Author Topic: Maximum Capacity?  (Read 348 times)

Offline APDrone

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Maximum Capacity?
« on: January 02, 2003, 10:46:32 PM »
Ok, here's one for the engineers out there..

What is the data capacity of the film viewer?  Recently, our squad launched a 60 plane B17 raid in the SFMA arena. The real time graphics were a hoot while the server (or our own machines.. Geforce 3 and 4 cards were reporting framerates below 10 on the runway ) desperately tried to keep planes generally in the area they were flying, however, it did fail quite a bit with our squaddies doing the bunny hop ( 2 steps forward, one step back...for you ) on occasion.

About 6 or so of us recorded the event from launch to finish, but nobody can seem to get it to run.  Mine is a 9 meg file, but I'd be more than willing to send it out if there is an uber-viewer set up somewhere that can get it to work. I select the film, both in stand alone viewer mode, or when running viewer from the clipboard, it loads the arena and launch field ok, but then stays in the tower with the play bar rolling with no audio or video.

My machine is an Athlon XP1700+ with Geforce 3 64MB video and 512 Meg RAM.. Win98SE.

My bet is that we simply overloaded the game, somehow, with data.

Any thoughts?


Scenario "Masters of the Air" X.O. 100th Bombardment Group