Author Topic: CH HOTAS USB Troubles  (Read 1010 times)

Offline Tyro48

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« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2002, 04:37:31 PM »
when you get into AH go to setup, then joystick at the top, once there select joystick, then click on roll , in the middle select combat stick ( or whatever your model is ) then at the right select x axis, then set input , then apply, then back to the left again select pitch, then to the middle, once again select combat stick, to the right again select y axis, drop down select set input, and again apply. Then you can select throttle, in the middle you highlight CH Pro Throttle, to the right you would select z axis, drop down set input, then again apply. For the Pro Pedals you start at the left and select rudder, in the middle highlight the Pro Pedals, at the right select z axis, drop down set input, and then apply. Back to the left select left brake, in the middle once again highlight Pro Pedals, at the right select x axis, drop down set input and apply, back at the left side right brake, then middle Pro Pedals, right side y axis, set input & apply, hopefully this should get all your USB equipment up and running, if you want to add more keyboard commands open CH manager on the left click on the program settings the go to the bottom right at mode control select Pro Throttle, then you can add the commands under mode 2 ot mode 3 to setup more aircraft inputs or you could use mode 3 for veh etc.

Offline Dingbat

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« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2002, 07:43:45 PM »
Do you have control manager launch at start up?  If you do Cease it's operations and unload and mappings.  When you check game controllers you should have the actual controller names listed.  IMHO CM is only good for legacy games (longbow 2, f-15 etc.).  BTW chk mail, I sent you the config file. Below i pasted out of the help file (if you haven't DL it I shall tell her mother about you getting native :)

what's your call sign online?

To select your joystick or other hardware device in Aces High, click on the Setup button on the clipboard, click on the Joystick button, then click on Select Joystick.  This will bring up a separate dialog that will allow you to assign input to your different hardware devices.
      Clicking on any item in the AH Control list box will highlight the Joystick Input associated with that control.
Set All Inputs and Set All Buttons are short cuts to set all input and/or buttons at once instead of individually.  Set Input sets individual controls.

For example, if you wanted to set the control of the Throttle to the dial on your joystick, you would click on Throttle in the AH Controls list, click on your joystick in the Joystick list, and click on Dial in your Joystick Input list, then click the Set Input button.

Offline airspro

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« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2002, 02:58:58 AM »
Mapping directx buttons on throttle .

Ok I use the first eight buttons of AH for my ffb2 joystick , so for my ch throttle I have AH button 9 to Ch throttle button 0 , pic attached .

You then go down the list and do the rest . Same with the hats too , maping in AH the first and second hat , (second hat on throtte , first on you joystick )

Simple when you get the hang of it . The mini stick on throttle is not good in AH IMO .

My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline Ducati

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« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2002, 03:18:38 AM »
@ Dingbat, hey I saw you typing to me this evening and I tried to answer back but I guess you couldn't see my reply for some reason. Do you fly with Rooks, Knights or Bish? Right now I just fly with Rooks until I find a squad or something that requires me to change. My callsign is Raider12.

@airspro: I think I understand what you are getting at there. I am telling AH that these buttons will corespond to the numbers in AH rather than the numbers assigned by XP or CH programe correct? Then I basically say to AH "I want your button number 10 to have this action." IS that about it or am I off base there. Basically I am re-numbering the throttle buttons to what AH sees them as being right?

Thanks for the help


Offline Dingbat

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« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2002, 06:57:03 AM »
Ducati, I fly Bish and you probably were typing in the country channel instead of the world channel.

Did you get my email?

Offline airspro

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« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2002, 06:28:09 PM »
Ducati : Yep your right , don't use the ch control manger to map anything , the default at startup is all directx buttons .

"I want your button number 10 to have this action."
 Right in PART , you tell AH to use your "button number 10 as "directx button ( whatever u chose )

THEN when that's all done you go to the AH to use your AH buttons for what ever you want .

Here's my example . I have my button the backside of my throttle , the one closest to the rear side hat mapped in AH as "button 10" as I told you about in the last post .

Now that's done I tell AH in the : setup > stickmapping > that I want AH to use "button 10" to "look up" in all FOUR sticksets :) . Pic attached .

I use the "look up" as a modifer on the main hat on my joystick to get the "45 views" when use together .

Keep at it , it's really not that hard when you get your feet under ya .


PS , btw I fly rook too
My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline airspro

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« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2002, 06:34:07 PM »
throttle directx button in Microsoft joystick applet
My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline airspro

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« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2002, 06:38:32 PM »
Here's a pic of the same button maped in AH at button 10 . Your's will be differant as I have a 8 button one hat joystick and you have more buttons on your combat stick .

As u see , button 0 in AH is really button 1 and 1 is button 2 etc .

