Go here:
ATI's Find A Driver Link After putting the Operating System, and Card type, it will take you to a download page.
The page it takes you too, is the latest video driver for that card of yours. At the bottom, you can look at 'Previous Drivers' and get the driver I listed above.
Follow the installation instructions at ATI's WEB site.
Basically, it involces a multi-step process.
1) Get the driver from ATI you want to install and put it in a spot on your local HD that you can remember.
2) Go to the Windows Control Panel and open "Add/Remove Software"
3) Find the ATI driver and display panel and remove them
4) Reboot your computer
5) At this time you should be in VGA mode. Make sure your are.
6) The run the file you downloaded from ATI. It will install the drivers.
7) Reboot, and you should be done.