Author Topic: General discussion for Knits  (Read 1637 times)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2003, 02:37:33 PM »
xbat... I don't mind a 1 v 1 if there is nothing else but... I have very little patience and my attention wanders in those kind of fights since there is not much to do most of the time during the fight...   Most 1v 1's in the MA for me consist of me working my way up to the con who doesn't quite feel that his 5k advantage is enough or.... acting helpless enough to get someone to come down to me.

I like the 40 man furballs because I am such a poor shot that I need to simply close my eyes and pull the trigger.... need lots of cons to get kills that way.  

Offline batdog

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« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2003, 02:56:24 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
xbat... I don't mind a 1 v 1 if there is nothing else but... I have very little patience and my attention wanders in those kind of fights since there is not much to do most of the time during the fight...   Most 1v 1's in the MA for me consist of me working my way up to the con who doesn't quite feel that his 5k advantage is enough or.... acting helpless enough to get someone to come down to me.

I like the 40 man furballs because I am such a poor shot that I need to simply close my eyes and pull the trigger.... need lots of cons to get kills that way.  

I dont know... I manage to keep focused in 1 on 1's. Prob just the way I fly, Very agressively. I will admit to more SA lately though simply as I always end up in situations where I'm out numbered. Next time I'm on and your FBing maybe I'll find your area and up a turny plane and let you flame me some.

As long as we all have fun who gives a rats bellybutton right?
Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline Lghtning

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« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2003, 02:58:13 PM »
Xbat.. howdy Ya dweeb, this is your fasha.. Lazer :)

Offline Steve

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« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2003, 03:54:07 PM »
Kev, it's not just the nits... every team often suffers the same apparent lack of oranization.  And.. organization is a mixed bag of things.... we bish are fortunate to have guys like ROCSTAR who can really rally a group for missions... OTOH he and some of his, IMHO, overzealous friends choke CH2 with caps locked pleas to join the mission... it's rather irksome.  I won't argue here whether the caps lock and repeated messages are necessary but as a, usually, solitary hunter I could do without all the radio clutter that mission begging causes.  I share the views of a large number of pile-its...I don't really care about the resets, or who "wins" the map. If I take off, get some kills, chat w/ friends some, help if needed, and have fun then I have accomplished all my goals.  :)
OK ok, I'd like to land them to but I can't have everything all the time. Geez, I type too much sorry... just have fun bro :)
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Offline Sixpence

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General discussion for Knits
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2003, 04:01:25 PM »
For those who don't like base capture and prefer furballing, the DA or CT should be the place for you.
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline GrimCO

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« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2003, 04:01:52 PM »
Hey there Kev,

I have often pondered this very same question, and after quite a bit of thought, this is the explanation I came up with:

First of all, I just assumed that all people in the game are strategically minded like myself. I found this to be a gross error in judgement. My squadron and I tend to go wherever we're needed. We will kill fuel, barracks, fighter hangars, fly goons or whatever is necessary at the moment for the greater good of the Knights. We will even split up to cover multiple targets if necessary. Although as a CO I hate to do this, sometimes it's necessary because people outside of my squadron often won't do it themselves.

I too used to get upset about it, but then I remembered one very important detail. I'm not paying for everyone else's Aces High account. I figure it this way: The day I pay for someone's account, that's when I have the right to assume they'll do what I want them to. A lot of people play this game to dogfight and furball with little regard for winning the war. If that's what they wish to do, who am I to tell them it's right or wrong.

You and I understand that there is actually an objective involved in Aces High. It's called "Winning the War". Believe it or not, there are others like us! Even on the Knights!

I've found that if one person doesn't step up and get a mission organized, things just continue all helter skelter until it totally goes to hell in a handbag. If you are absolutely certain that getting a certain objective accomplished will win the war, post a mission to accomplish that objective. Sometimes it's as simple as killing the fighter hangars at one of the last enemy fields remaining and getting a CAP established before the fighter hangars come back up. Whatever the necessary action is, you MUST post a mission to accomplish it. Believe me, likeminded pilots will hop on the mission because they know as well as you do what needs to be done. They just need someone to pull everyone together and get it done.

After you've put a few good missions together, you will earn a reputation as a solid mission planner and will gather a following of people who trust your judgement and will join your missions. It just takes time and little thought strategically.

Anyway, that's just my two cents worth from my experience...  I also don't think it's much different in any country... Not just the Knights...  :-)

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2003, 04:44:58 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot

I don't remember seeing your name in "lights" last night, so I am not sure if you were on ... but if you weren't, you missed a hell of a battle at A9.

It lasted for HOURS. Rooks were coming from the east, from the south, and at one point had a carrier off the coast. The carrier must have sat there for over an hour, pouring out streams of fighters,  before it was finally sunk, but even after that, they continued to fly into A9 until the Knights FINALLY reset the Bish up north.

The Knights put up the most impressive defense that I have seen to date. At no point did the fuel get below 50%, despite at least one flight of 12 formations of NOE bombers that came from the south, and hundreds of JABO attempts from the carrier. I flew the F4U-1 pratically all night and had a blast.

Congrats to the Knigths up north, but had the defense at A9 not taken place, I don't believe the reset would have taken place. So congrats to all the Knights who fought at A9.

That fight rocked! I was one of the Rooks fighting at A9. I ditched 11 in an La-7 rtbing to A51, I stayed to long and ran outta gas....ditched 2 miles from the base ;) Couldn't attempt a cv landing cuz it was sunk already

Amrageddon Pile-it
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In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Grizzly

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« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2003, 04:48:23 PM »
Originally posted by Sixpence
For those who don't like base capture and prefer furballing, the DA or CT should be the place for you.

