Author Topic: The human body.  (Read 411 times)

Offline easymo

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« on: June 12, 2000, 11:56:00 AM »
 Dont get excited. This aint the naked channel.

 AS to the title. I sometimes wonder if the HTC guys have ever seen one. The other night a newbi was complaining about all the buttons he had to push. This got me to thinking. So the next turn fight I got in. I took note of all the keystrokes i was useing at the same time.

 Rudder left.
 elevator up.
 Ailron left.
 Trim rudder.
 Trim aileron.
 Trim elevator.
 Shift to up view.
 POV to left forward.
 Useing a SW. I had to lower flaps with my elbow. (space bar key)
 Keep in mind I was hitting all of these at the same time. (Once while doing this i tried controlling the throttel with my chin. But I wear glasses and the angle distorted my view to much).

 I still dont want to mix easymode into the main arena. But this did give me pause to think what the new guys are up against. This could be keeping some people out of the game.

Offline Citabria

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« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2000, 02:52:00 PM »
I remapped flaps onto my secondary trigger buttons :P

they are weapons  
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Offline Wardog

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« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2000, 03:22:00 PM »

i got 2 hat switchs, 2nd one has trim keys mapped to it. And stick sets maped to one of my buttons so i can map allmost everything to the stick.

Ive been using keyboard rudder for 10 years now and dont think i could change to rudder peddles if i wanted to. A 10 year habbit of my left hand resting on the keyboard would be very hard to break..

Offline RAM

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« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2000, 04:20:00 PM »

I said:
Originally posted by RAM:

Not only for disabled people, the padlock is Neccesary also for people like me who only has a 2-button yoke with a little throttle stick, and my trusted keyboard. No rudders. No HOTAS. So, in any fight I am:

A) controlling the plane (**OUFFF**)

B) traking target with keys (**SIGH**)

C) Taking care of rudders also with keys (**SNIFF**)

D) trying to trim the plane with 6 more keys (**AUUUUUUURGH**)

E) engaging/ disengaging WEP, also, how not...with keys! (**AAARRRRGHHH**)

F) giving six calls...yeah, you guessed...with keys!!! (**EEEEEKS**)

G) yelling HELP HELP, or my abreviate version..HLP HLP!...and of little keys helping me (**OUCH!!!!)

H) Saluting the enemy plane that just shoot me down,and,of course, with the keyboard now smoking...(**SNIFFF again**)

Now let's be serious. I cant afford HOTAS...barely I can afford to buy rudder pedals, but I'm searching. I know there are more people in the same situation as mine, and if Padlock can help me please bring it in. MANDOBLE's ideas are good in realism, also. I wont mind it if I had a joystick with hat...but damn I barely have a joystick!!!!    

I fly Falcon 4.0 a lot and I find its padlocking plenty of realism. Please introduce it, it'd be helpful. thks in advance.

I live exactly in the same conditios, except I now have rudder pedals. I think that a padlock can make things easier for newbies (BTW I wont use it, I'm already done to the view mode here  )

Is only a thought. I dont need padlock but maybe newbies do.

my $0.02 here


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« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2000, 05:37:00 PM »
"This could be keeping some people out of the game."


Offline Zigrat

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« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2000, 07:38:00 PM »
If Padlock has LOS and distance ranges, then what is yor objection to it? I initially didn't want to play aces high because of lack of padlock ( was used to games like f4, like RAM). I don't need it now, but I think if it brought some of my EAW bretheren over, so much the better! Why DON't you want padlock, other than taking some of HiTech's time?

If implemented correctly, its NOT cheating. In fact, it makes themmore target fixated and it will be easier to kill them. If say they had to mouse-click on the icon to engage the padlock, and padlock was lost once the icon disappeared from their FOV for more than 1 or 2 seconds, whats the problem?

Offline CavemanJ

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« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2000, 08:34:00 PM »
I use the keyboard alot while in flight, even with a TM F-16FLCS+WCS MkII+Elite pedals.  I've got some views mapped to one of the hats, but when I'm in a dogfight my left hand is constantly moving on the keypad.

Ya'll want a padlock?  Ok, I dinnae have a problem with it.  As on as it unlocks when the bandit can no longer be seen (under wings) or if the bandit moves beyond the normal range of headmotion (from 5oc, thru 6oc to 7oc).

I think, in the arenas here, a padlock will be a serious handicap  


Offline CptTrips

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« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2000, 08:52:00 PM »
Ohh my gawd.  I'm agreeing with Caveman.  

Give the dweebs padlock.  My scores need the padding.  

