Author Topic: Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..  (Read 3021 times)

Offline beet1e

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #90 on: January 09, 2003, 02:28:49 PM »
Lazs. It still seems to me that this is a change from what you said last year. Back then, you were only too happy to see "a lot of guys having fun and HTC making money". Well, the fact that this thread exists indicates beyond doubt that the guys who are spoiling your fun exist in large numbers, otherwise you wouldn't need to complain. And given that these "unskilled attention seekers", as you might call them, exist in large numbers, that would seem to point to one thing: "a lot of guys having fun and HTC making money". So why do you NOW want to see changes to the game? Ah! Of course! You are not one of said group. So you want changes to improve *your* gameplay, the way *you* play the game. :rolleyes:

Whenever I have made any suggestions about gameplay changes, folks seemed to think I was dictating how the game should be played!  Funny how things have gone full circle. Have you ever read George Orwell's "Animal Farm"?  :D

Yes I did read your post, Lazs. You have pointed out that you don't want rules, whereas I described such changes to gameplay as the introduction of "rules and/or other controlling influences". Any subsequent mention of "rules" was intended in the generic sense, ie. rules and/or other controlling influences.

Offline poopster

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #91 on: January 09, 2003, 07:19:05 PM »
Whenever I have made any suggestions about gameplay changes, folks seemed to think I was dictating how the game should be played!

Well beet1e I imagine you'll dig up the original posts on your hard drive directly, but if I remember correctly you wanted to have an RPS so those mean old Lags and Nikkies would be eliminated for the "greater good". For the majority the RPS sucks and replys reflected that ??

Instituting a delay in suicide bombers "hits" or perking the big dawgs doesn't restrict gameplay, it restricts to a certain point dweebery, where the action of few affect many.

Manable field ack would probably be some fun. That  increases choices.

So if changes are made to discourage suiciders while providing more choices how can you say it's restrictive ?? If anything it's an enhancement.

Apples and oranges.
Does it never occour to you that MABY they just dont get it right some times

DrDrea if I've seen 3 guys come in together and ram a fighter hanger or CV I've seen a couple of hundred do it over the last four months.

"Not getting it right" some of the times is not part of the equation. I saw a tiffy raid attacking a CV from altitude where ONE of the eight DIDN'T ram the CV ( the first time through ) He did it when he came back through.

A short delay makes that tactic worthless.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2003, 07:21:14 PM by poopster »

Offline Vulcan

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #92 on: January 09, 2003, 07:46:03 PM »
Originally posted by gofaster
I say hey real strategy only happens in TOD and scenarios.

So true. But it'd be nice to have attrition in the MA. It'd make the strategy model more 'rounded'.

As for people complaining about compression. Oh come on, its not hard to spot a plane thats not even trying.

When I JABO in a tiffie, I rarely drop anything below 5k. My initial runs come in at 10-12k, roll in, acquire, drop at 6-8k, roll out clear of the ack. Using rockets in a tiffie you can take out 4-8 acks from alt, then go lower to finish of the rest with cannons.

Theres no need for these crazy ride it to the dirt missions. A little learning can get you much more effective runs. But as long as theres an easy option they'll never bother to learn.

Offline beet1e

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #93 on: January 10, 2003, 05:26:52 AM »
Poopie! hehe, I always liked you. :)
No, I don't have all the threads saved on my HDD - they are all still out there on the HTC servers. If they do plan a purge, I hope they'll let us know so we can archive stuff off...

Yes, the Rolling Plane Set was just one suggestion. That would give the early war planes a fair shake. A lot of people do not want an RPS. I know you don't like the thought of only a subset of the total planeset being available, but I do believe that the proposed Mission Arena will create just such a scenario. As for how popular that will be, I posted a thread about that some time ago. Now despite the fact that the choice of planes will be limited/regulated in some way, most people in that thread responded positively to its proposed introduction. There were the usual exceptions: Lazs (no surprise), and oh! One guys said "I doubt it. I'm sure of it as a steady diet". ;) Oh well, you can't please everyone. Sorry that it won't be your cup of tea.

But have a quick look at that thread, and see MY reasons for looking forward to the Mission Arena. They are much the same as the reasons Lazs gives for wanting to make changes to the Main as it stands now.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2003, 07:26:22 AM by beet1e »

Offline straffo

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #94 on: January 10, 2003, 06:12:39 AM »
There was a proposal of a Rolling Perk Set
Were the late war ride were less and less costly throurought (berk sound's bad english ...)  the month

Offline Widewing

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #95 on: January 10, 2003, 07:55:09 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
guys... it is just a loophole in gameplay that is being exploited by the attention starved... there is no difference in the suicide bomber than the old fluff model... I believe beetle defended the old fluff model too.   For some reason he is a real champion of talentless gameplay.

Are you guys aware that 1.11 incorporates coding that allows for setting the number of lives per hour?

It's going to be tried out in the CT in a couple of weeks. It appears that it will be set at 6 lives per hour based upon the poll responses.

In the MA, it may be possible to impose a re-up delay penalty for suicide runs based upon altitude of bomb release and proxity of crash to bomb impact point.

