The only fleat I saw all night that was without it CA was the one off 32( i think it was 32), at the very end of the night. In all other bases flating actions that I saw I remember seeing the CA firing at the SB's, I even did this for a bit myself.
If you did not see a CA in the fleat earler, it may of been masked, or perhaps their is some kinda bug preventing you from seeing it, this is news to me if it is the case.
The SB takes 4k to kill, two hellcats can easly kill one if the get decent hits, even if they are slopy about their bomb placement they can strafe it the rest of the way down.
A CA can knock out a SB with a few good hit's from the 8inch guns, not shure exactly how many though,I beleave 8 hits is all though.
I beleave it takes like 16 hits to kill a CV with a SB( prety shure on this), the problem is that it is kinda hard to land 16 hits before you get the SB blown out from under you.
Their is a window on the damage on a CV, I belave it is like 10 min, withen that window damage can accumalate to the point whear 8K is reached and the CV goes down, but I am not 100% shure this is the corect amount of time.
The Japanese players bets bet imo, is to get organised and launch a strike of Tony's with 25% fuel and two 550pound bombs, 8 of them all geting hits would sink it(the CV). The CA only takes like 2k to sink.