Author Topic: Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?  (Read 2368 times)

Offline NUTTZ

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2001, 07:28:00 PM »
Milnko, I read your post and still think you are missing my point. I would hope to think as you quote, I am not running new people out of the game, because I am a "self centered A-hole". Although i didn't think you ment to come across and mug sling this way. But you are only supporting what i said, that this is a game and has no reflection on real life ( althou you seam to confuse the two with your quotes). And killing someone out of the skies also lessens the enjoyment of others and also SHOULD be removed. Now where does that leave us? And another post you go on to say a vulchie has an option of coming up another feild, and has a choice, But you have the "choice" of pulling that cord or not also.  Also you state that chute shooting is bad sportsmanship ( althou the way you did say it was that not doing it was good sportsmanship) But then go to say you "rarely" do it. Not "ever" do it or "never" do it but "rarely" do it.. Hmmm.....I was wondering what the definition of good sportsmanship is? and how Chute shooting falls under the catagories of "poor sportsmanship"  I would hope to think that I have "goodsportsmanship" qualities. but under "your" definition of this word? Or mine? You see their are Many cultures, and many races , and beliefs that are in this " game" Some people eat dog meat and find it tasty, some would shudder at the though, Venison,Bear, Ostridge, pick one. I would NEVER eat dog meat, notice i said NEVER not "rarely" . My point is,,, different people veiw things differently And I respect your POV, respect mine, without the association that my beliefs take away the enjoyment of others and my beliefs make me a "self-centered A-hole". There are some people  play for points, some do not, some like TOTAL emersion, this INCLUDES role playing while in the game, some do not. thinking about this some more and looking a few post past your responce, some others had made some good points pro and con. I am glad that I never had to go to war and probably In those shoes would of reluctantly made sure the Pilot was dead, Not the plane, and I'm sure most would of done the same. I'm not trying to advocate this but tried to objectively look at both sides of the coin, and sadly to say IRL, I would more than likely  do the same. War stinks, It's not fun, or funny. Thanx to HTC, it's a simple click back to your favorite ride. And that is my point! That doesn't make me a poor sport, or a self centered Hole. So next time you see me on your 12 please aim for the plane NOT the pilot



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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2001, 07:53:00 PM »
Great idea Mason!  
I shoot all 190 and Runstang chutes and would love to know who I nailed.  

Offline Mayhem

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2001, 08:08:00 PM »
Well heres my take on chute killing.

1) always kill chutes from a c-47 these guys take your base.

2)don't waist your time killing a bailers chute specialy since it cost you your ammo for nothing. Never ever waist E or alt on a chute cuase he's probably told his buddies where you are and what alt you are at. also remember as long as he is in that chute he is out of the fight.

3)The only time its worth shooting a chute is when you have no one near you and it's very unlikely that you will be engaged before you land and you know it's really going to piss the guy off. also If you got something in the area you don't want him to see (goon, m3) or you think he is relaying intelegence (must not be rook then) then buy all means shoot him.

4) It's against the geneva convention and is a warcrime .... only if your side looses the war!

5) if he is really really high when he opens his chute you have two choices ... you can be nice and kill him so he doesn't have to float back to earth for a half an hour ... or you can make him suffer while you tuant him ... I say make him suffer he shoulda stuck with his ride like a real man!


Mayhem 33rd S.G.
"Destination anywhere, so far gone, I'm already there!"

[This message has been edited by Mayhem (edited 01-12-2001).]
"Destination anywhere! So Far Gone, I'm almost There."
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S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)


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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2001, 08:32:00 PM »

I've bailed enough times, I sure don't like getting shot at if I can't shoot back: I mean, its just dumb of me to get maneuvered into a situation where I have perfectly good guns and ammo, and can't use 'em on an enemy; its another when you've got nothing, and he strafes hell outta ya.

So I generally don't shoot chutes: I just continue to pound that disintegrating airframe w/ cannon til he explodes- end of dilemma.  I especially like this with chog pilots now: can't think why.  I generally try to get on their six and then I start yellin' various things like "Squeal like a chog, boy" and "I know you like it HO, let's see how you like it up the tailpipe", followed by lotsa pretty colors.  

I like some of the sadistic chute killing ideas, too.. that 35K to almost sea level would be sweet, and it'd REALLY get someone's goat.



Offline milnko

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2001, 08:55:00 PM »

I didn't mean you personally were a A-hole,  it's just an attitude as a whole that I see more and more emerging lately.
I'm all for the concept that whatever it takes to win is okay, but some have taken it a step further to include that after ya win, drive a stake thru the heart, lop off the head and stuff the mouth with garlic.

It is a game, and should be treated as such. You don't see the winning team of the World Series take up thier bats and club the losing side do you?

When I say "rarely", that is to indicate that I've have done it in the past, and am not without blame, when I've done it in the past it was usually payback.  I don't make a habit of it like many have done.

Just tryin to point out that few people like to be shot in thier chute, and if you've already won the fight, why intentionally go out of your way to try an piss someone off?

I'm all for Mason's idea.

This is my last post on the topic, as it is a matter of personal choice and rather pointless to discuss.


Offline Creamo

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2001, 09:17:00 PM »
Geez Miko2d, that was one hell of a comeback. Good points.

Kill Chutes deprive the downed pilot of points, period. PERIOD!

Now go De-perk him.

Oh, and for the  gameplay reference, tune into the Raider game this weekend. You will see a quarterback, "hanging defenses" in the pocket if you will, get mercilessly t-boned blind side from a very fast blitzing free safety.

