Author Topic: OT- Object Lessons From the Past  (Read 210 times)

Offline Kieren

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OT- Object Lessons From the Past
« on: July 27, 2000, 11:35:00 AM »
The events of the last few days (general bickering) have gotten me thinking odd things from my past (sound of "wayback machine" warming up...

When Mighty1 and I were growing up, it didn't take me long to learn that he was a guy that always evened the score. He wasn't loud about it, but you knew if you crossed him you would pay. I suppose that is natural in a family with 6 kids living under one roof- siblings have to mark and protect their territories, establish the "pecking order", and develop an identity. Mighty did all of that.

We had two much younger siblings that had all the preferential treatment the favored children might have, but that didn't stop Mighty1. The "Golden Children" might appear to have gotten away with some breach of his boundaries, but he knew that, when they least expected it, the payback would come. They knew it, too. To this day, when we all visit our mother's house and Mighty walks down the hall, those two siblings flatten out against the wall to let him through.  

Time marched on, and we all grew to adulthood, were married, and started families. One summer's eve we, along with a few friends, went camping. Being guys, we of course packed the essentials; beer, chips, hot dogs, beer, buns, marshmellows, beer... It turned out that one of my friends was a drinking lightweight, and worse was an obnoxious drunk. For whatever reason, he picked Mighty1 to annoy.

Now, at 6 foot 2 inches and 280lbs. Mighty doesn't so much resemble a man as he does a Kodiak bear. With barrel chest and ham-sized fists, he would make the normal bar patron check medical and dental insurance before starting any trouble. One would think my friend would have taken note of such physical attributes, but ah... I remember my first beer...  

Anyway, he starts flailing on Mighty's shoulder- pushing on him, pestering him, getting loud- the whole smear. Instinctively I begin to tense, because I know this isn't going to go too far. To his credit, Mighty did take it for a while. Then, inevitably, he gave me that look I had been waiting for- the one that said "He's your friend, not mine, and I've had enough!" I must have given him the equivalent of a shrug, because the lightning fell the next instant.

It was really more of a slap, an open-handed cuff that rose from the hip that placed the back of Mighty's hand smartly into the crotch of my friend. The friend immediately took a bow, then brought himself upright and cursed. In he charged again, flailing away like a jilted transvestite on Jerry Springer. SMACK! Again, another sharp shot to the crotch. Another bow (a little deeper this time) and in he came again. Each time the friend came in, the shot to the crotch got a little harder, the bow a little deeper, and still he came. It was like watching a cat trying to learn- you wonder just how many times it will bump its head into a wall before it figures out it can't catch a beam of light.   Eventually the friends wife pulls him off and drags him away.

Now you might think that Mighty was a bully for what happened. I can assure you that everyone there knew that he wasn't, and was amazed at the restraint he had shown under the conditions. He could have easily hospitalized the guy- as it was, my friend only found it difficult to walk the next day. He was also very sorry for his behavior the night before. He does not bear a grudge, because he knew it could have been much, MUCH worse, and it had been entirely his fault to begin with.

I think at times we all act like the drunk friend- we really aren't bad people, but we lose (temporarily) the ability to reason through a situation. We can always rest assured their will be someone to deliver that shot to the crotch we need to wake us up. If that fails, we can usually count on someone near by to try to drag us back a bit and talk to us. If we are wise we pay attention- unless we just like getting slapped in the crotch! *shudder*  

[This message has been edited by Kieren (edited 07-27-2000).]

Offline Ripsnort

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OT- Object Lessons From the Past
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2000, 12:16:00 PM »
After seeing his picture and knowing his size, I now call him "Meaty1"...that boy outta be in football! PRO!

Offline Wanker

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« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2000, 12:46:00 PM »
Yeah maybe, but it's pretty easy to tell who the mature, thoughtful people are on this BBS.

I'm not saying anyone is perfect, mind you. But take yourself, Kieren, for instance. In the time I've known you as a frequent poster on this BBS and AGW, I've never seen you lose your cool, or purposely insult someone. You can attribute that stellar behavior to whatever you want: upbringing, faith, care for others...whatever. But, it all comes down to choice.

We all have a choice as to how we're going to treat each other on this BBS. Most people here are able to discuss the wide range of topics without resorting to personal attack and abuse. Some can't, and resort to the above tactics.

And it has nothing to do with some BS label like "political correctness". I'm so tired of being labled as "PC", just because I was raised to treat others with dignity and respect. There's nothing political about it, no hidden liberal agenda.

As long as we're on this topic, another pet peeve of mine: The chronic apologizer. The person who spends the week abusing this person and that, then asks that all be forgiven and forgotten. What about some self-control in the first place, eh pal? Why should we always have to accept your apology like good sports, when you didn't take the time to cool down before you posted your abusive posts?

Sounds pretty harsh, I'll admit. But the trick to verbal or written intercourse with other people on topics that can and will be contraversial, is to learn how to control your emotions.

So, in your analogy, Mighty1 was there to "help" the other guy control his actions. Nothing wrong with that. But it would make this BBS a whole lot better place to discuss and argue about things if we could all learn to police ourselves.

And then there are the trollers like creamo, MG and towd.....nevermind, that's a whole different thread.  

