When did you purchase TIVO?
December 2002.
How often do you use it?
Wife uses it every day.
What are the advantages of TIVO?
It's all saved to a hard drive. No flipping through video tapes to find what you taped or fast-forwarding through a tape to find what you taped. And if you are watching something and 35 minutes into the show you decide you really like the show, you can hit record and it'll save the entire show (starting from the beginning) [because it's technically recording anything you are viewing anyway.]
Oh yeah, so when you come home everything is ready for you to view and you can just skip the commercials.
What are the disadvantages of TIVO?
I no longer get to watch t.v. 'cause it's wife's domain. Sometimes I come out to watch t.v. and the wife is recording something and with our setup, you can't watch something on another channel when it's recording. (Though I can watch a DVD, something already recorded to TIVO or play Gamecube.)