Author Topic: Just another war story  (Read 337 times)

Offline GrimCO

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Just another war story
« on: May 11, 2003, 09:45:11 PM »
Both sides of my family are immigrants to the United States. On my father's side, my grandparents were born in Germany. On my mother's side, my grandparents were born in Holland and Finland.

I don't consider myself a "German American" or a "Dutch American" or a "Finnish American". I am just an American, with an immense amount of pride partly due to what my grandparents accomplished by coming here.

Lately, I've heard a bunch of country bashing going back and forth, and admittedly, I've bought into it once or twice myself. However, I try to make educated decisions for the most part, and don't hate one person or another because of where they're from, even if I disagree with their country's politics.

At any rate, here is one reason I'm proud of where I'm from.

My great uncle immigrated to the United States from Germany with his sister (my grandmother) and his parents when he was 12. He joined the United States Army Air Corps and became a B-17 pilot during WWII. His first mission was to bomb the town in which he was born in Germany. Although I still feel that this was too much to ask of any human being, he did his duty without fail or reservation because in his own words: "Hitler had to be stopped at all costs". He told me later in life it was much harder for him than he let on, and he prayed for forgivness after the bombardier called "bombs away". Although I believe in God, I'm not overly religious. But I believe I would have done the same thing if I was in his shoes.

At any rate, he was shot down while returning from a bombing run near Bastogne during the Battle of the Buldge on his 12th mission. He lost three crewmembers and was severely injured himself, ending his tour as a bomber pilot.

He died about 12 years ago, but I still consider him a hero and share his beliefs that the United States was engaged in a just cause. Still having relatives in Germany, I don't believe my viewpoint of the United States is overly tainted. I love this country, and am insulted anytime anyone bashes it's citizens.

Living here, I can tell you that the vast majority of Americans are not war mongers. We just can't stand the thought of the helpless being preyed upon, and we are strong enough to do something about it. This is mostly due to the fact that ALL Americans have family ties to other countries (unless they're American Indian). Some of which have been opressed by totalitarian dictatorships in the past.

I don't always agree with my President, but I firmly believe in the American ideology. No one will ever convince me otherwise.

Online Maverick

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Just another war story
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2003, 12:02:52 AM »

to your Dad. He WAS a hero for what he did in the times that he lived in. He understood duty, honor and country even though the performance of that duty hurt him deeply. Cherish your memories of him.
A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Offline GrimCO

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Just another war story
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2003, 08:38:10 AM »
Thanks Maverick,

His understanding this even though he initially came from another country is what makes me so proud. It's a reflection of what America is really about, and he understood it completely and whole heartedly.

Offline Syzygyone

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Not JUST another war story!
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2003, 09:04:46 AM »
A heartfelt slaute to your grandfather .  
It's not JUST another war story.  It is the very heart and soul of being American.  Sacrifice of self for the good of the many.  It is tales such as your grandfather's that have led me to instill in my children a deep and abiding need to accomplish as much as they possibly can with their lives.  We, who have benefited from thier sacrifice, must  not waste ANY opportunity they have insured for us.  Anything less dishonors those who have faught and died for the future of free people!

Offline GrimCO

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Just another war story
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2003, 04:06:46 PM »
Thanks Syzy,

I firmly believe in the statement "youth is wasted on the young".

Being older, I understand a lot more of life's twists and turns, and wish I had wised up a lot sooner than I did. I was fairly happy go lucky as a kid and never gave much thought to what my family had accomplished in their past. Now, it's quite a different story, but I wish I had taken things a little more seriously sooner than I did.

Fortunately, it's never too late  :-)

Offline Hangtime

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Just another war story
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2003, 04:38:06 PM »
My Father, Uncle, and Grandfather all fought in the second world war. My Dad and Granddad were Navy.. my father got to serve under my grandfather in the same LST on D-Day.. Granddad was the skipper. Grandad also served in the First World War... on Destroyers in the North Atlantic.

My uncle had no sons.. I was his surrogate kid. I grew up listening to his fighter pilot stories from the War.. he flew late in the war, in P-51's. Shot down 2 trucks, several trains and a tree. The guy was a real character, a superb pilot by all accounts.. his big war regret was being stuck stateside while all the action was on in europe.. as an instructor.

From my generation, my brother and I served in Vietnam.. him in the Navy in the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, me 6 years later in the mud and reeds of the Mekong with the 9th Infantry. When we get together and talk it's intresting.. like we were in two diffrent wars.

None of our kids joined the service.. something we both regret. We had a conversation about 2 weeks back and the subject of Iraq came up. He's very proud of his service tours, me somewhat less so, but we do share this in common.. we're damn proud of our current counterparts in the modern military. We both agree.. there's a new 'americas greatest generation' comming up.. and the next 10 years will be buzy ones for our brethern in uniforms.

Whats to come? well, it won't be a war like we fought, and it won't be the war our forfathers fought.. but it won't be any less a trial by fire for our young servicemen and women than it was for those who've gone before.

Grim, rub yer dad's dog tags for me!
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline GrimCO

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Just another war story
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2003, 04:52:34 PM »
LOL Hang,

I have em hanging in a display case along with his wings and medals. I occasionally take them out and give them a feel. Kind of corny, but it makes me feel connected in a way.

Those old war stories are great. I think most of the old geezers who were overseas back then were characters. My favorite story from my uncle is when they used to steal kegs of beer from the pub up the road. They'd take them back to the barracks the back way by rolling them down a hill. One guy slipped and got run over by the keg, breaking his leg. Try explaining that one to your CO!

I've also spoken to my friend's father who was a stuka pilot for the Luftwaffe. Got one of his landing gear shot off somewhere over France, and flew over a farmer's fence and knocked the other one off in a sideslip so he could make a belly landing at his base... LOL   German or American, those old guys sure do have some stories.

Offline Syzygyone

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Just another war story
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2003, 05:16:16 PM »
Originally posted by Hangtime
we do share this in common.. we're damn proud of our current counterparts in the modern military. We both agree.. there's a new 'americas greatest generation' comming up.. and the next 10 years will be buzy ones for our brethern in uniforms.

Whats to come? well, it won't be a war like we fought, and it won't be the war our forfathers fought.. but it won't be any less a trial by fire for our young servicemen and women than it was for those who've gone before.

Well said!  As has been stated, this last war was skillfully planned, tenaciously fought, and humanely prosecuted.  

I am grateful that there will be another generation of young people, rising up into positions of leaderhsip, who will have the wisdom that can only come form having been blooded in war.