Do you get points (not perks) for putting a single round in an enemy's plane, vehicle, ship, or building? Or, do you only get points if you kill, assist in killing, or destroy that plane, vehicle, ship, or building?
Others and I have complained about an enemy vehicle ending flight on your own field after you got them smoking and not getting any kill, assist, or perks for it. (To me, they are surrendering and are captured and you should get a kill/assist credit for it.) There are also some complaints about enemy vehicles on their own fields ending flight after being damaged and not having any perk points awarded for the damage.
If you do get points for putting rounds in the enemy, please post the points the way you do the perk points from the last mission. I have been using the perk points to determine if I accomplished anything during the flight and; if I get zero perks for smoking someone, I feel cheated.