Author Topic: has Aces High made you more agressive?  (Read 692 times)

Offline AV8

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2002, 10:05:05 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding (Work)
I call BS on this one.

It is a well known fact that trains in the UK only have two speeds:

a) 25 MPH

b) Cancelled

Which side do you fly for, train-boy? Because the next time I'm stuck on some freezing station platform waiting for a train that is running on supposedly the mother of all railway networks (lol!), at least I'll feel warm satisfaction due to the knowledge that when I get home, I can go spoil some sodding train driver's evening by shooting the bastard down.


Dowding Hi!!


I drive for Chiltern Railways based at Aylesbury Bucks.(London Marylebone to Birmingham Snow Hill)
I fly for Bishops, normally a C47.. I love to take people for a ride:D

I could talk for hours on why the delays occur.. It all boils down to 2 reasons:  
1.  Too many trains running on a line that does not have the infrastructure to support that amount of trains.....
2.  The failure of Railtrack and various Governments to invest in upgrading/repair/maintenence/enhancing the existing rail infrastructure..

Sorry to sound so officious, but that is the root cause of the problem..Most Train Operating Companies (TOC`s) Really try to provide a good service..Most times we do..But there are SO MANY things that drivers/TOC`s  have absolutely NO control over...All we can do is turn up for work and see what cheese has been handed to us on this day....

Please feel free to kill me on AH as much as you like..I`m used to it anyway.  As, like most Bomber/Goony pilots I`m used to having

:confused: NO SUPPORT


Offline Rude

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2002, 10:09:49 AM »
Now Dowding....what would lead you to believe that Laz and myself are hillbillies? Wouldn't be that tendency of yours to to be wrong again would it?

Offline beet1e

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2002, 10:19:54 AM »
Rude - I keep telling you. Yorkshiremen are never wrong.  OK, the picture went wrong. Dowding - I will fix it.

Offline Pongo

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2002, 10:31:39 AM »
nope..always been way to aggressive.

Offline palef

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2002, 11:44:09 AM »
Originally posted by AV8
Dowding Hi!!


I drive for Chiltern Railways based at Aylesbury Bucks.(London Marylebone to Birmingham Snow Hill)
I fly for Bishops, normally a C47.. I love to take people for a ride:D

I could talk for hours on why the delays occur.. It all boils down to 2 reasons:  
1.  Too many trains running on a line that does not have the infrastructure to support that amount of trains.....
2.  The failure of Railtrack and various Governments to invest in upgrading/repair/maintenence/enhancing the existing rail infrastructure..

Sorry to sound so officious, but that is the root cause of the problem..Most Train Operating Companies (TOC`s) Really try to provide a good service..Most times we do..But there are SO MANY things that drivers/TOC`s  have absolutely NO control over...All we can do is turn up for work and see what cheese has been handed to us on this day....

Please feel free to kill me on AH as much as you like..I`m used to it anyway.  As, like most Bomber/Goony pilots I`m used to having

:confused: NO SUPPORT


RUBBISH!! When I was in the UK, the biggest killer of train services was "Leaves on the track".

Cut down all ya frickin trees and cancel autumn and the UK rail system would be fine.

Mind the freakin' gap.


Offline beet1e

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2002, 11:58:05 AM »
LOL Palef!!! It's only the WRONG kind of leaves, and the WRONG kind of snow that we worry about.

The "Mind the Gap" tapes on the underground are no so worn that it sounds like "mrrrpphh duh wop".

Offline AV8

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2002, 02:09:13 PM »
Originally posted by palef
RUBBISH!! When I was in the UK, the biggest killer of train services was "Leaves on the track".

Cut down all ya frickin trees and cancel autumn and the UK rail system would be fine.

Mind the freakin' gap.


That comment coming from someone who lives in a country where there are more sheep than people.. Really amazed me!!?  I didn`t know that sheep could type  :D

For your information..2 weeks ago, me and my train, plus about 400 passengers slipped, (totally out of control) for over 2 miles!!!
This was due to "Leaves on the track" !!!  So If you think that is funny, then go f*ck yourself :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Imagine being a pilot in a 747 and you can`t control the speed or direction or danger that you and your passengers are going into........ NOT VERY FUNNY  AS*HOLE :mad: :mad:

You ever come to England, please arrive in the Autumn and I guarantee you a ride that will scare you (sheep shagger) cheeseless!!!!!!



Offline AV8

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #37 on: November 26, 2002, 02:14:02 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
LOL Palef!!! It's only the WRONG kind of leaves, and the WRONG kind of snow that we worry about.

The "Mind the Gap" tapes on the underground are no so worn that it sounds like "mrrrpphh duh wop".


if you want an in depth, inside story of how and what makes the railway tick, then feel free to contact me and I will take you through the most harrowing story you could ever hear..!!!!
If I told you everything, you would never travel by rail again....:rolleyes:


Offline AV8

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Re: has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2002, 02:46:45 PM »
Originally posted by udet
Everyone rants about violence in computer games and how it creates little monsters.
On the other hand, agresivity is a necessary trait for a succesful fighter pilot, and I'm sure most of you are agrresive in the game.

But.... have you started applying this aggresivity in RL as well?