This would force the suiciders to sit in the tower for, say, 10 minutes, or longer. At the very least, the suicide dweebs will not be able to simply re-up to do it again.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline maxtor

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #96 on: January 10, 2003, 07:59:47 AM »
Originally posted by straffo
There was a proposal of a Rolling Perk Set
Were the late war ride were less and less costly throurought (berk sound's bad english ...)  the month

This feature already implemented (if you fly rook :)  )

Offline popeye

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #97 on: January 10, 2003, 08:36:17 AM »
"This would force the suiciders to sit in the tower for, say, 10 minutes, or longer. At the very least, the suicide dweebs will not be able to simply re-up to do it again."

No one is going to sit in the tower for even 5 minutes, they will just log off and look for another game.

When a "suicide" is detected, by whatever criteria, deny that player access to bombs for (some number of) minutes.  This will prevent die-and-repeat, without a "time out" from the game.

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Widewing

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #98 on: January 10, 2003, 09:40:55 AM »
Originally posted by popeye
[BNo one is going to sit in the tower for even 5 minutes, they will just log off and look for another game.

Then just lock them out of fighters for 10 minutes. Allow them to fly bombers, goons or up a GV.

Game play quality is going down fast. HTC must find a way to balance quality of game play against quantity of players, or they risk losing some long-time players. Or at the very least, players tired of the situation will head to the CT during peak hours. Some evenings, when the MA has over 500 players, the CT numbers can approach 80, which is more than double what we would see just 6 months ago. Moreover, very few are noobs.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline maxtor

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #99 on: January 10, 2003, 10:01:50 AM »
Old maps are too small

New maps are slow coming - but after the beating they took over "pizza" (continue to take)  I can't blame them for this, can you?

As for quality of play, I think that is a rather subjective measure.  One persons perception will differ from that of another.   This is largely based on how many hours they play.  A player with tons of hours will be closer to burn-out and will have a different outlook.

More people going to CT is not an undesireable thing.  Variety is good.

Offline beet1e

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #100 on: January 10, 2003, 10:09:54 AM »
No one is going to sit in the tower for even 5 minutes, they will just log off and look for another game.
Agreed, 100%. Perhaps that might not be a bad thing.

If we're going to get 6 lives per hour, will we be able to use one life for 50 mins, then die five times, then re-up after the 60th minute? Or will it be strictly one life per 10 minutes?

Offline lazs2

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #101 on: January 10, 2003, 10:17:34 AM »
beetle... nothing I have said is inconsistent with what I have allwayus said.   The old fluff model was a loophole.   I didn't want fluffs removed... just have an effect on gameplay equal to the skill required to use them.  I believe that HTC came up with a very viable solution and... I believe that it did not have an effect on arena numbers (except maybe for the good)... I also believe that more even gameplay is more fun gameplay.   I believe that a lot of the old fluffers learned how to either bomb skillfully or learned the joys of fighters.

Suicide bombers are no different... perk bombs?  well.... there were no 1000 lb bombs on early war planes  maybe no 500 lbers... so why... should you be able to use the best ones in an arena that spans all the eras?   you only get early war bomb loads till you earn the uber ones.   The resultant improvement in gameplay will help, not hurt, HTC income and...

Choice still exists.. you can suicide bomb... you just won't spoil everyones fun unless you really work at it.

better/manable ack.. same deal... it will improve gameplay and income.

Unlike all your restrictive and anal suggestions... mine do not remove choice nor do they cut down on variety or HTC income and... because and as result of that.... we have better gameplay.

Offline lazs2

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #102 on: January 10, 2003, 10:22:22 AM »
wide... I don't like the "lives" limit... It would not affect me ( i don't normally die 6 times an hour) but I think it would effect HTC income without really improving gameplay a great deal.   If I did happen to have a real bad day and died 6 times before my hour was up I would probly get pissed and log off when I couldn't up again... I would probly like the game a lot less if squaddies had to leave.

jakal.. whatever...  I watched you play.   I think that you are not seeing that your countrymen are using u as a battering ram... you die and they come in high with impunity and vultch.  If you don't see it... fine but... I would rather kill them than you... at least until you get a little more experiance.

Offline beet1e

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Observation: Changes in MA style in the last month or so..
« Reply #103 on: January 10, 2003, 11:45:37 AM »
Lazs -
should you be able to use the best ones in an arena that spans all the eras? you only get early war bomb loads till you earn the uber ones.
-sounds like the first steps towards an RPS to me.

Lazs, I think you should have been a ventriloquist. You would have been able to sit on stage with a dummy on your lap, pontificating without moving your lips. And if anyone were to ask you how you did it so effectively, you would be able to say "I wasn't talking through my mouth".

Offline slimm50

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Shun the MA!!
« Reply #104 on: January 10, 2003, 12:23:37 PM »
Originally posted by Shane
slobberdonkeys is as slobberdonkeys does.

What th heck is a "slobberdonkey", anyway?

Seriously, though, I've often wondered why most people seem not to want to use the duelling arena for some good ol'-fashioned 1vs1s. I, too, on most flights, seek the the occasional straggler, hoping for an honest dogfight that isn't interrupted by some thoughtless twit. I think I'm going to have to go to the CA or the DA (but I can't get anyone to go to the DA with me) from now on and shun the MA.

All for shunning the MA in favor of the other arenas, raise yer mits.:mad: