Author Topic: i need your opinions  (Read 216 times)

Offline BenDover

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i need your opinions
« on: November 08, 2001, 04:02:00 PM »
this might be better in the h2h forum...but wot ever!

i need your opinions on this,
teams= war
ffa= sport

wot i'm saying is that it is dishonourable to kill ppl on landing in ffa, which i belive in,where as some other ppl do not,<cough>like 6thpappy</cough>

i want to know who does,or doesn't not think killing ppl when they're landing is dishonourable.

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2001, 04:09:00 PM »

FFA refers to TA or training arena. There shooting people on runway, takeoff is not tollerated in the default field.

In MA, Main Arena everything goes as the only consideration is ack and kill shooter as well as defenders.

For what it's worth, shooting enemy on take off and landing was an acceptable and legitimate tactic during WW2. It was the best way to get the 262 late in the war. That is why fields were defended. IMO they were defended far better than the AI ack in AH.

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Offline BenDover

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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2001, 04:50:00 PM »
u don't seem to get wot i'm saying,
ffa=free for all,h2h is wot i'm on about,cos thats where it happens most(ffa)

Offline BenDover

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« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2001, 04:52:00 PM »
and i'm all for vulching in war games(teams),i like shooting 262s on the runway,if only u had perk points in h2h <sigh! :(>

Offline jpeg

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« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2001, 11:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by BenDover:
u don't seem to get wot i'm saying,

Maybe because you keep typing "hic" english, for ex. "wot" instead of what.

Offline BenDover

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« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2001, 12:07:00 PM »
like you've never done that,besides,i was in a rush

and i'm asking for peoples opinion of wether ffa is like sport, and wether shooting ppl in ffa,while they're landing is dishonourable


Offline Aiswulf

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« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2001, 02:42:00 PM »
Well opinions is what you asked for an opinion is what you're going to get  :D

IMHO (well maybe not ALL that humble) I think FFA says it all.  Its my opinion that in a free for all anything goes.
So no I wouldn't necessarily think it is dishonorable to vulch someone while landing or taking off.  :p


Offline BenDover

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« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2001, 02:44:00 PM »
let me guess,over half your kills are vulches  ;)

Offline Aiswulf

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« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2001, 03:49:00 PM »
well if I were flying maybe that might be true  :p
But at this moment I'm still getting my joystick situation taken care of and with luck I'll be flying online tonight or tomorrow  :)
Seriously though I seldom vulched even when I did fly back in my AW days.  Usually too busy being chased by a better pilot to hang around waiting for someone to pop up on the airfield  :D


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« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2001, 01:14:00 AM »
I don't know about dishonorable, I think in real war it was the way things had to be.

In the Main arena, Keeping the enemy from getting off the ground is part of things. But in the TA, I see it more as "sport" and to improve ones skills. How much improvment in ACM skills does one get from Vulching? How much sport is there in shooting someone who can't possibly shoot back.

Perhaps your question needs to be more about context. In the war context its normal, but in the sport/practice context, I don't think it serves a purpose other then to see things blow up.


Offline Wingnut_0

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« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2001, 01:31:00 AM »
FFA=just that...Free for All....

Offline BenDover

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« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2001, 01:23:00 PM »
i'm all for vulching in MA or a Team H2H game, as this is like war, countries fighting for fields.

where as FFA is like a sport,people competing with each other.

and "How much sport is there in shooting someone who can't possibly shoot back."
i belive u've answered your own question

ps, i think TA is different to H2H FFA

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2001, 02:11:00 PM »

FFA arenas will always have vultchers. Lift from another field and spoil their fun by being absent. Don't even try to kill them, just let them sit there all alone. They will get it sooner or later... to whether I think vultching is honorable, why do you want to know? You have already made up your mind what you think about it, right?  ;)

Last time I was in the H2H arenas I was involved in a small tussle near a base. I had a tempest, a 262 and a spit taking turns at me. I got the tempest and the 262, the spit lands a round on me and I reverse (me in a Yak). I had some alt on the spit and managed to use the advantage to land a few rounds in the spit, which immediately fled for the field. I pursued, and he cooperated by flying straight and level. I blasted his butt, and then cast my eyes down on the buffer.

I was being cursed out for vultching! The little boy ran for momma when he was nicked, and apparently typed "landing" and I'd missed it because I was too busy killing him. He whined to the host about me vultching him, cursed at me, then I get the warning from the host not to do it again. "no prob", says I and I left. Way I saw it if he shot at me we are engaged until I break off, not when he decides he's lost the advantage.

Offline Grimm

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« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2001, 02:31:00 PM »
In My opinion, If your asking if Killing on Landings are honorable, its not realy.  

Honor demands you make a reletively fair fight.  Shooting someone that is landing doesnt go along with the concept of Honor. Same Goes with Vulching on Take-off. Looking at it with honorable intentions, its like hitting someone when they are not looking.

Now if your asking if its acceptable, then your in more of gray area. I think it would depend.  A guy you have beat and are saddled up on cries out landing.  That is more of a dishonor on his part.  Then Its Acceptable to waste him.  

If I was flying in H2H and someone continued to Vulch me, I would just leave the arena and find a better place to fly.  Circling a Feild in H2H and vulching doesnt really serve much of a purpose.  

I would a it would be better to give him a chance to get a some altitude (2-4K) and then engage him.  The most honorable would be to merge at Co-alt.  

I dont think in Teams or FFA it matters, Its pretty much the same.

In the MA or CT, Vulching is definately acceptable, even recommended.  Still, It isnt going to make you more honorable. In the MA, There are more factors than just a good fight between a few folks.  

BTW... Some of the Best fights can be found in H2H.  The limited numbers lend themselves to more even numbers.

[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Grimm ]