Author Topic: Funniest Kill  (Read 555 times)

Offline Rickenbacker

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Funniest Kill
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2001, 03:36:00 PM »
I've had some memorable kills, but the best moment in AH was when we were capturing a base, had the ack and hangers all down and a goon on long final, when suddenly the VH comes back up! I had bombs, so I killed it, but three Flakpanzers had time to spawn (must've been chomping at the bit in the tower because I nuked the VH perhaps 30 seconds after it came up). The goon said he was going in anyway, and the Flakpanzers were between him and me, firing like hell at me since they'd seen me destroy the VH. I decided to try a little diversion.

Doing the airshow of my life I managed to keep the three FP's occupied for perhaps 2-3 minutes. I stayed right at the outer edge of their range so they wouldn't lose interest, but none of them even got close to hitting me. Then as the firing slacked off and they started looking for other targets I ran out of fuel. Ditching on a nearby hillside the last thing I saw in my 6 view was the ack coming up, killing the Flaks instantly. I laughed until my gut hurt.

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2001, 03:51:00 PM »
While getting ready to HO a Chog in my Chog, I salvoed my rockets at him, switched to guns, zoomed in my sight and saw a flash on his left wing root.  His wing broke off at D-1.7.  
Kbman was a bit confused why his pretty Chog broke apart well out of gun range.



Offline FDisk

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« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2001, 03:45:00 AM »
It musta been (like eskimo2's) when I had salvo set to 2 on the spit and I was just about to dive on a base and a hog decided to HO me. my 3rd button is set to fire 1st and 2nd guns. I released my rockets into his prop ...he was pissed...

Offline Naudet

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« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2001, 03:58:00 AM »
I remember that i killed a P51 with the main guns off the cruiser.

We were battling near a field and lots of buffs took off to sunk our CV. ALL CV Acks were up and firing, but dunno how they ingnored that lonely suicide Stang closing. So i tried my luck, put the large guns as high as possible and at D1.5 i hit the trigger.
I can tell u 3x8inch hits do a were nice explosion.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2001, 04:47:00 AM »
I took off of A1 on the isles map in a C.202 and started heading east, towards a big blip on the radar.  I'm climbing out and the dots appear, they are at a higher altitude than I am.  There are six dots, 3 in front and bit lower and really close together and 3 above and behind them.  As I get closer the icons pop up and show them to be 3 B-17Gs in formation being escorted by 2 F4Us and 1 P-51D.

Now, I'm not stupid and I haven't got any plans to attack 3 B-17s in close formation in a C.202, but I think "Let's see if we can't have some fun with the escort fighters."     :D

I slide in behind and about 5,000ft below the bombers and start climbing up their low sixes like I'm an idiot, but I'm only glancing at the bombers.  Most of the time I'm watching the escorts.

Sure enough, all three of them peel off and come diving down to save their B-17s from my horrible, viscious C.202.  I break turn out of their firing lanes and then the melee commences.

After a few turns I saddle up on the P-51D and riddle him with fire.  I lit him up like a Christmas tree, he puts it a shallow dive and an F4U is beginning to look a bit too comfortable behind me so I break turn again.  I never saw the P-51D again.  He just kept on running.

Twisting and turning some more its clear these guys didn't learn from the Mustang's mistake and are deadset on underestimating my C.202.  I line up on the first F4U and hold the trigger down like bullets are money and I'm a sailor on my last day of shore leave.  This one breaks apart and tumbles into the sea. Death by a thousand cuts.    :D

That seems to do the trick of snapping the other F4U back to reality and he realizes that I am going to kill him if he doesn't change tactics.  Problem he has is that he is now much lower than I am, probably stalled trying to turn with me.  I dive towards him as he trys to get some steam up and run.  As I close to firing range he does a break turn to avoid my fire and I pull in on his tail.  He's rolling and turning as best he can, but now he realizes that his F4U can't out acclerate my C.202 at these speeds and I'm too close for him to level out.  He gets more and more desparate as my bursts fly around him, then he pulls it a bit too hard and does a lovely half spin and piroet into the ocean.