[This message has been edited by banana (edited 07-27-2000).]


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OT- Object Lessons From the Past
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2000, 12:41:00 AM »
ok banana you send me a outline of how you want me to act. dont you think you are trollin?

 i wrote a statment that was in my opinion quite sucesfull in its perpose . the issues i brought up were seen by every one who reads this board and they finnaly cut it off after most true colors were shown  but the issues were recognised and cannot be made to go away all my questions will be asked over and over . they dont fix the probs they lose people they know that .

not me they got me to keep me company till they "trim" me i just aint goin away

and not to be offensive but you are laboring aperent misaprehention that i could in some way have the least care for what you think of me or anything else, you got a point about airplains or the game or how the game is being developed or run and you are a paying customer throw out you 2 cants if you are wrong people will ignor ya . otherwise find somone who cares about you feelings cause man i just dont. (i cant talk for the others here) not gonna name call like i figgure you  will

this dosent mean i dont like the game it is my passion.  i just dont like people who throw their weight around players desighers artists whoever it just dont matter.

kiren sorry to mess your thread just had to respond tho that one ( being personaly named)

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2000, 01:49:00 AM »
Hehehe, I must be one of these "Mature" persons, as I emember Spatula asking me when I was going to have my 18th Birthday  

I mean no harm to anyone, I just like to take the p*ss out of poeple who get "serious" on this BB...

1.90m/ 85kgs

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"It's supposed to be hard; that's what makes it great!"
Tom Hanks, A League of Their Own

.squelch creamo

[This message has been edited by Saintaw (edited 07-28-2000).]
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Gunthr

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« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2000, 07:52:00 AM »
[Q]...flailing away like a jilted transvestite on Jerry Springer.[/Q]

"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

Offline RAM

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« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2000, 01:23:00 PM »
Kieren what amazes me is that if you BOTH are such class act guys...then I really want to learn some lessons from your parents.

Hope I (someday no need to go quick        ) manage to raise kids that someday become like u two...just like your parents have done.

Of course I may learn a lot of lessons from you and mighty (and I do, believe me)...but I am avobe and away any solution for I try to keep my blood cool all I can...

For sure I dont want any of my (FUTURE    )  kids having the bad moments I pass because my hot blood. Maybe I can somehow do well and teach them what I still am trying to learn by myself.

In the meantime...<S!> both of you.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 07-28-2000).]

Offline popeye

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« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2000, 02:28:00 PM »

Mighty1 always does seem to have the "last word" in our AH encounters.  


Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline easymo

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« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2000, 05:34:00 PM »
 Peace, love, dove.


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« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2000, 09:42:00 PM »
Kieren a very nice post... I was thinking about posting on the 'rumble' topic... but decided not to...  I see both Hang and Hristo as friends... but I was realy feeling bitter when I heard them slash at eachother...

A great post... a nice metaphore...

193 cm, 94 kg (still beat ya saw   )

Offline Nash

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« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2000, 10:25:00 PM »
I've seen a picture of Mighty's paws.. Beleive me, you don't want one of those things to arc down by mere force of gravity alone towards your <cough> crotch.

The individual in Kieren's post is probably looking into adoption as an unfortunate but realistic alternative to ... well.. u get the picture.

Nice post Kieren... read it with my eyes watering and legs crossed.. but I got the gist of it.

Offline By-Tor

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« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2000, 10:54:00 PM »
 LOL Kieren! Another remarkable similarity between our siblings.EADG is younger by 5 but happens to go 6'-5" 300+ lbs! Once saw him RUN at an atagonist and while leaping thru the air at him ,wrap both arms and proceed to belly-flop onto the poor bastard who landed FLAT on his back with EADG atop! Funniest damn thing I ever saw (after I realized noone was seriously hurt).Can still hear the sound of escaping breath from the poor fool!

     Thanks for the flash-back,

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2000, 01:28:00 AM »
LOL.. My big brother; up by 7 years, used to toss me like a scak of taters when I annoyed him.. and a lotta the time; just breathing in the same house bothered him. He was something of a bully.. even amongst HIS peers. One of his favorite tricks was to just grab me by the seat of the pants; walk me out to the pool kicking and screaming and drop me in the deep end; just to amuse his friends.

That really sucked when we had no water in the pool.

Anyway; being a determined and singleminded little twit (the cat runnin into the wall's a great anology; btw) I'd not EVER let it slide, and all affronts had to be addressed. Pay back ALWAYS came; but for the most part, as expected, it was not real effective.. and; like clockwork, retribution for the pay-back was meted out. Mom feared for my life. I did become a good swimmer tho.  

Not long after my last drop to the deep-end, I managed to score a major hit... I poked a baseball bat thru his front bike wheel. Spectacular results. And; bat in hand, I followed up instantly when he hit the ground. I still remember my dad hollerin "HEY! don't choke up so high; and watch the follow-thu!!"

My brother learned to negotiate on that day... and Dad told me to not bother with golf in the future.



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Offline Nash

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« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2000, 03:48:00 AM »
When my brother used to piss me off I simply dipped his toothbrush in the toilet and put it back in the holder. He had no idea but *I* did and that's all that mattered