This is jebus speaking ...
I'm using the X45 (and formerly a X36) under XP since about one year without any trouble ...
You can make the switch to XP (provided your machine can handle XP weight)
I can see no reason for the behaviour of your X36 (my Pc is overclocked and I never got any trouble, I've an Athlon 1ghz ov to 1.4)
You would better ask on this BBS : XP you have several driver option :
- Stock windows driver
- Saitek XP driver
- Dauzhimmer driver
Now about the programmation of the stick :
Windows driver it's just a question of directX boutons you have to map each at your taste using AH internal mapper
Saitek driver you have something SGE like you can use to program the stick.
Quite intuitive but some SGE fonctions are not availlable for exemple you don't
have cycle command an feature I use for IL2 to have a zoom working like in AH (the W toggle)
D's driver quite crude but efficient with D's driver you have to use either an
Hexa editor to build a profile (that's why I say crude :p)
Or use a third partie tool to build one (easyest for non nerd slacker like us ;))
You have 3 tools availables :
Smeghead profile editor : old an unsupported derated and so on
Hazard script : easy to use but not acces to advanced function like axis banding or toggle
XD profile : unintuitive for non-english speaker (you're not concerned obviously ;))
But the current "état de l'art" (state of art ?) for programming the X36
I'm currently (after several changes among the 3 drivers :D) using the D's driver plus a XD profile.
Feel free to contact me throught the forum or by mail.