Author Topic: Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar  (Read 5897 times)

Offline beet1e

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2003, 03:00:32 AM »
Originally posted by funkedup
Nobody is questioning or impeding his right to make movies.  All they are doing is pointing out to the Academy that according to the Academy's own rules, the content of Moore's film was not appropriate for the category in which it won an award.  

I read the web page. You are wrong. They are not just "pointing out to the Academy that according to the Academy's own rules, the content of Moore's film was not appropriate for the category in which it won an award." They want to revoke the award. The site refers to this link:

I don't see the gun lobby getting involved in the analysis of the rights and wrongs of any other award, so why should they try to have Moore's Oscar revoked?

Storm in a tea cup, guys. Get over it. At the end of the day... who cares? I think the whole debacle is hilarious in the extreme!  :D:D
« Last Edit: April 29, 2003, 03:02:57 AM by beet1e »

Offline Mini D

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2003, 09:07:22 AM »
Umm... beet1e... you need to stop acting like such a love muffin just because it suits you so well.

I don't believe anyone is calling for a ban on the movie.  Nor is he even being sued for liable.  Its a matter of wether the film was based on truth or not.  Its as simple as that.

The data being presented by the web page and its links has not been adressed by you nor anyone else on the other side of the fence because you seem to acknowledge that portions of the movie were made up, based on lies or were simply wrong.  Really... I've not seen a single thing from any of you refuting that.

Nor have I seen a single thing saying that Michael Moore should be put in jail for making the film, should have to give all the money he made off of the film back, or that the film should be pulled off of the shelves.

Someone is questioning its validity as a documentary.  That is all.  No "freedom of speech" issues for you to deal with here... just a hornets nest for you and your love muffin attitude to stir up.


Offline narsus

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2003, 09:33:18 AM »
Ok the problem with saying a movie is fact when it is really fiction, too many people believe what the see on the boob tube and follow others opinions (herd mentality).

1. Did Moore have the right to make the movie?

2. Was is a documentary?
here is the definition

A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.

Moore's film follows all the guidlines except for being factual in some instances.

3. Do people have the right to ask for the revoking of the Oscar?

4. Why should we care?
For the simpleton's in this country, ie. people who believe in the Edwards psychic guy for instance, will believe anything they see on TV, if the Academy Awards says Bowling is fact people will believe it is fact.

What if a "documentary" came out and said Hitler was justified in killing 6 million Jews?
Do any of you have any doubt that a fairly large number of people would bellieve it?

Offline midnight Target

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2003, 09:42:54 AM »
Its time to face the music!

I say we all protest the Patsy Awards given to that lying sack-o-crap -  Lassie!

Lassie my eye! Laddy in drag is what HE was! It was all a farce I tell ya!

Sign up here at

Offline beet1e

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2003, 11:59:31 AM »
Hehe, MiniD is calling me a love muffin and all is well in the world. :) At least it shows he's still reading my posts. I am touched. ;)

SOB - if you cannot download it from Kazaa as I did, I'd be glad to send you the movie on a CD via airmail. Might be quicker than trying to download it - lol.

Narsus, your list is incomplete. In addition to 3, there should be a question asking "should the academy feel obliged to rescind its decision to award Moore his Oscar, given the pressure coming from certain groups of people?". And the answer should be "Nope".

As for point 4, ROFL. You want TV to be sanitised in such a way that everything shown is a true reflection of real life?  If you did that to American TV there'd be nothing left! I personally blame TV for the false expectations many people have of their daily lives. They see homicide detectives solving cases in 50 minutes. They see soap operas in which every man is handsome and every woman is stunning, and think that's the way the world really is - except where they are. They might see war films in which good triumphs over evil in all of 3 hours -  and then wonder why coalition forces in Iraq, whose land area is greater than  California, cannot find WMD in two short weeks. Yes, the simpletons are swayed by TV, but not just by Moore's movie. For you to single that out indicates bias, and you clearly have an axe to grind. Because if you're serious about sanitising TV for the sake of the simpletons of the world, you'll need to do more than revoke Moore's Oscar.

Speaking of bias, I still think the gun lobby has got its head up its arse on this one. Just look at that website. It analyses the figures presented by Moore compared with figures from their own sources, and uses the discrepancies in an attempt to discredit Moore and his movie. Look at the comment for Australia - an entire paragraph given to debating a discrepancy of 1. Was it 65? Or was it only 64? :confused: Maybe it was 66! :rolleyes: I'll reproduce the page here as best I can, and continue my post after it.

And yet I can produce figures showing a 25 year period in which there were more than 300,000 gun related homicides in the US! Think about that for a moment. That's the equivalent of the entire city where I was born being wiped out by gun crime in 25 years! :eek:

And what does the NRA/gun lobby have to say about this? - Big fat NOTHING. And what do the gun lobbyists on this BBS have to say about this? Not much. I have seen the gun crime death tally of America dismissed as a "pittance", and "a price worth paying to maintain freedom and the right to bear arms".  Or "most of those homicides were of blacks by other blacks". (Great - does that mean it doesn't matter?) Or "many of those gun homicides were committed by criminals against other criminals". Oh well that's all right then - except if you get caught in the crossfire, as happened to some unfortunate teenage girls attending a party at a hair salon in England not long ago.

So there you have it. 300,000 gun homicides in a 25 year period are dismissed as a "pittance", and yet here in the anti-Moore website we see people arguing over a double digit stat, a discrepancy of ONE, and the supposed wrongul ownership of a freaking 12 inch statuette. There isn't a rolleyes icon big enough to express my feeling about that.

Get a sense of proportion already!

Offline Mini D

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2003, 12:05:20 PM »
My god beet1e... was the only real fault you could find with it that you feel they over reacted to a discrepancy?