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline RAM

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« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2000, 09:09:00 PM »
Originally posted by AKWabbit:
Give the dweebs padlock.  My scores need the padding.    


Cc thats my point, a newbie can find the padlock helpful first days...until they get used to normal views.

I have a 2 button virtual pilot yoke. Left button is broken, it doesnt work when I'm pulling back the stick so its useless to firing weapons (I have autotrim on angle in that button). The fire button is the right one.

When I fly I handle the yoke with the left hand. With the right one I keep track with the numeric keyboard, trimming the plane and so when I have a snapshot coming I cant fire!!1 because I either have no hand to fire or I must lost track in the con in order to put the hand on the firing button...

If a padlock was available that would be the only situation where I'd use it. No need for padlock in other situations...

but I guess that a newbie coming from box sims needs something more friendly. A padlock,while realistic, is useful for that.


Offline Sharky

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« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2000, 09:42:00 PM »
Padlock and Easy mode,

Hummmm, Ok I'll give ya padlock, but only if you loose lock as stated above AND you have to reaquire yourself not automaticly.  

No easymode!!!  Look guys the lack of easy mode is not, repeat, not going to keep anyone away that is serious enough about flight sims to pay $30.00/month.  Warbirds didn't have easymode for years and it grew wildly even without it.  I'm convinced if you make it to easy for someone to do well, they have no apprecation for what they have learned and as a result will be less than helpful to other new guys coming in.

We still have trainers, I know that I'm still training, as a matter of fact I'm busier now that the tour is over than I ever was (when it rains it pours   )  It's not like you have to waste flying dollars going into the TA the cost is the same per month no matter how much time you spend in the TA.  

There is no reason that people need the crutch of easymode to fly here other than being to impatient to take some time to learn, and if they are that impatient, do you really think they will be good members of our community?
As to not being able to afford a full up HOTAS system, I know guys in Warbirds (and I'm sure some in here) that are stone killers with just a joystick with a throttle wheel and single hat switch (about $30.00 or the price of one month flying) By doing a little smart programing of the stick sets you can get just about everything on the hat and a couple of buttons.  I'm sure that people will be glad to share there jstick setups with others that can't figure it out.

Wow this got longer than I thought it would, but the point I'm trying to make is that if ya want all these do-dads fine, I don't care, as long as the guys that take the time to learn the "hard way" enjoys the advantages he has earned.  Simply put you don't need it and it only takes resources away from development and my provide "holes" that people will exploit to their advantage.

P.S. I just noticed my email address in my profile is wrong.  If you've tried to contact me for training and couldn't I'm at  I'll fix the addy in my profile.

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[This message has been edited by Sharky (edited 06-12-2000).]

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2000, 08:05:00 AM »

You need a new joystick, and a throttle.

I'll rumble around some of my old mates and see if they got any leftovers they want to get rid of  



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« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2000, 08:15:00 AM »
"Speed costs, how fast do you want to go son"

Padlock sucks, there is no reason for it. I have 6 4-way top hats, 10 buttons, and pedals. The only thing I don't have mapped is the map. CH Products Jane's Combat Stick, Pro Throttle and Rudder Petals.

Trim is so important to me, I have 2 top hats for it. One under my left thumb for Rudder and elevation. One under my right thumb for aliron and flaps.  

Them cheap sticks are for games, this is Simulators, come play with the big boys.

Mr. ED
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Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2000, 08:16:00 AM »
Why do you think I fly naked ?  
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline RAM

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« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2000, 08:27:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mr.ED:
Padlock sucks, there is no reason for it. I have 6 4-way top hats, 10 buttons, and pedals. The only thing I don't have mapped is the map. CH Products Jane's Combat Stick, Pro Throttle and Rudder Petals.

Because you have a damned HOTAS setup. I cant afford paying 30$ for a new simple stick ,let alone pay 200$ for a good HOTAS set.

Padlock is of no use for you?. Yes I guess it so. But it has A LOT of use for other people. Just becayse YOU dont need it doesnt mean another guy doesnt need it. Its called egocentrism   (J/K)

now seriously...If I had a HOTAS like yours then I wont need padlock. But as I fly with the things I have, I need it. And I think I'm not wrong in that there is more people flying without HOTAS.

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2000, 08:35:00 AM »
RAM, I have a CH F16 Combatstick for you Mate  

Only 6 Buttons & a 4 way hat, but it must be alredy better than that Yoke you're Using...

Email me your Address & I'll send it to you (maybe you'll stop braking your Wings as well...who knows)
Dirty, nasty furriner.