Author Topic: Some Concerns  (Read 1962 times)


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Some Concerns
« on: March 24, 2001, 05:04:00 AM »
I have recently heard some big AW squads wanted to move over to Aces High but only if they get a discounted group rate of $15.  I think this would be totally unfair to those who've shown support by already paying to play Aces High at its current rate. I fear that if these would-be new players are granted the discount that they are requesting it would also be destructive to the AH community as a whole unless every member of every squadron is also given the same lowered rate.  AH also has enormous squads and they are the ones who have worked to make this community what it is now.  Any sort of cut-rate fee should be spread to all of AH's squadrons or to none of them.

I don't normally share email with those it was not addressed to but I am so disgusted about this issue that I decided you all needed to see it.
>Nomads and friends ... I have been informed that negotiations are imminent. A group of our AW comrads have taken it upon themselves to try and get a group rate for entry into ACES HIGH. The figure discussed at this moment is $15.. Now none of this is decided but if it happens do you want to be on the list?? If so, reply with your name and cpid in the body of the letter so that I may easily copy it to a list..  You may send the names of others if you wish. Please dont give this email to others . I would prefer if you have names to add to the list that you would personally add to your letter.
Im just looking for a goodtime in the cyber skies.:}:}

>Just a note, We have been discussing this in depth with Damned members.
As we approach this, we must make sure we dont royally piss off the existing AH people, so we have decided that negotiations for price redux is confidential, and we need to keep it tight and close to our chests as we negotiate, and especially if we succeed and enter the arenas.
I know you all don't need to be told, but I at least wanted you to know how we are approaching this. Thanks, looking forward to taking over the world   ROC

Offline Westy

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« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2001, 05:06:00 AM »
Too obvious.  Wrap the worm better next time  



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« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2001, 05:07:00 AM »
What's this AW to which you refer?  The land that flight modeling forgot?

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 03-24-2001).]


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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2001, 05:15:00 AM »
Originally posted by Westy:
Too obvious.  Wrap the worm better next time  


This is not a troll, Ken.  This was posted with complete sincerity.  If need be, I'll post names and e-mails of those concerned if it will prove my point.  What these guys want to do is just plain wrong, and it undermines this community.


Offline Dowding

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« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2001, 05:30:00 AM »
Won't happen.

This BB would be filled with angry 'I quit' posts within 30 seconds of such a deal being signed.

But then again, how would we know the dirty deal was done?  
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Offline Westy

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« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2001, 05:35:00 AM »
This is not a troll, Ken.  This was posted with complete sincerity.  If need be, I'll post names and e-mails of those concerned if it will prove my point.  What these guys want to do is just plain wrong, and it undermines this community.

 Well "KM". Wouldn't you be Kelly Meyers the head of the EA/Gamestorm game-ops? A payed employee of a competitor? Only he would call me by my first name under these circumstances. I don't even think anyone here even knows my first name let alones uses it. If so I see a huge breach of etiquette in what you've done. Otherwise that's why I called you a troll. And being how you may be apt to really PISS off alot of people by posting that personal email that you claim to have been sent around. Tthere could be no positive brung about by this post. Well, other than forcing some folks to have to stay with AW or go to Fighter Ace. Hence this smelled fishy due to the sore subject matter, the very questionable posting name and that if true you're about to ruin alot of peoples day by ruining these "negotiations" as it will piss off a boatload of currently paying customers  here and at the least pissing off alot of your frien___, er potentially ex-customers, who had hopes of "moving up."  

  So say it's true. A bunch of AWiers appear to be asking HTC for a cheaper rate. I do not see form your post where HTC has approached you folks or answered anyone at all. Being negotiated could mean that someone from the Nomads and the Damned have emailed HTC asking for this. And that is all I see. Doesn't sound like "negotiations" at all unless someone at HTC answered that "they were all ears, what did you folks have in mind" or even counter offered. So I call your bluuff and say  'pony' up your incriminating emails.

 You would have been better off waiting to have something in email from HTC before blowing your cork.

 As it is, if this IS Kelly Meyers aka "Culero" from EA I see major ulterior motive here. This is a hostile and belligerent act. You don't give a rats bellybutton about the Nomads, the Damned or the AH community. You're here to stir up a toejam storm in hopes of saving a little bit of AW to keep yourself secure.

 AW is dead. It's on artificial life support from here on in till someone finally tosses the switch.. So I gotta chuckle a bit when in reality there is really no room for 'negotiations' as I see it. Now it's either join here, less of a sim at iEN for .16 cents less per day than AH or for a real aracade, along AW's line, there is The Zone for $10.

 I think at the most HTC should offer each indivdual member of these squad members a free 60 day account. Then they have choice of paying what the rest here do for the new or go back to, well, going back to what folks used to play,  years ago.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 03-24-2001).]

Offline Dago

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« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2001, 05:52:00 AM »
If HTC is in any such negotiations, I say good for them.  I hope they are successful if it helps them get a larger player base and ensure long term viability and profitability.

This practice is used all the time in the business world.  Everywhere, all the time.  I work for a large airline.  Like all airlines, my company negotiates group discounts with large companies and travel groups.  Just because we strike a deal with one group doesnt mean every traveler gets the same discounted rate.  I can guarantee that on any particular flight, there will be people going from the same "point a" to "point b" and there will be many differantly priced tickets on that plane.