The play will be over, the QB will be in a heap half not knowing where he is, and that defensive player will be beating his chest, screaming like a animal, motioning to God, telling the QB he'll be there "all damn day baby!", all to the delight of 80,000 rabid drunk hotdog chowing, beer swigging criminals in the Oakland stands!

Yeah! Kill em, rub it in, and be the King. Whats wrong with that?

(see in San Francisco, the 49er fans would be sipping wine and wondering if the new crab leg vendor had melted butter. rutabagas)

It's all on how ya like to play.

Have thicker skin, and have some fun.

Offline Nash

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2001, 10:20:00 PM »
Jesus Creamo... since when did ya learn to write poetry?

I'm all choked up. That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read.

Offline SOB

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2001, 11:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by milnko:
It is a game, and should be treated as such. You don't see the winning team of the World Series take up thier bats and club the losing side do you?

Hmmm, I sense a new Fox sports league coming on!    I sometimes feel a little guilty when I'm lining up the chute of the guy I just shot down and he throws an <S> up on the open channel, but I generally just suck it up and shoot him anyhow.  

I figure I can only control one side of the equation, and I don't do it with malice, just for the pure fun of it...I can't help it if the other pilot takes it as a sign of disrespect.  I could stop doing it altogather, but that'd kill some of my fun, and I'm just too selfish for that.  

...dammit, all this talk of chute-killin' has me itching to fly!  See y'all up in about 10 minutes!
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!


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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2001, 11:44:00 AM »
PakRat luuuvs chute killin' and all the fun that goes with it.

Hell, sometimes I'll even help out some poor dumb sumsqueak that pulls high and is stuck there hanging (and maybe even reporting back with sitreps).

Why just last night had a guy try to shoot me in my chute on the way down - and this was also funny - he impacted right next to me and I got the kill and the perk points with a safe landing. He obviously died in action - big perkie point penalty.

Moral to the story? Shoot chutes but do it carefully!  

Rape, pillage, then burn...

Offline Suave1

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2001, 05:09:00 PM »
Creamo can you post that jpeg you made of the chute shooting in this thread please  

Offline Swager

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2001, 10:24:00 PM »
I shot a chute last week.  Second one ever! Reasons is:

There I was, mindin my own business just tryin to gain alt.  There were friendly bombers in the area going for a enemy base.  This high P51 instead of going after the bombers that were bombing his base he looses his alt by commin after me!!

I mean I am no threat at all.  I see this and dive  figuring this putz would not lose all of his alt and break off.  No! No! No! This mellonhead comes after me on the deck.  Now Im upset because I lost my alt!  I am hoping the bomber boys are destroying his base also.  
I evade this schmoe and went for more alt. I turn to engage again and see a fellow countryman flame this burnout.  Well this dipstick bailed and pulled the ripcord!  HeHe!!

I lined up on his floating arse and pulled the trigger!  It felt sooo good!

Motto of this story: He should of went after the bombers!!
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline eagl

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2001, 09:55:00 AM »
Shooting parachutes is part of the game IMHO.

Even from a pure scoring point of view, it makes a lot of sense.  Anytime I can stop someone's kill streak, I gain something in the game especially now that the perk system is on the way.

I studied game theory (not flightsims or PC games, but theories that apply to ALL games) a bit back in school, and whacking guys in their chutes makes perfect sense from a pure game theory point of view.  If I shoot someone in a parachute, they have a net loss of score, rank, and now perk points, and I have a net gain relative to them.  Maybe it's my Real Life training, where second place is DEAD DEAD DEAD, but I play to win.  I don't cheat in online gaming since that isn't "winning" even though I cheat like a maniac in real life aerial combat, but that is just about the only concession I make while playing online games.  

That's my opinion of course, since some people really do get a lot of enjoyment out of allowing other gamers full or partial unearned victories.  All I can say to the vocal ones is they are barking up the wrong tree when they try to convince someone who plays to win that shooting chutes in the GAME is somehow immoral or wrong.  

Of course, some other people take that extra step, and will cheat the game.  All I can say to that is "what's the point?"  If you want to be the best virtual pilot, play with the same rules everyone else uses.  If you want to be the best cheater, please give HTC some respect and go find another game to be the best cheater in.

eagl <squealing Pigs> BYA
Oink Oink To War!!!
Everyone I know, goes away, in the end.

Offline Sunchaser

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2001, 10:21:00 AM »
I tried to shoot a chute last night and I'll bet that Rook is still laughing.

I was in my favorite ride, the ostwind, and I used about a hundred rounds on him in the air and after he landed and got 1 bird and several sheep and after the battle moved away I got a whole bucket of worms out of the ground I tilled.

The ostwind is still too tough but I cannot hit anything with it anyhow.

Shoot 'em if ya got 'em....or not, in the overall scheme of things it matters not.

When did they put this thing in here and WTF is it for?

Offline Creamo

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2001, 05:05:00 PM »
Originally posted by Suave1:
Creamo can you post that jpeg you made of the chute shooting in this thread please  

Thats easy to find. Its linked off the FDB website main page that Gordo hasn't updated since MAY! Slacker!

Chute Kill PiX

BTW, ya ever notice that Superfly never changed those aweful blocky heads?  

Wonder why?

Offline Suave1

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Chute Shooting? Kill Message in Text Buffer, WHO DONE IT?
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2001, 09:43:00 AM »
Damn.. that still makes me laugh