Today I submitted a post.  This was in response to a light hearted (possibly serious), initial post by udet..
What did I receive????  Let me tell you...................
Certain people believe that they know all there is to know about another persons job/business.  

They decided to let the world, and me, know that they knew best !!!!!

To the three individuals involved: Dowding, palef and beet1le, let me ask you this:  If I walked into YOUR office and started to tell you, what you and your company were doing wrong, you would throw me out the door!!!! Telling me that I knew nothing about the particular business you were involved in. However, you lot decided to go one step further and inform the whole of AH that you knew more about my business than I did.!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me tell you something:

These three people are typical of the attitude that is prevalent in this world today.

I hope that the rest of the AH community are not as biased/prejudiced/insecure etc. etc. as these three individuals.

I feel really, really upset that 3 people who I do not know and who know nothing of the work that I do, feel the need to take the p1ss/humiliate me/belittle my job etc.etc.
If this response is taken poorly/wrongly then GOOD.  It may make people think twice before they belittle (I could think of stronger words) someone elses job..

Have a really nice train journey


Offline palef

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #39 on: November 26, 2002, 03:00:07 PM »
Originally posted by AV8
That comment coming from someone who lives in a country where there are more sheep than people.. Really amazed me!!?  I didn`t know that sheep could type  :D

For your information..2 weeks ago, me and my train, plus about 400 passengers slipped, (totally out of control) for over 2 miles!!!
This was due to "Leaves on the track" !!!  So If you think that is funny, then go f*ck yourself :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Imagine being a pilot in a 747 and you can`t control the speed or direction or danger that you and your passengers are going into........ NOT VERY FUNNY  AS*HOLE :mad: :mad:

You ever come to England, please arrive in the Autumn and I guarantee you a ride that will scare you (sheep shagger) cheeseless!!!!!!



Now breathe - that's it - let it out - and breathe in - big deep breath.

Anyone else get the feeling that AH may have made AV8 a little aggressive? :D

I was suffering under the misaprehension that an Englishman wouldn't need smilies to indicate satire.

I humply beg your forgiveness.

Currently dealing with some of those sheep, and I've lost one of my velcro gloves so I'm a bit pre-occupied.

And I love scarey rides, so I'll look you up next time I'm there. :)

Btw, fwiw I used to commute from Southampton to London by train twice a month and the service was far superior to anything offered in NZ.


Offline palef

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2002, 03:04:56 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
LOL Palef!!! It's only the WRONG kind of leaves, and the WRONG kind of snow that we worry about.

The "Mind the Gap" tapes on the underground are no so worn that it sounds like "mrrrpphh duh wop".

The first time I heard that disembodied voice, I was just stepping into a tube train, and I stopped dead and looked around for the person who had said it!! Perfect timing.

Thanks for accepting my comments in the way the were meant. ;)

And for not making any sheep jokes for which I am eternally grateful.

And I enjoyed my time in the UK immensely and the public transport system was so good it left me gasping. You guys don't know how good you have it.


Offline AV8

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2002, 03:16:39 PM »
I was suffering under the misaprehension that an Englishman wouldn't need smilies to indicate satire.

I humply beg your forgiveness.

Hi palef,

you still (conveniently) ignored my initial statement about making remarks on another persons job, or ability to do the job!!

My initial remarks still stand: Go and play with your sheep, because that is all you know and understand..


Offline Dowding (Work)

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2002, 03:27:43 PM »
Hmmm... I was only pulling your leg AV8. Didn't mean to cause offence. I'm sure you do a great job and wasn't casting aspertions of any kind.

I still can't believe I need to write this post - your comments were out of order given the context.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2002, 04:07:18 PM by Dowding (Work) »

Offline beet1e

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #43 on: November 26, 2002, 04:04:29 PM »
AV8 - what the hell are you talking about?  I simply made that joke that paraphrased rail management when they had the problem with the snow that time. I'm not saying a word about how you do your job, or how the railways should be run.

I think dowding and I are due an apology, or at least a retraction. I can't believe you said what you said.  :(

Offline palef

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has Aces High made you more agressive?
« Reply #44 on: November 26, 2002, 04:04:59 PM »
Originally posted by AV8
I was suffering under the misaprehension that an Englishman wouldn't need smilies to indicate satire.

I humply beg your forgiveness.

Hi palef,

you still (conveniently) ignored my initial statement about making remarks on another persons job, or ability to do the job!!

My initial remarks still stand: Go and play with your sheep, because that is all you know and understand..


Of course I did because it is self serving and childish.

As Dowding has said, there was no offence intended, and I really do apologise for "winding you up". That was not my intention.

As for having people make comments about another person's ability to do their job, I work in IT, and have had to develop a fairly thick hide and head to other people's inisistance that I have no social skills and can't finish projects, before I have even met people or begun a task on their behalf.

Also have you ever noticed how friends and family immediately assume that you will spend hours fixing their PC for absolutely no recompense whatsoever because you work in IT and it must be simple to sort out? Irrespective of your particualr IT discipline?

Now I suggest that you either go on an Anger Management course or stop playing AH (if that has indeed prompted your aggressive outburst) before you start speeding up for level crossings.


PS the sheep jokes are really, really, old. For a country that has such a proud tradition in the comedic arts that line of "comedy" is tragically pathetic.

PPS watch the language in future please.