Author Topic: Sugestions for anti ship game play  (Read 199 times)

Offline Pongo

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Sugestions for anti ship game play
« on: December 09, 2002, 09:38:45 PM »
Interesting dilema. Deliberate suicide attacks were a very effective tactic in WW2. Kind of a touchy subject deliberate suicide attacks are a tactic of choice in AH as well.
I comparing the effect on ground targets vs the effect on ships is hard to do. The people that do it against bases are just terrifically unskilled. But against ships it is one of the only effective tactics.
How about this..

Change the data model on the carrier so its only hurt by GP bombs if they hit in an elevator. And it still takes 2k in an elevator to kill the ship.

GP bombs should be useless against the Cruiser.
Rocktets I believe are GP type warheads. They sould be considered such for anti ship puposes in the game anyway.

If you use AP bombs then the bomb can hit anywhere. But AP bombs are only available for Dive bombers and Kamakazis.
A kamakazi is a 50 perk point load out that is available for historically relevent planes. IE the Zero and several other Japanese planes as they become available.

Kamakazis can not drop thier bombs and get no credit for landing. The only way they preserve thier 50 perks is if they hit a ship. They have no cannons or mgs loaded in their airplanes..
If they hit a ship(sink or not) they dont loose their perkies. instead they get awareded perk points. 25 perks for a DE, 50 for a Cruiser and 100 for a Carrier.

A Kamakazi has an eny value like a 262. IE killing a kamakazi is equivilent to killing a 262 for perk point purposes. They should also have a kamakazi icon.

I think this kind of thing would show how deadly this tactic was historically. Show the emphasis the Allies put on defeating the threat, show some of the deliberate forthought involved in the kamakazi mission. And show the cost to the attacker and the reward to the attacker.

It would also show the value of dive bombers..

If you also made all torpedos go twice as fast, twice as far so they could have a chance of delivering thier weapons against the fleet you would see how effective they were as well...But ww2 fleets didnt cruise at expecting a weapon built to hit a 20 knot target to work against a target twice as fast is a bit silly.

Offline Nilsen

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Sugestions for anti ship game play
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2002, 08:23:09 AM »
I would sure like some sort of torpedo aiming system/sight for planes and pt boats.

Offline AtmkRstr

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Sugestions for anti ship game play
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2002, 02:34:26 PM »
I think GP munitions should do, perhaps 50% damage, not 0%.  

One problem is that lancasters could carry armour piercing bombs.  That enormous bomb not modeled yet in AH was armour piercing (12,000lbs?). Also, it was used against ships (Tirpitz).  Your solution wouldn't really fix the dive bombing lancs problem, I think they would dive bomb anyways.  

Anyways, I really like that Kamakazi idea. I don't think they should be perked though, atleast not very high.  A slow zero with no guns and loaded with bombs is an easy target.

Offline BenDover

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Sugestions for anti ship game play
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2002, 03:04:58 PM »
what about if AP bombs cost quite a few perkies?

and if you land you get your perks back

Offline Pongo

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Sugestions for anti ship game play
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2002, 03:49:42 PM »
The AP bomb thing is purly a game play proposal to limit the effectiveness of level bombers against ships.
Yes the tall boy and grand slam are AP bombs and yes they would be very effective against any ship.
If they were in the game they should be made available to non formation Lancs and if they hit through the norded they should sink any ship. That in no way validates the kamakazi carpet bomber lanc formation which I am trying to address.

I say that you have to make GP bombs only work on a very small portion of the CV just to make it so that even with 14 * 3 * 1000
42000 pounds of dweeb applied ord you still would be have to be very lucky to hit the elevator. But a well flown Jug might get the hanger with one run of 2k and that guy deserves to kill the carrier.

I sugested the high perk cost to initiate a Kamakazi mission only to reproduce the fact that this is not a mission of opertunity.(although some did return) It is a very costly one way mission. I made the return on investment very high too. Because this was one of the most effective tactics developed during the war.