..till it's over, and our boys and girls are home.
Today, I was shamelessly spilling tears.. after many a false start, after wearing the uniform of my country while she staggered through the miasma of southeast asia, after losing faith in my leaders and my government and after growing long in the tooth and short of temper.. it has finally happened.
We did something 'wrong' and from the 'wrongness' of pre-emptive war, a rightness, a good deed; done grandly; on a stage vast and foriegn.. a great nation has reached through the uncertainty and disdain of international politics and freed a people from the yoke of a murdering dictator. Once again, America and her allies can stand tall, our young people have their 'great deed'.. we have another 'greatest generation'. Good on them.. good on us.. good onto all who stood with us.
Today, more than any day in a long long time... I am proud to say, I am an American.
But.. it's not over.
Lets get the boys 'n girls back here, so we can show 'em we appreciate their professionalisim, their courage and their sacrafice. Lets get 'em re-armed, retrained, and get 'em ready to go again.
Because, boys 'n girls... it's not over. This is just the beginning..