Author Topic: Help with editing sounds!  (Read 996 times)

Offline jpv4077

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Help with editing sounds!
« on: April 19, 2003, 01:15:01 PM »
I looked in the sounds folder but all it has is the .wav files- there is no directory. How do I go about changing the sounds for a specific aircraft?  Also I get a static sound over the speakers when I am in a climb, steep decent or hard banked turn-is that normal or do I need to change something with my sound card?

Offline buzkill

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Help with editing sounds!
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2003, 05:43:11 PM »
aces high didn't come with folders for each plane. just down load Mitsu's sound pack and viola;)
(i just moved the link to the top)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2003, 05:45:32 PM by buzkill »

Offline WhiteHawk

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Help with editing sounds!
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2003, 01:50:15 PM »
jp,  buzkill is right.  Ah download comes with generic sounds.
  the code looks first for folders in the sound directory for the
particular plane.   if none exist, they refer to the default.
  For example, navigate to
C:\Program Files\HTC\aces High\sounds and make a
folder called 109f4.  Then in the 109f4 folder, you can
make and store your files that you want to be specific to the
109f4 plane.  You can do this for every plane and vehicle in the
game, you just have to be certain you have the proper
plane folder in the sounds file.  For example, 109f-4 wont
work, it has to be 109f4.  Also, the file for engines is eng.wav.
  Just for practice, create your 109f4 folder,  then copy your favorite engine .wav file and save it as
c:\program files\htc\aces high\sounds\109f4\eng.wav and then
fly the 109f4.  You'll get the hang of it
For a list of the plane folder names,
you can check your settings file in Aces high.
  Sound packs are available, but I prefer to make my own
sounds to how I think the plane should sound as opposed to
historical accuracey.
  MS combat flight simulator has sounds that are compatable
to Aces High, if you dont want to get a edit/mix program, you
can just copy a MS sound and paste it to the appropriate place
with the approriate file name.
  It really does add a flavor to the game and making your own sounds is a bunch of fun.  