Author Topic: WOW, this game has changed!!!  (Read 852 times)

Offline Sachs

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« on: December 09, 2002, 11:37:08 PM »
I will admit thanks HTC for the 50-100$ in cash.  Didn't need it but thanks.  I used to love this game, I still do to a point.  But I think and coming from a "quote on quote: Score potator point of view.  You just made a few people that are always in the top 15, 50 bucks richer for no reason.  Personally I am at witts end as to why this contest started.  Or for that matter why it even evolved into one.  Why not focus on the Combat Theater?  Numbers are smaller there, why not give it some of the cash flow and recognition.  I fly in the MA purely on the fact that the numbers are there and the killing is there.  

In the CT I log in see a whopping 15-20 MAX!  Why would I log in there and have to fly around maybe find a base with 2-3 opponents.  It doesn't add up, if anything I would hope you would sponser and approve of the CT.  Instead you give the money to the ones who fly in the MA and always get the top 15.  Hell I could quit now and stay in there, this really gives the new people flying and the old vets who have been here for quite sometime a slap in the face.  Some fly the game for the fighter or bombing aspect.  Some fly for rank, instad of money why not offer an opinion on the next plane to come out?  What you have created is a mass of people that want to get there and have IMO kind of taken the fun out of the game.  I have done more vulching/raping this tour then i normally do.  I find myself looking at my rank to make sure I don't mess it up.  Why?  Because of some petty money.  I really don't care for it now.  I realized what I have become because of it and the game isn't fun now for that reason.

If it were different circumstances, I would hope you could suck it up and say we were wrong about this and their is no cash prize.  Maybe a secret "prize" for the MA and CT.  Draw a number out of a hat.  I don't care but leaving one arena out of this really says you don't support your own creation.  Make up your mind, you create the early war rides the last year for an arena that has cobwebs thicker then my dead Chia Pet.

Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2002, 12:01:06 AM »
A prize for being #1 in the mission theater (if it pans out) would probably be a worthwhile venture, and a prize for 2nd, 3rd, etc.. whatever.

But I dunno, HTC makes the prizes... you play their way, or you don't, and you don't get the prize.

They haven't said this is the one and only contest, so sit tight and see what else comes this way.

Offline Sachs

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2002, 12:04:40 AM »
I agree, sit tight is right.  but why not start with the lesser of the two and work your way up?  I would love to fly in the CT if the numbers were up.  And I know well if you aren't there  then the numbers won't go up.  I am at fault there.  

Start with the lesser and work your way up.  Build up what could be a great arena.  Instead give the money to me and the others that make the top 15 every month.  As I said before thanks.  But would rather see it spent somewhere else on something more worthwhile.

Offline Sixpence

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« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2002, 12:38:51 AM »
What he said. Don't se why more people don't fly CT anyway. I don't go into the CT because of the numbers either, and although it's that kind of thinking that causes low numbers, I think it goes a little deeper than that. I saw the main go down twice that I can remember. In both cases the CT did not fill up with pilots..........the training room did! Maybe people don't know about the CT. I never knew what it was for the longest time till one day I tried it. The only two squads I see in there(in any numbers) are the Hellcats and the Sentai(hope I got those right).Maybe a cash incentive for squad participation? A hundred bucks devided up between squadmates and deducted off monthly payment(10 members, $4.99 payment that month). Just an idea.For those who haven't been in the Combat Theater, it is a two sided map setup up like an event(but you can respawn all ya want). Many nice maps, one was an eastern front map and the weather was clouds almost at ground level(winter scenery).

But before a cash incentive to the CT, the map makers should get one.
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline SirLoin

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2002, 12:43:17 AM »
Give the top ranked pilot $100 to the charity of his choice...Just an idea.


Offline Elysian

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2002, 01:30:11 AM »
Have to agree w/ a lot of what AG said.  

Especially the part about trying for the high rank killing the fun.  Not that anyone should care about my personal AH story, but I think I ranked around 25 last tour without really trying.  This tour the obsessive-compulsive competitive part comes out in me with this prize thingy and I make a real effort to be in the top 15.  My K/D doubles from being a weenie in the air and vulching, I learn a few tricks for score and presto I'm in the top 15 now.  I'm actually flying a lot less too, the fun is getting sucked out of AH by behaving this way.  

Couple other guys in my squad in the top 15 seem to be getting bored as well.  If I was smarter I'd go into the MA and auger right off the runway 20 times and kill my score.  

Not sure why I posted this, but one thing is for sure, I'm not going to fly like this in any future tours and rank-whoring is a bore.  

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2002, 02:10:39 AM »
Yup I have a bunch of score dweebs in my squad. We have 5 guy in the top 15 with 2 or 3 others that can make it. If not this round the next.

I expect we would go into the big shoot out and gangbang the other until theres only JG 2 left to get the big cash.

AH the humanity.........:p

Offline Apar

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« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2002, 03:02:30 AM »
AG, couldn't agree more.

I really don't understand this prize thing. IMHO it doesn't bring out the best in plp, rather the worst (as mostly when money is involved). If it is to advertise for more AH players, it is a bad choice.


Offline Wotan

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« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2002, 03:27:10 AM »
I'll some this thread up

"A potatos Remorse"


Shut up and take the money, we dont care how dirty you feel :)

Offline Sachs

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2002, 06:58:16 AM »
LOL Wotan.  Could you tell the alcohol was a little thick?  Wooooooooo.  :eek:

Offline ZAMO

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2002, 08:56:45 AM »
It really has changed behavoir of a lot of people in the arena. It is a pity how 50 bucks can change some human behavoirs.

Something has been lost for me in the MA since in arena is running now a money war. It is already really close to real life.

Just my opinion as a regular player. Not trying to bother anyone. If so...I apologize in advance....I feel sad about actual arena status.

Salute to all AH comunity

Offline Turbot

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2002, 09:09:01 AM »
A better (OK, different) prize would be being able to pick the next plane released.  This would give something back to the game that was player driven

Offline Rude

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2002, 09:10:46 AM »
Buncha Whiners!

Offline Kweassa

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2002, 12:51:34 PM »
I still think it shouldn't have been actual cash rewards.

 Honorary rewards which allow special recognition in the game should have been enough. Then all the bitterness, the vulgar nature of score whoring could have been a lot less.

 When people would receive honorary, special rewards for being top in the score, to people who are interested in high scores the specialty of such rewards would mean something good, and to the people not interested, it would just stay that way.

 However the moment it involved money, it started rolling downhill. Scorn, disrespect, madness, greed, hostility, dog-eat-dog competition...

 Kinda funny isn't it, the fact that even a small community in  a virtual environment tends to flow into the direction resembling filthy reality...

Offline 214thCavalier

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WOW, this game has changed!!!
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2002, 01:19:41 PM »
If anybodys willing to sell their soul and spoil their own enjoyment of the game for $50 - £100 then i think they need to re-assess their prioritys.
Whine as much as you like - No sympathy here.
I am sticking to the same rides doing the same stuff my way, well apart from a mad session of repeated torpedo runs into oblivion with the TBM and Ju88 last night.
Sometimes you get a burr in yer bellybutton and its gotta be done :)
But hey i am still enjoying it and its nearly as much fun watching all the lemmings trying to compete for the $ whilst whining about it.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2002, 01:21:46 PM by 214thCavalier »