I am sure, I say ,that you will think well of them.


me neither  

Offline Brazos

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« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2000, 05:47:00 PM »

We can tell your whining, your lips are moving.   It isn't your job to judge others -game- play. Your not the umpire of this empire. Only trust your squadmates, your six is your responsability, and play your own game. Everything else is opinion.

Yet you feel big by tossing insults at the very players who might later be asked to come to your aid. Then call them cowards because they don't waste their sortie to save someone who managed to get himself two on one. Did ya ever ask yourself how that happened? Where was his wingman, etc etc.

Since you couldn't possibly know those answers, your voicing your opinion (rudely), without a clue. Somehow we manage to enjoy the sim without acting like a bulliboy, and passing judgement on the other players. Ya might try it sometime. I've never squeaked 'cause someone refused to help me out.  

Cya up...Braz

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« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2000, 05:57:00 PM »
OK guys, you made it possible.

1-No more six call from ram
2-No more six clearing from ram
3-No more help from Ram

I will still stay and fight as is my way to have fun. But from now onwards dont expect to see me helping other people than that of JG26

And to the hell with everything else

Offline miko2d

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« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2000, 06:01:00 PM »
 RAM, you are saying in your example that when four people decide for some reason to abstain from a fight and you alone think it is better for them to do so, that your opinion is automatically correct? And that without knowing their plans, their motives, their abilities, flying experience, IQ and the picture they see from where they are?

 That is a bit presumptious on your part. I think it is just a youthfull overconfidence that will hopefully wane with age. Nothing personal - we all were there...


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« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2000, 06:10:00 PM »
The only problem I have with your attitude is that you take a posture of superiority.

We all must learn to trust our own judgement.  If I think that I don't have a fighting chance, or that my potential opponents fighting chances are too good, then that is MY judgement and I have to act based on that information.  We can't ask "Does RAM think we have a fighting chance in this situation?" or type into the text buffer "RAM, this is my situation, yadda yadda yadda.  Should I engage or run?"

Your judgement my look like he has a fighting chance when you're at 1.5 on his 6, but you are not the one with an Fw190 bearing down on his 6.  Its not your call to make.

Respect your judgement of your situation and respect others judgement of their own situation.

Petals floating by,
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