In the MA folks can move about and join in where they wish at the time. They can furball a bit, and then go capture a few bases. Their friends are all in there and the MA is where it's happening.

The DA arena is for dueling and usually near empty. The CT arena is meant for a specific type of game play (a more legitimate country vs country capture the flag game).

There is no reason those who prefer the fight should go elsewhere. Should the gang banging and milk running flag capture crowd get the notion that they own the MA and others should accomodate them, it's time they move on. After all, it's their arena destruction that's intrusive on others. Expecting all others to play their game or leave is unreasonable (not saying that's what you meant Sixpence).

Furballers don't bother anyone, and those who would rather fight each other than pork buildings have as much right in the MA as the "any which way you can" crowd.

I suspect, as players get bored with building porking, more will join those who would rather fight all night for a single base. I ride a motorcycle. It's common for bikers to say that it doesn't matter so much where you go, the fun is in getting there. For many in AH, base capture doesn't much matter, the fun is in fighting for it... even the losers win.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2003, 07:22:30 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2

If you like field capture and "winning the war" then perhaps you should all go bish and be happy.  I certainly won't miss hearing most of you on vox.   What ticks me off is that kev for instance... allways goes where the figt is no matter how worthless the fields being fought over and "helps" by nagging and worse.... killing the enemy CV even and ruining the only good fight on the map.

jakal... if you want to hear from the other 95% of the players then don't bother to read this BB... the other 95% of the players don't.. just because you see 3 or 4 guys here all pumped up about building battling doesn't mean that you have a mandate.

And now we go live to the Dixon Sanatarium for a live report on the numericaly impaired and the ongoing studies of the disease "whinism" , which is usualy suffered by those with dillusions of self importance followed by confusion and the enability to decide what they realy want.
Back to you Bob.......................... ................:rolleyes:
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Offline MrLars

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« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2003, 07:28:54 PM »
Originally posted by Sixpence
For those who don't like base capture and prefer furballing, the DA or CT should be the place for you.

< Pffhhhht >

A fart in your general direction.

Offline Kev367th

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« Reply #40 on: February 25, 2003, 10:00:42 PM »
Wow, never realised I'd stir up such a hornets nest.
Lazs2 I appreciate your point of view, if you only want to furball then it's your money you play as you like.
People, (and I rarely do, except in dire situations) will sink the carriers. My point was A12 a few nights ago we were in danger of losing the base. The fact I only had to hit it twice with the shore battery shows that a lot of ord had already been put on it. If I remember correctly not once have I ever been told not to sink the carrier, be something that would stick in my mind without a doubt. The odd very few times I have got it I have always got a WTG from numerous people.
In fact I like a good CV battle as much as anyone, whether it's CV on CV, CV to shore etc.
Your not gonna get away from the chatter on vox no matter where ya go, and yes I am guilty also.
I think you are wrong by saying almost none feel that building battling is fun, in fact I think it is exactly the opposite.  I think most people come to win the war, not just furball, I may be wrong, but judging by the amount of people who go for bases I don't think so.
GrimCO I agree completely, in fact I have been on lots of your missions, lots of fun even if I do end up a fiery wreck. Look forward to more of them. Theres nothing like seeing a swarm of Knits heading for a base.
Don't know if you were on when theres was a mass disco on the Isles map sometime ago. Every knit who logged back on all went for one base, all you could see was green cloud slowly moving across the map.

The upshot is I respect everyones point of view and it was good to get some feedback on my question. Looks like missions are the way to go.
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Offline GrimCO

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« Reply #41 on: February 25, 2003, 11:52:22 PM »
OH, and BTW...

I'll sink an enemy CV every chance I get...  If you don't want it sunk, don't bring it near an enemy base...  :-)

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2003, 12:11:10 AM »
I keep telling our "fleet commodores" that ... do they listen? Nooooooo ....

And what's this "ten degree zig zag right at the enemy" stuff? Geez. The guys manning the front turrets obviously couldn't hit squat (one of them was probably manned by "Admiral Genius") and the rear one was luggage. I mean ... if ya wanna duke it out cruiser to cruiser (not always recommended btw) ... you don't run to his corner of the ring with one hand (or both, in this case) tied behind yer back!

And swimming in circles? Lawd ...

Rank sucks ... lol :D

Originally posted by GrimCO
OH, and BTW...

I'll sink an enemy CV every chance I get...  If you don't want it sunk, don't bring it near an enemy base...  :-)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2003, 08:16:52 AM »
I really can't say what most want but... i have never heard anyone go on about how much fun it was to building battle but... you bring up one of the great furballs that happened and you get response... people get enthused.  

I think a lot of the problem right now is that with the 'missun' you either gang bang or get  gangbanged... the arenas have become very late war centric with planes like pee 51's and dee 9's the only survivable choices for a lot of guys..  planes that really can't fight.   New guys join the gangbang or take off repeatedly from capped fields.    The fields are so far apart that you better take a fast plane that doesn't fight well or you will never make it home or...

join in with a huge group of planes so that you have overwhelming numbers superiority and can vultch for a few minutes before the field becomes actionless.... for many... even this lack of actionis better than the reverse...  The reverse being... trying to take off from a capped feild with a cloud of late war monsters B&Z ing your ackless, fuelless field.

Inexperianced players and fields far apart make for a boring arena.   The two together are bad news.

in the end... building battling is about as fun and has about as much substance as... as a jakal post.


Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2003, 10:45:53 AM »
Yea, I totaly agree! It`s some damn good chit. Bwhahaha
Wanna talk about substance? :D  You have one line of thought and I think that`s straining ya a bit . lol  Read a book, go to a movie, do some research, anything to learn something besides the " Move the fields closer together" post 5 times a day. lmao
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