All I can tell you this is the best damn working controler setup (AH) I have ever used to date let . I use all four of AH''s sticksetups too . One for fighters , bombers , gv's and one for just when I am trying to fly a figher shotup .

gl spro
My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline Ducati

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« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2002, 01:20:46 PM »
Thanks airspro, I think I am almost there ;) . I got the throttle to map keys but I seem to have some overlap of button numbers with the fighterstick. I have 16 buttons on the fighterstick and then starting with pushing in on the mini-joystick on the throttle as button 1 (as mapped when checked in windows DirectX properties) I have 15 buttons plus a hat switch. What I'm seeing is that one or two are not seen by AH. And I am thinking it may be that the 0 button is throwing me off. How should I set or reassign the numbering of the inputs, starting with what number, to get all my buttons mapped?

Sounds kind of stupid I know but I am just a little confused because the numbers don't really make sense to me. Hope you understand my question. I am understanding how to do this now thanks to your tips, thank you. Just need to get this sorted and then re-map all my functions to something a bit more logical, all weapons controls to one hat, flight controls like flaps and gear all to another etc. grouping like functions together.

Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for all the help.


Offline Starbird

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« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2002, 07:09:24 PM »
I always found it easier to use CH's map utility to map the key strokes to my buttons, rather than trying to figure out which number button is which in AH.

Secondary button is B (I think?), gears are G, flaps up is Q, clipboard is esc, etc.

Its much easier for me to handle. And making changes is a lot easier, if I want to try different button combinations.

Offline airspro

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« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2002, 08:18:25 PM »
First I have attached a pic : AH only sees 32 buttons and two hats plus the other stuff , axis , rpm , etc . So lets do some math :)  

You have 3 , 4 way hats on throttle plus 4 buttons , that's 16 buttons , and one POV .

On your stick you have 3 , 4 way hats and 3 buttons , that's as u say 15 buttons and one POV .

16 + 15 = 31

And AH sees 2 POV's so you have 1 left over after mapping ALL your buttons and hats in AH .


Questions :

I got the throttle to map keys but I seem to have some overlap of button numbers with the fighterstick

Sounds like you have the throttle and stick mapped to the same button , easy way to check is to use the AH " stickmapping" to see what button is what directx input . Remember how my "button" 2 on my throttle is mapped in AH at button 10 .

I have 16 buttons on the fighterstick

No you don't , you have 15 buttons and one POV , check again . This might be the problem .

then starting with pushing in on the mini-joystick on the throttle as button 1

Yep this is button 1 in windows but not in AH , it is "button 0" in the RIGHT hand box in "Joystick inputs"

Yep this is were you got it mixed up , "button 0" on the stick is were you start off . What I do is start on the joystick and button 0 on stick is AH button 1 , then button 1 is AH button 2 , button 3 is AH button 4 , etc . , after I get the stick done I started with the mini stick pushing it in = button 0 is ( one AH button more than were I left off of the joystick )

Happy Thanksgiving to you also , and NP with the help , alot of nice players have helped me in this game and I just like to give a little back .

Will post a pic of how I have my throttle setup .

My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline airspro

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« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2002, 08:27:45 PM »
I use the second pov ( the one on the throttle ) as a 4 way switch . Well I use it alittle more now I guess , more later .
My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline airspro

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« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2002, 08:55:53 PM »
I use a FFB 2 Microsoft joystick and only use the 4 top buttons and POV on it , all the other stuff is on CH wonderfull throttle .

Here's how I have my throttle mapped , the hats and buttons I numbered on the pic , and 4 way hats will be explaned as so :


OK hat 1 :
up = auto climb
down = auto angle
forward = gear up
back = engine

hat2 : the POV hat
up = flap up
down = flap down
forward = zoom
back = wep

up 45 degs ahead  is = look front down

hat3 :
up = map bigger
down = map smaller
forward = auto level
back = icon toggle

hat4 :
up = trim elev up
down = trim elev down
forward = zoom bigger
back = zoom smaller

button 5 = vox range channel
button 6 = vox squad channel
button 7 = look up view

and pushing in the mini stick , which does NOT work v good is = toggle message window size


No my joystick I have the POV , fire both guns , clipboard , fire secondary , and combat trim .
My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline guttboy

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« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2002, 10:09:27 PM »

Just got my CH Pro throttle bundled with IL2 Sturmovik from FEDEX this afternoon and let me tell you I think the thing is crappy:mad:  ....UNTIL I READ your posts....I then thought it was still crappy:mad: ....UNTIL I RE-READ your posts CAREFULLY~~~!!!!!!:D

Once I really read them and started looking intently at the pics  WHAMO!!!!!!  It instantly Hit on what I was doing wrongl.  Havent gotten it on line yet still tweaking the setups!:D

All I have to say is THANK YOU TREMENDOUSLY for taking the time out to help...not me specifically cuz you were helping someone else out but I glommed onto those pearls of wisdom and now I am back in the AIR!!!!!!!:D

Good thing I tested the beast out off line because when the roll is mapped as the throttle on the CH Pro it gets a bit messy so to speak!  

I may have some more questions on setup for you later so if you dont mind helping a fellow Rook and AH addict out Id appreciate it!

Again thanks for the time and help!



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« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2002, 11:42:28 PM »
Where did you order your CH throttle?