Originally posted by batdog
I've been tooling around in the Dora alot. I'm gonna give the a5/a8 much more of a whirl as well I'm thinking.
The a5 i've flown some in other tours. I've had limited success w/it.
The A8...I have no idea. My squadie Hajo flies it w/great success.
You'll find that you can bag more kills in the A8 than in the A5 for one simple reason: bigger volume of fire. Take the A8 with the four 20mm in the wings and dual 17mm in the cowl and you'll be snapping off your enemies' wings with 3 good hits. That comes in handy for those snap shots when enemy planes are in your forward view for a spit second. There's a certain joy in watching Mustangs, Hellcats, Corsairs, LA-7s, LA-5s, 109s, and Spitfires (and the occassional P-47, N1K2 and Hurricane IIc if you shoot first) try a head-on attack and end up crumbing before your superior FW190A8 guns.
Those big guns also come in handy for busting up bombers and ground vehicles.
If you're a crappy pilot (like me) and can't do a lot of turn fighting, then the FW190A8 is the plane for you because the 190 can't turn. You plow into a fight, spray your target, and just keep going straight until you're 5 miles away. If nothing explodes, then you turn around and do it again.
Don't try to HO the Me110, P-38, or Mossie. You can end up on the bad side of the lethality contest.
The F8 is also a good plane if you want to mix in a little ground-pounding of a town or lightweight ground vehicle just for kicks. If you're serious about a ground attack flight, then take the Mustang, P-38, Typhoon, or P-47 and do it right, but the F8's ability to carry a single 500 pounder and 4 smaller bombs gives you a five-drop option that can be kind of fun. And the beauty is, the icons all say "FW190" so your enemy won't know that you don't have those other two cannon in the outer gun ports.
Of course, this only works if you're a Knight. If you fly for Rooks or Bishops, then flying the A8 will instantly cause a crash to desktop, your harddrive will be reformatted, your bank account number will be transmitted across the Internet, and hackers will upload sheep porn to your computer (and tell your parents about it).