Do you have any idea how ironic that is?


Offline beet1e

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2003, 12:07:47 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
was the only real fault you could find with it that you feel they over reacted to a discrepancy?
No, I could have gone and on, but I like to keep my posts as brief as possible. ;):D

Offline Mini D

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2003, 12:12:20 PM »
No.. you couldn't have gone on.  That pretty much defines you beet1e.  You are incapable of supporting the bs you spew, and thus are aptly labeled a love muffin.


Offline beet1e

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2003, 12:21:15 PM »
No bullshit, MiniD. I have all the docs that were used in other threads - all derived from government data. What have you got, apart from a stiff wrist?

Offline Mini D

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2003, 12:42:28 PM »
LOL! ya.. sure you do beet1e.  sure you do.

That's why you have to go to the "freedom of speech" card so often.  Even when it doesn't apply.

You can very easily prove me wrong beet1e, instead you choose to prove me right.  The ball's in your court.. so put up or shut up... or continue being a love muffin.


Offline Mini D

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2003, 12:45:41 PM »
BTW beet1e... we have a saying (as does the rest of the world): "Based on a true story".  Basically, don't concern yourself with finding where the movie was accurate, that's not really what's being adressed by the web site linked in this thread.  Find the data that proves those highlighting inaccuracies wrong.

"They over reacted" is not showing them wrong.  Technically, the movie itself can be defined as an over reaction depending on who is looking at it.  All you've really done is call someone that found a discrepancy with an over reaction "over reacting".

Damn.. you are truly a peice of work.


Offline funkedup

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2003, 12:49:18 PM »
And yet I can produce figures showing a 25 year period in which there were more than 300,000 gun related homicides in the US! Think about that for a moment. That's the equivalent of the entire city where I was born being wiped out by gun crime in 25 years!  

And what does the NRA/gun lobby have to say about this? - Big fat NOTHING. And what do the gun lobbyists on this BBS have to say about this? Not much. I have seen the gun crime death tally of America dismissed as a "pittance", and "a price worth paying to maintain freedom and the right to bear arms". Or "most of those homicides were of blacks by other blacks". (Great - does that mean it doesn't matter?) Or "many of those gun homicides were committed by criminals against other criminals". Oh well that's all right then - except if you get caught in the crossfire, as happened to some unfortunate teenage girls attending a party at a hair salon in England not long ago.

So there you have it. 300,000 gun homicides in a 25 year period are dismissed as a "pittance", and yet here in the anti-Moore website we see people arguing over a double digit stat, a discrepancy of ONE, and the supposed wrongul ownership of a freaking 12 inch statuette. There isn't a rolleyes icon big enough to express my feeling about that.

Get a sense of proportion already!

Translation:  It's OK to lie if it's for a good cause.

Offline BGBMAW

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #42 on: April 29, 2003, 01:32:07 PM »
hes a fukn dirtbag..  i would virtually stab along with the completly idiotic-morons like Blitz-weazel and i guess beetle guys support some true poor excuse for a human flesh bags..Soddom-Chirac-Moore-Streisand-Fonda-and a bunch mor morons...

fuk spelling ..and burn uin hellL:)

my hand id brokn so  i reaaly hate u noiw:D
Love BiGB

o yaa i signed it

LONG LIVE the NRA..the 2nd Amen is what protects the First

Offline akak

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2003, 01:37:23 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e

Seems to me that America champions the right to freedom of speech/freedom of thought - but only if you happen to be in agreement with the "majority", by which I mean the most vociferous group to have an opinion on the issue.  

Fortunately the NRA doesn't speak for the majority of the Americans but unfortunately they are amongst the loudest whiners in the States and sometimes people think they do speak for the American people.  NRA and the gun lobby think if they scream the loudest they speak for the majority.


Offline beet1e

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Help revoke Bowling for Columbine's Oscar
« Reply #44 on: April 29, 2003, 04:39:07 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
BTW beet1e... we have a saying (as does the rest of the world): "Based on a true story".  Basically, don't concern yourself with finding where the movie was accurate, that's not really what's being adressed by the web site linked in this thread.  Find the data that proves those highlighting inaccuracies wrong.

"They over reacted" is not showing them wrong.  Technically, the movie itself can be defined as an over reaction depending on who is looking at it.  All you've really done is call someone that found a discrepancy with an over reaction "over reacting".

Damn.. you are truly a peice of work.

Mini, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. FWIW, I didn't take the movie that seriously myself. After all those threads with Lazs and Toad, I'd done one hell of a lot of stats research, and I noticed right away that Moore's figures did not quite tally with the ones I'd found. Eg 11,127 gun homicides, but what the hey - some years the tally was 13,000+. Here in the relatively gun free Royal Free State of Limeyland, we never have had more than 100 gun homicides in a year - actual figure closer to 60. So who cares if America's total was 7000, 9000, 13000, ...or 11,127. No-one. We get the message. Only the pro-gun-discredit-Moore-at-all-costs-hair-splitting-turn-it-around-self-appointed-academy-awards-board-of-adjudication-wannabe-oh-my-god-300000-gun-homicides-in-25-years-what-the-hell-can-we-say-about-that-guess-i'll-just-sit-on-my-cold-dead-hands gun nuts need to scrutinise Moore's movie to such an extent to have various websites dedicated to just that.

Speaking for myself, I was content to watch it, and observe a few new angles on an old debate. It is YOU who are getting bent out of shape, entering into the machinations of the Academy, its rules, its definitions.

Put your money where your mouth is, MiniD. Go and contribute a few $ to the making of that forthcoming pro-NRA film that Hardy wants to make. I'll watch that too. And I couldn't give a stuff whether it wins an academy award or not.

You can piss off now.

And when you've done that, piss off again. :D