Author Topic: creating a setup  (Read 437 times)

Offline ccvi

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creating a setup
« on: March 04, 2003, 01:53:29 PM »
What would someone have to do if he wanted to create a map for the CT?

What are the requirements for the map? Who would have to approve it before it could be used?

What degrees of freedom are there for arena settings?

Offline brady

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creating a setup
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2003, 03:12:14 PM »
"What would someone have to do if he wanted to create a map for the CT? "

  Well think about what has been done and what has not curently: Singapore adn the Malya pensulia have not been done, The Dutch East indiies have not either, French Moracho is another area that nobody is working on. Rewokreable areas like Norway or the Philipinese are also somthing to think about. If you have a map you would like to do then Drop me or one of the staff an E mail, and we can give you some fead back.

"What are the requirements for the map? Who would have to approve it before it could be used?"

  In order for a map to be used it neads to fit what we would normaly require of a CT map 256 x256 maps are normaly good and maps that suport 2 sided wars are good but not nescessary, 3 sided war maps can be used judt as well in most cases, maps with a Historical setting in mind are also good, Again droping us a line is a good way to narow down these question's, Look for example at some of the mapswe have used recently in the CT, 10Bears and ASW maps's were maps that were "commishioned" by the CT Staff in other words we asked for them and provided a brief outline of what we were looking for the map makers then used their creative Talents to come up with what imo have been some of the best CT maps to date, NUTTZ has laso produced maps for the CT by doing the same thing although his Tunisia map Like Kantories Finland map were unsolicited maps they brought those maps to use and aggain they are wounderfull maps, in both cases some fead back was given to the map makers, and in the case of the Finland map Kantori even came up with the plane set the CT staff only made minour changes in it for play balance the rest his his babby.

"What degrees of freedom are there for arena settings?"

   The CT Staff is resposable for the arean setting and the set up to be used on the maps, howeaver as exampled above Kantorie came up with a compleatly unique set up that was totaly doable, so nothing is imposable.

  Prodject Curently being worked on for the CT:

  ASW: A France map, New Gunie

  10Bears and the CM terain Team: Revised Solomons map

  Kantorie: Winter Finland Map

  Know map prodjects that may be adapted to CT use: Po Vally map

   Their are other but those I know of directly.

Offline Sabre

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creating a setup
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2003, 03:47:38 PM »
Wow, ccvi, that's a loaded question! Seriously, we welcome new terrain builders with extreme joy.  I can certainly give you some general guidelines on CT terrains, but your best bet is to haunt the Terrain Forum to solicit help on the workings of the Terrain Editor.  Anyone can create a terrain for possible CT use. However, once you have one built, you have to submit it to HTC for quality control checks.  Some of the people that can help you are: 10Bears, Kanttori, Tilt, and Sundog, to name a few that have built some great terrains (not the only ones, by any means).

In general, a CT terrain should be no bigger than 256x256.  It should have a good number of airbases that range from 1 to 1.5 sectors away from each other, to form a nice fighting front with short transit times.  Historical terrains are highly prized, but keep in mind the requirement for plenty of bases near each other.  Spawn points for ground combat should be well thought out, with about 5 miles between the spawn point and the target it leads to.  These are just general rules, and can be bent and broken if it provides a unique gameplay feature.  I personally love to see gv-friendly terrain, with rivers/bridges/towns to fight in/around/above.  Go easy on clouds, as they often come with a big frame-rate penalty.  Guess that's all for now.  The CT staff will be happy to work with you on suggesting base/spawn layout, and general design feedback.  Good luck.

CT Staff
"The urge to save humanity almost always masks a desire to rule it."

Offline 214thCavalier

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creating a setup
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2003, 04:25:13 PM »
Lol Brady have you ever considered writing your posts in say MS Word, spell checking it then copy and pasting it in here ?
At a quick scan approx 30 glaring errors.

I know we can understand your points, but my eyes keep stopping at the hurdles and breaking the reading rythm !

Offline Arlo

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creating a setup
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2003, 04:59:28 PM »
Revised Solomans map? Bless you, 10bears and co. :D

Offline ergRTC

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creating a setup
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2003, 06:22:27 PM »
Brady = hitech

or at least they attended the same typing class.