....for that Lanc sound. I forget half the places I've swiped sounds from, but I know I've got a couple from you. We'll just get a good deal going; you'll swipe sounds from me, I'll swipe sounds from you. After a while it'll be something like this..."Man, I sure like that Spit's gear sound, can I use it?"...."Yeah, no problem! But can't ya tell? I stole it from you last month!"

PS: Yup, I'm back. And yup, I'm workin on sounds again. My goal in life is to have at least half the AH population deaf inside 6 months.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight SchoolPut the P-61B in Aces High"I wanted to go back for another 50 missions, but they ruled it out
because I had a case of malaria that kept recurring. So I had to stay
in the States and teach combat flying. I was shot down by a mosquito!"
Frank Hurlbut, P-38 pilot