I decided that I had done enough and I was running a little low on fuel, so I proceeded to A1 and landed.

And that is an example of how not to escort bombers.    ;)

If they'd ignored me I would have broken off and gone elsewhere.  If they'd ignored me and I'd actually been dumb enough to attack 3 B-17s from the low six in a C.202 I would have been shredded at no threat to the bombers.

Instead a single C.202 stripped a somewhat organized mission of its fighter cover because they insisted on getting a kill and underestimating the C.202.  It does have guns you know.    :D

EDIT: That was many Tours ago.

Today I was flying a P-51D and after making an attack on an Fw190 I began to zoom climb back up.  Looking behind me I saw an La-7 at 1000 yards and closing.  I can see that I'm not going to out zoom him so I start to pull her over the top and stand on the rudder intending on taking it to a turn fight if I get the chance, but I'm feeling pretty screwed.  I look back as I do this and The La-7 starts firing bursts at 600 yards and is still closing.

Then it says "Kill 2 by Karnak" and a chute icon appears where the La-7 was a moment before, still gaining on me for a short time but no longer firing.   :D

Oops.   :D

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Karnak ]
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline Vulcan

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Funniest Kill
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2001, 05:41:00 AM »
Ahhhh my favourite was Ripsnort (or could have been funked tho - was a while back and I'm getting old):

One day I was taking off and one these dweebs took off just in front of me (same country)... what the hell I thought, so I snuck up behind him and flicked a Check 6 call accompanied by a toejamload of tracer around his cockpit (but not hitting him). Well, he got such a fright he pulled back so hard his plane (i think it was a chog) snapped back - spun, and flipped into the ground. Of course you don't get manoevre kills for fellow countrymen   :(

feeeeeek I never laffed so hard on AH.

It was truely cool    :cool:


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Funniest Kill
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2001, 10:13:00 AM »
Karnak--Great story & lesson!  Thanks.

DeSelys--Very funny.  I hope in future versions of AH we'll be able to spawn as soldiers from intact barracks.  Choice of armament could include:  Panzerfaust, sniper's rifle, Schmeisser sub-machinegun, grenades, and .45 cal sidearm.  Got to do something about that ability to walk through walls, though.  We have enough uber-planes -- we don't need uber-people!

I had a kill of a B-17 in a C.202, that, like Karnak's kill was a "death by a thousand cuts."  It was also an example of how and how not to attack a buff.

The B-17 was only at about 8k over enemy territory; not a good battle plan.  I made a pass from 12 o'clock high, and saw many hits along his fuselage, but no visible damage.  I turned and climbed back ahead of him.
As I moved back into an attacking position, he was attack by 3 more of us.  Two of the attackers came in from his six and were shot down rather quickly, without causing much (if any) damage.  A Spitfire was a little more careful, and managed to smoke one of the B-17's engines before beginning to smoke himself.  The Spit dropped out of the battle.

I made another head on, followed by a 90 degree deflection shot that made his wings sparkle from wingtip to wingtip.  But he kept going.  One more high deflection pass and he finally lost control and crashed.

MRPLUTO, Captain, VMF-323, ~Death Rattlers~

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2001, 10:46:00 AM »
LOL Vulcan that one is THE Funniest.

And before Funked can write...I'll do it for him...

The time funked saw 6 or 7 unescorted goons flying in formation all alone....  :)

We were laughing our arses off (the goon drivers) as we were on our way to the field.  I can only imagine how funked felt seeing this sight.


Offline batdog

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« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2001, 11:25:00 AM »
Flying up a guys six and he's afk. You ram him from behind and die... he gets the kill and YOU get to deal w/the utter humulation  :(

Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline LePaul

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« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2001, 11:59:00 AM »
Great stories...

