Originally posted by Manedew
I'd prefer they wern't on Fridays and used the DA arena to fight in. Fri & Sat are the two worst nights to pick for gaming IMHO
Friday or Saturday is the only practical choices I have. As it stands, KOTH usually runs between 3.5 and 5 hours which means that if it weren't on a weekend night, work, school, and day-to-day obligations would preclude playing for most people.
I Remember the WildWensdays in DA being the most fun i.e. no crazy mountains as have become so common in AH(points to pizza). Most of the War was fought over relatively flat land or water, I thought we were in a sim here?
I personally like the terrain variations, but I will load the DA terrain in the SEA for the March KOTH so we can get a consensus from the participants?
On the old WW map the mountains were pretty mean too ... if you got stuck in some of tho's canyon it could take a player some time to climb out after loseing E. I remember being shot down quite a few times for diveing with con on my 6, kill him and lose my E in doing so....after this I get killed by lucky SOB who catches you grabing out of these canyons. Maybe i could just take the WW terrian and set all the alt to sealevel and see if it ran ok... that map would work IMHO.
I like that terrain too... That one and Rumble, but I don't think WW has any more room than Rumble so we're back to the other thread about insufficient room. I just made a post asking for a "map designer" to step up and create a new battlefield. We'll see.
Sorry i took so long to respond, I missed this one.