I dont know if HTC is doing this, and I doubt they would care to discuss it, their business is their business but I say "go for it and good luck".

I accepted the price they charge me, and find it a good value for me when I consider cost/value.  I am not going to get all whiny about what it takes to make the company grow and prosper, it just helps ensure this game I enjoy will stay around for a long time.

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2001, 07:33:00 AM »
again we are reminded of the promised 'investigation into trying to reduce the price'.
Well HTC what happened? are we due for a reduction?
I like AH so much i have gone back on my word over the pricing issue but when there is a choice of games on the market im not so sure what id do(eg WW2ol)
Please dont wait until WW2ol arrives before you change your pricing policy.This will make it look like you are trying to grab every cent you can out of your customers before the competition arrives.I hope you are better than that.


Offline 2Late4U

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« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2001, 07:49:00 AM »
Let me preface this by saying I have heard not a thing about this alleged discount posibility, and that I know nothing about its validity.  That said, why is it that theres always someone squeakin and moanin that "its not fair"

Do you scream out in anger at the grocery store when the person in front of you has a coupon?  Do you interogate the ticket agent when you fly on an airline to be sure not one person on that plane got a better deal that you?  If HT finds they can turn a prifit and make AH a better place by lowing the price for a group, then so be it.  A much more likely arrangment would be to offer a discounted rate for a few months.  This way you set the hook so to speak.  They old AW crowd gets to experience AH, and pays only $9.95 for the first 2 months, then it moves to full price or something.

FACT OF LIFE #1:  Life is not always fair, and in business the person selling the goods or service has the right to sell his wares for the best price he can get.  You as the consumer have the right to choose not to pay.  Its call the right of voteamus-withimus-feetimus.

FACT OF LIFE #2:  A group will almost always garner a more favorable price than a single person.  

FACT OF LIFE #3:  There isnt much chance of any sizable number of AW fans playing Aces High for any length of time.  There just isnt enough similarity in the games.  In AW 99% of those who play, do so in the relaxed realism arena, and even the full realism arena doesnt hold a candle to Aces High.  Most AW players would get thouroughly dicouraged very quickly.  All this is assuming that they had computers with enough horse power to play AH.

All in all, I just dont see more than a small percentage of AW people playing AH for very long.

WHO STARTS THIS RUMORS ANYWAY....they should pay tripple!

Offline +Demo

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« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2001, 08:50:00 AM »
I guess you have a problem with the AW type of folk. From what I hear there are some FR AW flyers in AH that are kicking some serious butt. Just maybe use some thought on your next post and try not to use such a broad brush to paint a group of people. Some people just don't have the time to put into flying AH much less AW anymore. That doesn't mean that they can't handle AH or that AH is a better sim.


[This message has been edited by +Demo (edited 03-24-2001).]

Offline Seeker

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« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2001, 10:13:00 AM »
This is the new buisness ethic at EA?

Christ Kelly, you really are a culero. Right or wrong, this is simply none of your buisness, and it's no more fitting you should come here with this type of divisive post than Hi-tech coming on to the EA boards (should they be up at the time) and poking fun at the B-17 flight model or the fact that the AW fairey reaches up to pull the wings off a Spit doing more than 425 IAS.
 What's your aim? Do you think that by causing a comunity uproar over here that masses will quit and join AW? Think again, most would fly Fighter Ace rather than do that. Why don't you just settle back into Moggy's chair, try GE's boots to see if you like the fit, and work on improving AW. That's your only route, not this type of low tactic.

+Demo, don't be an ass. You know full well that most the fliers here are ex WB and that their insecure about being flooded with ex-AW'ers, as we would have been if the roles had been reversed. The guy has a small point; most of AW IS RR. That don't mean we can't kick but we we land here (or at least I would if I could kick that high. So far I'm just kicking 'em in the shins).

Offline Thunder

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« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2001, 10:24:00 AM »
I hope HiTech and Pyro would look at anything that they thought would be good for there simulation seriously. We all know that multiple copies of software liceincing is common in business, this is similar. If It allows them to be more profitable then in the long run it is better for us all. These guys are not the "run of the mill" single minded profiteers some try and make them out to be. If they were they probably wouldn't be in this niche of the market. They love what they do and I hope they make as much as they can and are happy doing it!!



[This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 03-24-2001).]
Aces High DickweedHBG:

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« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2001, 10:54:00 AM »
Originally posted by kmeyers:

Thank you Kelly...for proving to one and all just how right I was about you...

and you had the nerve to berate ME about losing YOUR're disgusting.

Offline BigBen

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« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2001, 11:13:00 AM »
If the above "claim" is true, WTG HT for trying to build your base with serious, qualified pilots!    I have absolutely NO problem with promotions intended to attract new AH pilots.  Why?  It's simple-

The more money HTC makes, the happier and more productive the staff is.  They can afford to hire more programmers/artists and Aces High will be even better in the future. That wil allow us to increase the # of AWiers this superior product will siphon off in the future, with or without a promotion!  

Re: kmeyers' post, that was a really pathetic attempt to divide our community.  I think you'll find that rather than having your desired effect, we shall now rally around the HTC flag.  And we heartily welcome any and all former AWiers into our humble fold...

Provide they fly Knight.  


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« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2001, 11:15:00 AM »
Hmm... if they do get that discount, add my name to that squad. Sheesh.