Was at A20 (or 21?) and we were getting shoved out fast.  Acks down, just one shore battery up.  Jumped in and I see a B-17 circling above base to knock out our VH when it ups.  He must have seen me fire the shore battery once and apparently was turning to take me out.  At 3.7k away, he's coming straight at me and I'm really getting anxious for the damn shore gun to hurry up and reload!  Ah!  He's 3.1k away, how high you lead these things?  Oh dammit, just try it.  BLAM!  I see the shell go waaay up, then start to descend, looks too high, but the buff noses up, as if to turn back to the base (VH upped).  Then BOOM, I see his wings, tail, everything fall apart!  Had he not nosed up slightly, I woulda over shot!

Lots of WTF!! in the chat buffer but the B17 driver enjoyed a huge laugh with me, confessing he'd managed to pop an F4 with such a lucky shot just the other day.

(Needless to say, that shore battery didnt live long!)

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2001, 01:16:00 PM »
brady and I were trying to sneak a48 I was in ju88 took ack dar and vh out brady was in fighter. I landed at the vh to go get goon brady caps field. Then 2 c47s pop up a toejame load of 51s and f4s.

Brady gets like 12 kills. Someone had planned a mission and were spawning.

He killed like 4 in his first shots. Apparently some didn't realize what was up because he killed the same guys a few times.
It was hilarious. Of course capturing the base was out but still fun.

Mine personal was in an a5. I jaboed a gv at a base and killed it. The base was dead but hi cons were diving in on me 1 109 2 spits. I got into a valley before they got real close and scissored. Well the 109 compressed and augered and as 1 spit opened up a niki dove in his line of fire but augered. The spit died from killshooter. The last spit overshoot as I rolled to get on his 6. He must of been checking 6 because he flew right into a hill.

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Wotan ]

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #26 on: October 02, 2001, 01:36:00 PM »
I got one more  :) This was the funniest.

in the ute mate me and my squaddie were cappin a friendly base that was under gv/jabo attack. I upped late so most nme were ded. I was in a g2 so I decided to grab west to catch the ib cons. They must of gave up so I went further west when I spot 6 hi cons (22k). I shadowed umm and grabbed to 25k. They spotted me and adjusted course. I had thought buffs ib hq.

Turned out it was 6 f6fs. TOD was about to begin so I figured whoever it was was practicing.

1 f6f was trailing well I got on his 6 he did some eractic move and stalled one wing and dropped 3k in alt.

I started sayin "stick stirrer blah blah blah" on channel 1 as I extended.

I ended up with a few pings on him. I then saddled up one and killed him. 2 dove on me so I went to the deck to escape.

The f6f can dive like a mofo and one was closing fast. As I appraoched the ground I broke hard left and watched 1 f6f try to follow but he pancakes the ground. The other grab and wings over and comes in again. Again I break but this f6f repeats a few times but pulls out as I break. Well I figure i'm dead meat cause theres still 3 more out there. His next pass I wait till hes d200 my hi 5 and break hard right. I see the f6f roll then wing drop. I go into black out and when I come out I see the kill msg

"You have shot down Ripsnort"

I type "lol" on channel 1 just then here comes another f6f way fast I break left he tries to follow pancakes as well.

So thats 4 of the 6 I'm rtb. I the get an assist kill msg on the first f6f I pinged.

Turns out another 109 showed up as I turn fer home I see him diving to the deck draggin an f6f d150 across my 12. Well I have just enuff time to squeeze the trigger and see hits down the length of the f6f. I lose sight of the both of them but a few seconds later I get another assist msg on that f6f. It was 10bears......

I type on channel 1 "went head to head with 6 f6fs they all"

Ripsnort replies "f6f stall model porked fix coming"


Offline humble

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Funniest Kill
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2001, 05:26:00 PM »
Right after I returned from my self imposed vacation from AH I was tooling around at about 15k in a tiffie...I was bounced by a couple of planes....a pony and a spit.

The pony drove to my six to force a break and the spit hi yoyo'd to set up for my reverse. I broke into pony and then tried to pull up into the spits shot....of course I had no touch and promptly snapped the tiffie into a wicked spin....

The spitty ran into me and ripped a wing off and the stang compressed trying to hit me on the way down. Never fired a shot on either put got a kill on collision and another manv kill on pony...couse soon as recovered from spin a nikki bounced me and I spun her out again and augered  :(   :mad:

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